Who stole my balls.........


No Longer the Kid
elaine said:
Dear SBK,

Please come to my house and collect your balls. They're everywhere, and FB is still laughing his arse off.


Ill be their during lunch time to collect :yay:


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Softballkid said:
So I was golfing yesterday, and Bresamil was going to leave me a dozen balls hanging on her fence, well needless to say, I get around to the hole she lives on, and their ALL GONE...NO WHERE TO BE FOUND....

So....the question at hand today is : Who stole my balls :bubble:

I played there yesterday also but was too busy playing with my own balls to worry about grabbing anyone else's balls....:whistle:


tired and content....
Softballkid said:
Heartless is not the word, it hurts so bad that someone stole my balls, it left me speechless after I noticed they werent their.... I could have cried :whimpers:

there, there :poorbaby:


New Member
Softballkid said:
So I was golfing yesterday, and Bresamil was going to leave me a dozen balls hanging on her fence, well needless to say, I get around to the hole she lives on, and their ALL GONE...NO WHERE TO BE FOUND....

So....the question at hand today is : Who stole my balls :bubble:

You will have full amnesty if you return them in the baggy, and in shape that they were, she has given me year, make, model and manufacturing numbers of all balls in the baggy...

Please contact me if you stole my balls..

Thank you


I took your balls...well at least thats what some people think. Not saying names...Tanning thread :whistle: