Who Gets the Ring?

There was some discussion a while back on engagement rings, and who should get it back when the engagement dissolves. Just more info on that....

Engagement's off -- who gets the ring? - CNN.com

# Story Highlights
# Who gets the ring if engagement called off is not clear
# Laws on property, contracts differ by states
# Some say family heirloom rings should go back to families
# Engagement rings lose value in resale


Where are my pants?
If he breaks the engagement, she should get to keep the ring.

If she breaks the engagement, she should return the ring.

If it's a mutual decision, I'm of the opinion that she should return the ring.


It's a Jeep thang!
Why would the girl want it?

Personally, yes, i am biased, I think give it back.

I would not re-gift it either. I would either sell it or see what the jeweler can do for me.
Why would the girl want it?

Personally, yes, i am biased, I think give it back.

I would not re-gift it either. I would either sell it or see what the jeweler can do for me.

:lmao: I was kidding about the re-gift, but I did take mine back (even tho it was 20 married years later). Been trying to sell it, but can't get the same price I paid for it, so it sits in a safe box until such time that I can figure out it's best recourse.
My Ex-fiance broke up with me about 4 months before the wedding. I tried to give the ring back so that he could have the full bridal set in exchange for his wedding band. He wouldn't take the engage ment ring and he wouldnt give me his wedding band. So I took my engagement ring up to the jewlery store and had the diamond set into a necklace that I can still use on special ocassions. No sense in letting a 1/2 caret heart shaped diamond solitare collect dust in a jewlery box.