Why Are Women Getting Punched In NYC?


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The NYPD confirms they are looking into a string of similar cases where women say they have been punched in the face on New York City streets in the middle of the day. At least one person has been arrested and charged with assault.



Well-Known Member
The tiktok accounts that recently went viral over being randomly attacked in New York City, NY have apparently led to the arrest of at least one of them. But somehow it gets worse than we thought.



Well-Known Member
Lot of weirdness out there, just escalating, had a guy come outta nowhere on 17th st NW in DC and punch me in the face in the nineties. A nephew (lawyer) was stabbed on a street in Baltimore for no reason in the early 2000s.
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PREMO Member

It's not just dating and relationships women's choices are destroying. It's everything.​



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This will be the new #metoo.

Tik Tok weirdo: "I got punched in the face in NYC!"
Other Tik Tok weirdos: "OMG, me too!"
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Board Mommy
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“You never imagine this kind of thing would happen to you, especially in your own building," Alvarez told the New York Post. "It was horrible.”


Anyway, it turns out this was the girl's ex-boyfriend. Make better choices, people.
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I understand that myself being the only racist here , it is no wonder that I noticed that these women were white and the pictured perpetrator is black. Of course it took a picture to get that fact across, the media and the speakers were very careful to avoid any mention of race until the picture showed up. The black man of course is not racist because black people cannot be racist. Maybe he is just a cowardly misogynist who hits white women because he knows if he hit a black woman he would get his ass beat by her. Some of those hefty black women don't play around they kick ass.
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PREMO Member

Jussie Smollett, is that you?

Kidding, we know it's Amanda Marcotte which is JUST as bad.

From Salon:

Whatever the excuse the angry man concocts, the impetus is always the same: The eyes of a woman are directed at someone or something that is not him, and he is indignant over it. So he will make sure she has no choice but to look at him, either by getting in her face or — in these alarming New York cases — punching her. If he cannot capture her adoring gaze, well, he will make her stare at him in fear.
These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.


Because you know, super blue, progressive, Leftist New York City is rampant with conservative men.

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Power with Control
So in a Heinlein book, the protagonists travel to slew of different alternate realities. In an alternate America, not long after arriving, they witness a man being held down while a carriage is driven across his arm, breaking it. They justice system is based on balance. Since the man in question had been careless when driving his carriage and hit a child, breaking that child's arm, this was his societal punishment. You might wonder how such a system arises? I say such might in response to this sort of stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Why do women get punched?
Why do Jews get punched?
Why do Asians get punched?
Why do people get pushed under subway trains?
Why do cops get killed sitting in their patrol cars?
Why do they set criminals free without bail?
Why are these acts usually done by the "usual suspects"?
Why do they have a black Mayor and Attorney general?
Why are they governed by Democrats?
Why do they elect these democrats?

Is the picture coming into focus?