Why are we supposed to hate Russia anyway?


Well-Known Member
That's a real question.

I remember the Cold War and Russia was supposed to invade us and kill us all, but is Putin talking about doing that and I just missed it? Why exactly is Russia our enemy as opposed to any other dictator shithole? Hell, UKRAINE is a corrupt dictator shithole. I'd think China would be our biggest threat. Iran threatens us all the time. I haven't heard of Russia threatening us in probably 40 years.

Can anyone tell me?

It can't be about fighting for freedom because Eurotrash countries are Orwellian nightmares and they're considered an ally.

We aren't supposed to hate the Russians, but they make it so easy. Do you not remember the cold war? The Cuban missile crisis? Every conservative President in my lifetime has identified Russia (Or the Soviet Union as they once were) as America's biggest threat. Even dems who were less progressive realized it. Ukraine is not necessarily a friend, but more likely a tool to be used to weaken the evil empire. Reagan built us up militarily to destroy the Soviet Union, not to be their ally.

Ronald Reagan supplied Iraq with weapons during the 80's to fight against Iran. We didn't necessarily want to deal with Saddam Hussein, but Reagan's idea was to keep the battlefield even and let them both weaken themselves militarily. It was brilliant. Let two of our enemies weaken themselves. I believe that is what was happening with the Ukrainian/Russian war. I get that we should not keep pumping money into a war that does not concern us. But that money was well spent. It killed a lot of Russians and weakened both their military and their economy.

I don't know why Trump cares about the war between Ukraine and Russia. Just stop our money. Europe will keep funding it. Why care about stopping a war that is not killing any of our citizens? Why care about a war that is weakening our enemy? Just let it go.

And as far as Russia goes, every dead Russian and every weakening of their military is a good thing for America. They will always be a threat for 3000+ nuclear weapons. But if we weaken them both financially and militarily without actually putting our troops on the ground, it's a big win.


Well-Known Member
I feel like anyone who voted for Kamala Harris should never be allowed to vote again.

Seriously? That is fascism. Would you accept that when the democrats are back in control, and make no mistake...they will be back in total control in your lifetime, that they remove the ability for anyone who voted for President Trump to vote again?

That is not what this country was founded on. The people made their choice known in the election. Biden and his agenda were totally repudiated. In 2 years there will be mid term elections, in 4 a Presidential election. People will have their chance to make their feelings known. Everyone will have that chance. That is what our constitution spells out. Everyone gets a say.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Honestly, none of that makes me mad. Europe is its own worst enemy and it's time for them to get to the FO part. I don't see them as US allies. They're a globalist cabal on the take with no oversight. We've given them WAY more than they've ever given us and all they've ever done is criticize us. Look at how they're behaving now with this Trump/Zelenskyy dust up.
They should police their own. Really. The whole war in the Balkans SHOULD have never, ever involved us.
They only worry about the train coming down the tracks when it's ABOUT TO HIT THEIR ASS.


Well-Known Member
A-ha Comradess!!!! Saint Mary was right!!! You just exposed your Commie fascination and you are a plant, a bot, one of them things!!! I'll bet you are the 21st Century Natasha Fatale!!!! HA!!!



Well-Known Member
IMO the Europeans have enough trouble in their midst with illegal immigrants without getting into the Ukraine mess.
They may help Ukraine in the short term by supplying term by supplying them with money and a few weapons, but long term they will bail out.
Europeans are being slowly destroyed from within by Islamic's . A cancer that is metastasizing slowly but surely. We have to be sure it doesn't happen here because we have the disease also.
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Almost wonder if Zelensky is under some idea that with more support from Europe and the US - with troops - and planes. - and missiles -

That he can still WIN. Or at least fight to regain lost territory.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you not remember the cold war? The Cuban missile crisis?

I wasn't born yet for the Cuban missile crisis, but I'm aware of it.

So if I'm aware of WWII does that mean I should still hate the Germans and Japanese?

Should I hate anyone from the South because of the Civil War?

Should I hate England because of the Revolutionary War?

What's the statute of limitations on blanket hate? Supposedly NATO comprises our allies, but all I see is them working against us, then holding their hand out when they need some stuff.

I don't know why Trump cares about the war between Ukraine and Russia. Just stop our money. Europe will keep funding it. Why care about stopping a war that is not killing any of our citizens? Why care about a war that is weakening our enemy? Just let it go.

I don't think Trump does care. The invasion happened under Biden's watch and since then we've been bombarded with "I sUPpOrT uKRaInE 🤪" messaging nonstop from the Left. I'm thinking this dust up was a way for Trump to bow out and let the Europeans deal with it, as it should be. That, of course, makes him PUTIN'S PUPPET!! :jameo:

The mineral rights thing was a great deal for Ukraine and Zelenskyy's rejection of it just shows he doesn't really want the war to end. And why would he? He's getting paid big and can be President for Life. Because if the US had US companies in Ukraine mining, Putin wouldn't go in and upset that because THEN we'd go to war with him. Ukraine would be protected, the US would get something out of the deal, win/win. Z clearly doesn't want that, or else he's just that stupid.

