I bowl overhand
NOT me! Hellll no. Not only that, with Thing2 (Portsmouth Naval Med. Ctr) the DOCTOR kept insisting that I wanted the mirror strategically placed so I wouldn't regret missing the blessed event later in life. I had to nearly turn Linda Blair demonic on him in order to make him understand I wanted no parts of it.
A friend of mine has a son who's GF just had a baby in the summer. I declare - their entire HS graduating class attended or visited within 4 hours of that birth! They needed a revolving door on the maternity ward. Sheesh.
I was in the Portsmouth Navy Medial Clinic, but I'm betting it wasn't the same one.
Had my chin sewed back on there when i was about 7 or 8.. but I'm betting my Portsmouth was further North then your Portsmouth.
And as to videos of the birth?? NOT.. The conception?? That would be OK..
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