Saratoga, CA before the 408 area code.Jenny's number was 867-5309 that's all they provide from the song.
What is the age or regional, year when they stopped naming the lines? I don't remember it and I was born in "58.
Saratoga, CA before the 408 area code.Jenny's number was 867-5309 that's all they provide from the song.
What is the age or regional, year when they stopped naming the lines? I don't remember it and I was born in "58.
Mine was JUniper 9 in Silver Spring.Jupiter JU7-6010 Takoma Park
Out I-8 past SDSU, between San Carlos, Lemon Grove, the Cajon Zone. I remember when it was all 619. All of it.LA (La Mesa, suburb in San Diego)
Mid 70s for my area. They created new exchanges without names for touchstone phones since the old exchanges were not compatible. Afterwards the use of the exchange names just sort of faded away.Jenny's number was 867-5309 that's all they provide from the song.
What is the age or regional, year when they stopped naming the lines? I don't remember it and I was born in "58.
There's another San Carlos in SoCal?Out I-8 past SDSU, between San Carlos, Lemon Grove, the Cajon Zone. I remember when it was all 619. All of it.
Was that near Carr's farm?3106 (Annapolis) party line
As far as I know, there's only one, but maybe?There's another San Carlos in SoCal?
There is, just south of San Francisco. Next to San Mateo, where I used to live.As far as I know, there's only one, but maybe?
YesWas that near Carr's farm?