I can't get emotionally involved in thug on thug action. Does nobody besides me remember that Joe Biden was knee-deep in Ukraine corruption?

4) Ukraine: Devon Archer joined the Burisma board of directors in spring of 2014 and was joined by Hunter Biden shortly thereafter. Hunter Biden joined the company as counsel, but after a meeting with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky in Lake Como, Italy, was elevated to the board of directors in the spring of 2014. Both Biden and Archer were each paid $1 million per year for their positions on the board of directors. In December 2015, after a Burisma board of directors meeting, Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden “called D.C.” in the wake of mounting pressures the company was facing. Zlochevsky was later charged with bribing Ukrainian officials with $6 million in an attempt to delay or drop the investigation into his company. The total amount from Ukraine to the Biden family and their associates is $6.5 million.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

That's a real question.

I remember the Cold War and Russia was supposed to invade us and kill us all, but is Putin talking about doing that and I just missed it? Why exactly is Russia our enemy as opposed to any other dictator shithole? Hell, UKRAINE is a corrupt dictator shithole. I'd think China would be our biggest threat. Iran threatens us all the time. I haven't heard of Russia threatening us in probably 40 years.

Can anyone tell me?

It can't be about fighting for freedom because Eurotrash countries are Orwellian nightmares and they're considered an ally.

You can't have a military industrial complex to enrich the grifters, (think USAID on steroids), without a peer-to-peer enemy. So, Russia, having a large enough and capable force was the enemy fed to the public for consumption via propaganda. Once they were declared the enemy by us, and we continued to expand and build up arsenal after arsenal, Russia did what any nation state would in such circumstance, the things necessary to counter any such possible actions taken against them. Of course it didn't help that Stalin was there after WWII. Then it was Khrushchev who denounced Stalin and embarked on a policy of de-Stalinization. He shifted from Stalin's policy of assuming war with the West was inevitable and instead advocated "peaceful coexistence,".

Not good enough for us. Of course, peaceful coexistence came with their own military buildup to counter ours prioritizing nuclear weapons over conventional forces, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis. In doing so, Russia, (then the USSR), of course, was deemed the bad guy. When your stated enemy is producing nuclear weapons and posting them in European countries basically at Russia's door step, what else does one do? With Gorbachev, and the falling of the Berlin wall, things were looking good. After the collapse of communist party under Yeltsin, and then the breakup of the USSR, it was pretty much a free for all before there was any stabilization. And still, there were the enemy. We still needed an enemy. Add NATO in the mix, and its constant expansion guided by our hands; to maintain and feed the military industrial complex. During all those years, there was plenty of fodder about Russia to manufacture fear in the minds of the people to keep Russia as the enemy. And here we are.

Now add in our proxy vassal country Ukraine, that we created under Obama in 2014 with a color revolution which overthrew their democratically elected government, installing our own. Later Ukraine decides, (or we did), to shell and bomb their own citizens in the Donbas region and others for the sole purpose to force Putin's hand into defending those mostly ethnic Russians living in those areas. Now isn't that the gravy for even more propaganda stories painting Russia as the bad guys?

It is not Russians that are that bad guys, we are the bad guys. The instigators, manipulating and creating the mess in the first place. Russia is still not the enemy to us. They want peace, and a stable business environment with which to conduct trade. And Trump know this.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't born yet for the Cuban missile crisis, but I'm aware of it.

So if I'm aware of WWII does that mean I should still hate the Germans and Japanese?

Should I hate anyone from the South because of the Civil War?

Should I hate England because of the Revolutionary War?

What's the statute of limitations on blanket hate? Supposedly NATO comprises our allies, but all I see is them working against us, then holding their hand out when they need some stuff.

I don't think Trump does care. The invasion happened under Biden's watch and since then we've been bombarded with "I sUPpOrT uKRaInE 🤪" messaging nonstop from the Left. I'm thinking this dust up was a way for Trump to bow out and let the Europeans deal with it, as it should be. That, of course, makes him PUTIN'S PUPPET!! :jameo:

The mineral rights thing was a great deal for Ukraine and Zelenskyy's rejection of it just shows he doesn't really want the war to end. And why would he? He's getting paid big and can be President for Life. Because if the US had US companies in Ukraine mining, Putin wouldn't go in and upset that because THEN we'd go to war with him. Ukraine would be protected, the US would get something out of the deal, win/win. Z clearly doesn't want that, or else he's just that stupid.

I can't get emotionally involved in thug on thug action. Does nobody besides me remember that Joe Biden was knee-deep in Ukraine corruption?

I was 1 year old during the Cuban missile crisis, so I don't remember it first hand either. But I know what it was about. I think you are missing a big point with Germany and Japan from WWII. Germany was a fascist nation trying to capture global dominance through invasions. Hitler was a psychopath who believed the master German race should exterminate the entire Jewish race. After being defeated, they changed. Germany became a democracy aligned with the United States and Europe that denounced their past. Same is true of Japan. Emperor Hirohito ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor. Once defeated, Japan underwent a reformation that changed their nation from an imperialistic dictatorship to a nation of hard working people who wanted to align themselves with the allies that defeated them.

