Dream Stealer
And why the heellllllll would you want to?
Ban on Photos During Delivery Upsets Some Moms-to-Be -
Umm. I have no desire for ANYONE to have a video camera anywhere NEAR me while giving birth...and have no earthly idea why anyone would. I mean..I find it highly unlikely I will ever "forget" that day..and feel no need to have it documented.
I worked at frederick Memorial (mentioned in the article) and remember people talking about the incident they mention..and that to me is insane. Why the hell you would have a camera in a birth is beyond me..much less in a difficult one, or to continue to try to film once it becomes evident there is something going on.
I am ALLLLL about video camera bans, and see no problem with having a five minutes after birth rule to start taking still shots.
So. Who has a video of themselves giving birth?
Ban on Photos During Delivery Upsets Some Moms-to-Be -
Umm. I have no desire for ANYONE to have a video camera anywhere NEAR me while giving birth...and have no earthly idea why anyone would. I mean..I find it highly unlikely I will ever "forget" that day..and feel no need to have it documented.
I worked at frederick Memorial (mentioned in the article) and remember people talking about the incident they mention..and that to me is insane. Why the hell you would have a camera in a birth is beyond me..much less in a difficult one, or to continue to try to film once it becomes evident there is something going on.
I am ALLLLL about video camera bans, and see no problem with having a five minutes after birth rule to start taking still shots.
So. Who has a video of themselves giving birth?