Being pedantic here...
The majority of EE peasants in the flat lands (not mountains or deserts) had a great amount of dairy foods — majority of the diet is based on dairy and grains. All three kinds of dairy, cow, goat, sheep. And lots and lots of it — as straight-up milk, cheese, sour cream, etc. EE peasant diet was very rich, but due to constant hard work, obesity was unheard of.
Of my peasant ancestors (3/4 of them), even the “poor” ones had at least 4-5 milk cows, plus a herd of milk goats and a herd of sheep. Womenfolk we’re constantly busy milking, and had hands of iron. Butter and cheese were invented to preserve dairy for the winter period, when the animals stop lactating and get pregnant for the spring.
That is, until the commies came and took it all away approx 100 years ago. Then the access got limited, same as with Slow Joe supply chain problems. The production is there, but it doesn’t get to the people.
And that’s where you hit the nail on the head — Mayo was shelf-stable, so replaced most of the traditional fresh dairy.