European NATO nations were the first to scramble jets on 9/11 and run sorties up and down the east coast in support of the United States. They weren't working against us then, they had our back when we had no idea what was going on. We are stronger as a part of NATO, and NATO is stronger with us involved. Russia would like nothing better than to see us leave NATO. NATO has been a big deterrent to their endless aggression.

Russia, formerly the Soviet Union, has never changed. Reagan, the greatest conservative President of our era, broke the Soviets. He named them as the evil empire and broke them by military funding for advanced weapons. It was never more apparent then the Gulf war in the early 90's. Our military equipment totally embarrassed the Soviet made Iraq equipment.

I'm with your last statement. I don't care about thug on thug action. I also think the Biden situation should be investigated. I would like to know how his son qualified for a 6 figure salary with no knowledge of what he was doing. But seriously I wouldn't care if this war went on for the next 20 years. The more Russia is weakened, the better the US is. The more dead Russians the better. I really don't understand why anyone in America would stand with Russia.

As for Trump, if he doesn't care then he should walk away. End our money, end our interest. Let Europe deal with it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Germany became a democracy aligned with the United States and Europe that denounced their past.

Did they, though? Because here in the last few years they sound like a bunch of Nazis and America-haters to me.

As for Trump, if he doesn't care then he should walk away. End our money, end our interest. Let Europe deal with it.

He did. :sshrug:

But if we can provide them with security and get something out of the deal, only the dumbest among us wouldn't go for that. I think Trump showed the world that Z doesn't want peace, and only the dumbest among us don't see that. Like I said, Z has a sweet deal right now - money for nothing and power for free - and if he has to throw Ukrainians into the meat grinder so be it. "We don't want to negotiate, we want to fight to the last man!" Great - have fun with that. A war of attrition against Russia - great idea.

But I know you've seen the media and the Dembots and all the other lunatics all, "Oh, we stand behind Ukraine!" So Trump couldn't very well go, "Yeah, we're done here," he had to let it be Zelenskyy's idea. And it was. The offer Trump made was reasonable and only an absolute loon wouldn't think so. But Z doesn't want that - he wants money and to remain in power, which end when the war ends.

Democrats clamoring for war instead of peace is what fascinates me. And their cult following going along with it!! Bring someone from the 60s to today and they'd be like, "Wait, what...?"

I really don't understand why anyone in America would stand with Russia.

I haven't heard of anyone "standing with Russia", they just aren't all #teamukraine. This is the problem I alluded to ^^ that if Trump isn't all in on Ukraine, the bots accuse him of "standing with Russia", which is absurd.


Well-Known Member
Well the fact is that there will be no end to the war unless Russia agrees.

It isn't only the Ukraine that has to stop the war. Russia has to agree.

So all the bad things we say about Russia does not help in getting them to agree.
It take two to Tango here. If the war is to stop we must add Putin to the talks.

Ukraine can give us mineral rights, we can send in contractors to gather those mineral rights but nothing works without Russia.
Bad mouthing Putin is not the way to stop the killing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So all the bad things we say about Russia does not help in getting them to agree.

You'd think Democrats would understand that considering the shellacking they just took and continue to take, thinking they can get people to their side simply by screaming "Trump is Hitler!!" and acting like deranged meth addicts.

But I guarantee you if US had companies mining in Ukraine, Russia would back off. I don't think just the UK would do it - Putin knows what pussies they are. But he respects Trump, mostly because he knows Trump isn't afraid to knock him upside the head. Having a working agreement with Russia isn't the worst thing the US can do. Democrats are trying to befriend Hamas in hopes they'll stop being assh0les, but Hamas isn't sane and reasonable - Putin is.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You'd think Democrats would understand that considering the shellacking they just took and continue to take, thinking they can get people to their side simply by screaming "Trump is Hitler!!" and acting like deranged meth addicts.

But I guarantee you if US had companies mining in Ukraine, Russia would back off. I don't think just the UK would do it - Putin knows what pussies they are. But he respects Trump, mostly because he knows Trump isn't afraid to knock him upside the head. Having a working agreement with Russia isn't the worst thing the US can do. Democrats are trying to befriend Hamas in hopes they'll stop being assh0les, but Hamas isn't sane and reasonable - Putin is

Plus, China.

We need to get Russia into some kind of agreement, and then we work on dividing them from China.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
European NATO nations were the first to scramble jets on 9/11 and run sorties up and down the east coast in support of the United States.
This isn't true. NEADS (North East Air Defense Sector) was notified by FAA Boston Center at 8:37, fighters from Otis AFB were scrambled at 8:46 getting airborne at 8:53, additional fighters were scrambled from Langley a few moments later. NATO invoked Article V on 9/12.

Are you confusing NATO with NORAD?


Well-Known Member
I firmly believe, "Follow the $$". Zelinsky is nothing but a tool to "Redistribute the Wealth". Hence the reason he aligns with the dems and not MAGA. Just further redistribution to the Global Cabal.