whos better


I bowl overhand
Re: Gifted Children

Originally posted by cityboy
From what I have read, most of you think you have gifted children and their "falling through the cracks". I think parents need to fess up to the truth, not all of your children are gifted, they might just need some disciplin from they're parents. Stop calling them gifted and start calling them for what they really are, spoiled brats.:biggrin:

Quite contraire... if he was a discipline problem he'd be getting ALL the attention.. BUT he's a good kid that would give someone the shirt off his back if you were cold, which lends him to be taken advantage of, and picked on... After three months of getting picked on last year, and getting no response from his teachers, I told him not to take it, to stand up for himself... two days later the vice principal calls.. apparently he had enough and was sitting on the kids chest in the hallway yelling at him to stop picking on him. Gotta love him..


New Member
Re: Re: Gifted Children

Originally posted by Ehesef
That doesn't make any sense. The gifted kids aren't the ones with the behavioral problems. So how do you come to the conclusion that parents are spoiling their kids and that parents think that their little :dork: is gifted when he's not? How do you come to the conclusion that gifted kids aren't disciplined? :confused:

Ok, that's not what I'm saying. If they're children are falling through the cracks its because 1. there children are bad (not really gifted, sometimes parents are blind to their own childrens misbehaviors) 2. Because the parents are not spending enough time with their children and they don't care about school.

I know a lot of parents that think their children are angels but there really little hell raisers. Any child can succeed if they want to, and they have the parents to help them to achieve that goal. There are too many parents who feel its somebody elses problem to raise and teach their childrenl. Take responsibility of your children and help them with learning. It doesn't matter which school they go to, except Great Mills (I do agree with that), as long as a child has the support at home they will succeed.:smile:


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: Re: Re: Gifted Children

Originally posted by cityboy
Ok, that's not what I'm saying. If they're children are falling through the cracks its because 1. there children are bad (not really gifted, sometimes parents are blind to their own childrens misbehaviors) 2. Because the parents are not spending enough time with their children and they don't care about school.

I know a lot of parents that think their children are angels but there really little hell raisers. Any child can succeed if they want to, and they have the parents to help them to achieve that goal. There are too many parents who feel its somebody elses problem to raise and teach their childrenl. Take responsibility of your children and help them with learning. It doesn't matter which school they go to, except Great Mills (I do agree with that), as long as a child has the support at home they will succeed.:smile:
Angels and Hellraisers are not the same as Gifted and Average or Below-Average Students.


The Smart Hooker
As a graduate of GMHS (and I am not proud to really announce where I graduated) I do have to say that I always did pretty well in school and kept my grades up. However, I think GMHS sucks! It's hard to concentrate on your grades and school work when there is so much "drama" going on in the school. I'm sure there is alot of drama that goes on in every school but GMHS was pretty darn bad!

The teachers really didn't care to help the students that needed help or help them apply themselves and the staff all the way up to the Principle did nothing to correct the problems. One of the VP's would always write excuse notes or get the problem kids or the kids that had lower grades out of class just for the hell of it. No just cause. I know because I worked in the office while attending school. The kids would just sit in the VP's office and talk about crap.



New Member
Just be careful what you say about Great Mills. 14 people from my GM graduating class are teachers in St. Mary's schools. Must not be that bad, they could be teaching YOUR kid!


The Smart Hooker
They are not teaching my kids. First my one child isn't ready for school second I don't even live in ST. Mary's or Maryland anymore. Even if I did, I still wouldn't send them there.

My post was talking about incidents that happend 10 or more years ago. My neice and nephew go there and I have a family member that teaches there so I hear some of the horror stories.

My post did NOT put down ST. MARY'S county schools. It was directed towards ONE school.

BTW...In your previous post didn't you say yourself that you agreed that ST. Mary's wasn't the best? Now you say it can't be that bad???? :confused:
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