Who you choose to hang out with can cost you your life


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Also being 3 times above the legal level of intoxication doesn't make for making good decisions.

I doubt this woman was able to consent to anything. I'm sure the lawyer is going to make her look incredibly unflattering and promiscous.



Resident PIA
Also being 3 times above the legal level of intoxication doesn't make for making good decisions.

I doubt this woman was able to consent to anything. I'm sure the lawyer is going to make her look incredibly unflattering and promiscous.
Supposedly that's not allowed, but you bet they will.
Got to wonder who was around and pushing the booz.
That's a lot of alcohol, If she was upright at 0.08, she's a trooper, 0.16 probably nodding off, but 0.24 she's not walking or talking


Well-Known Member
You might be surprised, had a friend pulled over and got a DUI, he blew a 0.3, the cop said "holy crap I wasn't sure you was even over the limit". He was quite the drunk though.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I hit that BAC level once in college. I passed out in a snow bank. Luckily friends were watching out for me.
6 of them carried me back to my dorm and left me in a stall next to the commode.
Likewise, in a friends yard, during a snowstorm.

It's good to have friends that watch your back. :lmao: