Who to contact in St. Mary's Co...


Just me
About 4 years ago, we bought a building lot, intending to put a house on it eventually. It had a good perc for a mound system and we were in no hurry. Since then, we've bought a house and put the lot on the market. We were told it needed another perc. It just failed that one, so we're stuck with an acre and a half of worthless dirt. Unless sewers are going into the neighborhood.

So, who can I call to find out when/if that may happen?

Anybody wanna buy a lot?
FairyChatMom said:
About 4 years ago, we bought a building lot, intending to put a house on it eventually. It had a good perc for a mound system and we were in no hurry. Since then, we've bought a house and put the lot on the market. We were told it needed another perc. It just failed that one, so we're stuck with an acre and a half of worthless dirt. Unless sewers are going into the neighborhood.

So, who can I call to find out when/if that may happen?

Anybody wanna buy a lot?
It didn't perc at all? How could it perc before but not now? If it percs I'm interesed :howdy:


New Member
FairyChatMom said:
About 4 years ago, we bought a building lot, intending to put a house on it eventually. It had a good perc for a mound system and we were in no hurry. Since then, we've bought a house and put the lot on the market. We were told it needed another perc. It just failed that one, so we're stuck with an acre and a half of worthless dirt. Unless sewers are going into the neighborhood.

So, who can I call to find out when/if that may happen?

Anybody wanna buy a lot?
You should call Mr. Bribe :yay:


I am so very blessed
Wait until ground conditions are more receptive to receiving and properly draining water. If the 2nd perc test was done recently, the ground is already saturated from the snow and rain we've had. Wait until the ground dries up a bit and try another perc test. You may have more successful results at a later date.


Just me
BadGirl said:
Wait until ground conditions are more receptive to receiving and properly draining water.
The test was done today, and we were told that the tests have to be done in the wet season. Which makes sense - you don't want your mound overflowing if it rains a bunch.

The killer is, we had a builder who really wanted this lot, but he wanted to be sure he could get all the permits. Which he can't now. So we not only lose a nice profit, we're stuck with this lot until such time as sewers go in. IF they ever do.

I am not happy.


On 1 and half acre... did they do perk test at various spots or just one spot? I have seen perk test being done on many spots to get better idea of where to put the septic field.

Do not give up hope. If your property does not perk, read this article(bottom).


If it passed the a perc before - did you record a plat with the perc test sites? If so you shouldn't have had to do another test. I agree that you should try more than 3 holes on the lot. But if you want to know about sewers contact Metcomm at 301-373-4733. You can also contact the Health Dept about possible alternative systems and how that works. While the article Searide linked to has some good advice he is also located in Michigan and the requirements may be different in MD.


BadGirl said:
Wait until ground conditions are more receptive to receiving and properly draining water. If the 2nd perc test was done recently, the ground is already saturated from the snow and rain we've had. Wait until the ground dries up a bit and try another perc test. You may have more successful results at a later date.
:yeahthat: Have a second perc done this summer, not when the ground is so saturated with rain and snow. Nothing will perc around here this time of year.


Just me
Vince said:
Have a second perc done this summer, not when the ground is so saturated with rain and snow. Nothing will perc around here this time of year.
Yeah, but the county requires the percs be done in Feb, Mar, and April...


Not too talkative
St Mary's county announced, the other day, that the end of the season for perc tests this year will be March 16th


Just me
alex said:
If it passed the a perc before - did you record a plat with the perc test sites?
We have the record of the good perc, but since it was done, the county changed the rules and they now require multiple good percs. According to our realtor, a lot of folks who bought property in CRE are in the same situation as I am. DIfferent county, but same issues - controlling growth, I guess, or limiting growth to entire developments??? Dunno.

Thanks for the phone number - I'll call them tomorrow. I fear sewers are my only hope now.



New Member
FairyChatMom said:
The test was done today, and we were told that the tests have to be done in the wet season. Which makes sense - you don't want your mound overflowing if it rains a bunch.

The killer is, we had a builder who really wanted this lot, but he wanted to be sure he could get all the permits. Which he can't now. So we not only lose a nice profit, we're stuck with this lot until such time as sewers go in. IF they ever do.

I am not happy.

But when the sewers go in you will have made a good investment.


You're all F'in Mad...
Where is the property? (General area, or road, etc...)

A 1 acre buildable lot is worth about $90,000 (today) in St. Mary's County. Make sure you get your money's worth...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Vince said:
:yeahthat: Have a second perc done this summer, not when the ground is so saturated with rain and snow. Nothing will perc around here this time of year.
My lot passed the perc test in early Feb. Two holes, total perc time was 16mins 42secs.
When applying for a perc test, make sure to pay for both types of test at first. If you pass the first test (multiple holes) you get refunded the money for the second test.


Just me
Oz said:
Where is the property? (General area, or road, etc...)
We've got 1.66 acres on Oak Dr just off the intersection of 4 and 235. We had a very good offer on it, contingent on the perc...

I'm waiting on a call back about the perc and possible future plans for sewers. The property is actually 2 lots, and I suppose we could sell them separately if there were sewers. I wouldn't mind holding on if such a thing is planned.

Still, I had counted on closing on the deal soon and applying the proceeds to stuff around our house. At least we aren't counting on building and living there any more. If we were still living on our boat, I'd be really unhappy about now.


You're all F'in Mad...
FairyChatMom said:
We've got 1.66 acres on Oak Dr just off the intersection of 4 and 235. We had a very good offer on it, contingent on the perc...

If it's two lots, and you can get two percs, then you've really got some gold there.

If you already have a contract, and it's not at least $90k per acre, you better hope that it doesn't perc because you've sold your land too cheap.

Do you know the zoning on the property?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
FairyChatMom said:
What do you mean by "both types"? What types of tests are there?
There is the regular (non mound perc) and a different one for a mound system. I think all applicants for perc tests should be advised of this, it does increase the odds a bit. Try to reapply now and see if you can get in before the deadline. Good luck!