Who's going to win?

Who will win the 2012 Presidential Election?

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Lem Putt
Since we already have too many treads all talking about the same thing, I clicked a bogus answer.
Too early to predict... there are thousands of dead people who have yet to vote... give them time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm predicting Obama will take an early lead, until the republicans get off work.

gawd I hope I'm right.... :cds:

The TV 'feel' right now is just...funky. Team Obama's mouths made great fun yesterday and this morning about how Obama is off today and Mitt is looking for some sort of long shot by campaigning today. And now we find that Uncle Joe has been ordered off to Cleveland. Now, Rahm is guaranteeing PA for Obama, making pretzels about the Biden/Cleveland thing; they need to, we don't while ALSO pointing out that Obama is making calls in between basketball games.

Obviously, everyone has to exude confidence. However, it's just weird. I've been on record for two months that Mitt wins big, and why, and that is what is going to happen so, I am biased in saying this; it feels like Team Obama and Friends know it's lost and it's getting tough to hold up.

I mean, for more reasoning, consider, there is NO excitement whatsoever from the left about the House OR the Senate. There's not even phony talk about doing well in either. That's huge from the 'coat tail' angle so, even if he wins, Obama is, at best, right where he is the last two years, at worst, worse. That's just bleak for anyone on the left who is actually think in terms of anything past just winning.

Add to that that an Obama win means resurrection of the TEA party. There will be no, there can be no softening from the right. The belief that Obama is destroying the nation will not be mitigated even a little if he wins. Worse, if there are serious allegations of fraud and voter intimidation on the left, the health care battles will be tame compared to what is coming. Any joy for winning will be buried by the fact that so many people do not trust Obama's leadership, at all. The demands for and beginning of investigation of Benghazi and Fast and Furious will not be avoidable.

I think Obama will be rather relieved when this is all Mitt's problem starting tomorrow. He can NOT be even remotely happy at the prospects of four more years worse, far than the last two.

And one last 'happy' note; an Obama win likely means even MORE D losses mid term.

House of cards about to collapse. And, again, I ain't even close to convinced Mitt winning is a good thing. Whomever wins has ENORMOUS problems.



:cds: I cannot turn on the TV...

Don't tempt me. :nono: I have to make it to 7 p.m. maybe later.

I selected Obama, like Chasey, I just think he is going to win. I don't want that but so many Americans are idiots. The next 4 years are not going to be kind at all.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
More interesting anecdotal info:

Guess what, the ODP is blowing it in Cuyahoga County. Again.

You likely won't remember, but in 2010 this blog reported about the underwhelming turnout in Cuyahoga County and its effect on the Ohio governor's race.

Well, it's happening again.

Not too long ago, the Ohio Democratic Party showed their first sign of desperation in a tweet - calling out NE Ohio and begging for higher turnout.

Don't regret today! We need your help RIGHT NOW to boost turnout in NE Ohio and put Dems over the edge

Why the call out?

Because in-person voting in Cuyahoga was just at 23% at 5:00pm.

Let's look at the numbers.
Data from the Secretary of State showed 253,000 early votes already cast in Cuyahoga County.

23% of in-person voting using total registered Cuyahoga County voters from 2008 would be 255,595 votes for a total of around 508,000 votes.

In 2008, Cuyahoga ended up casting a little more than 678,000 votes.

That means that as of 5:00pm, Cuyahoga County is approximately 170,000 votes short of its 2008 total.

The best part? Reports are that suburban Cuyahoga is overperforming right now, so things may be even worse than these terrible numbers appear.

Ohio Democrat Party Chairman Chris Redfern. You blew it.

Third Base Politics: Guess what, the ODP is blowing it in Cuyahoga County. Again.