Who has the best avatar?


Originally posted by tatercake
But I gave you a siggy line! :whip: And don't you forget it! :nono:

Runner-up :shrug:

Find me a sportbike .gif with him going around a turn and I might change my mind :biggrin:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by dustin
Crap I just remembered T.C. gave me my avatar too.....

it says "monkeybikes" :shrug:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by PFgal
Vrai has the best avatar...and I don't think that just because I found it for her. :lol:

It was supposed to be mine. :tantrum Her Patsy av is way better than mine. :bawl:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by SamSpade
Can you post it?

I just checked the guy's site I got it from and he doesn't have it up there anymore. He updates his almost monthly, I think. :ohwell:

But if it's the one I had a while back as crabcake, it was the one everyone thought was ponytail dancing in a towel. :lol:


But wait, there's more...
Quick! Someone tell me if that pic I just posted IS a monkey in a car and NOT someone eating :gossip: like last night! :frown: