Why are you a Redskins/Ravens fan?


Witchy Woman
I'm a Redskins fan because I have to be. It's a family thing. If I said I liked any other team it would be considered football treason and I might disinherited. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you from Maryland , you have to love any baltimore team . If you are from DC or Northern VA , you like the Washington teams . My opinion :coffee:


Football addict
Washington was here first as well.

Established in 1932.

Baltimore was established in 1947 and disbanded twice before becoming the Ravens.:otter:


"Typical White Person"
If you from Maryland , you have to love any baltimore team . If you are from DC or Northern VA , you like the Washington teams . My opinion :coffee:

So everyone that grew up with no MD football team rooting for the Redskins are suppose to just switch all of a sudden?

Great fan there!


Active Member
Ravens fan by default.....

My dad was a Colts fan, he hated the Redskins. He said that the Redskins were Washingtons team and that we should support the home team (Colts). When the Colts were taken out of town in the middle of the night my dad was upset. He would not support a team until Baltimore got a team back.

My dad was the same way! He actually stopped watching football he was so devastated the Colts left and did not start again until the Ravens. Probably why I was not a football fan until I met hubby and started liking his team.


They're the home team. I didn't say they had an advantage.

They seem to have lost that when they moved away from RFK.

It has nothing to do with the stadium they play in. It has to with leadership and money. I still see the Skins as a bunch of overpaid individuals. I blame this on the owner thinking he could throw piles of money at players as if he could buy a great team.

We are seeing a glimmer of hope with Zorn. I like his style and focus. But they still seem to lack real leadership on the field.


New Member
I am a Redskins fan because my father started taking me to games when i was 5 yeas old. He has had tickets since Griffith Stadium before RFK was even built.

I have missed maybe 5 home games in 32 years since i started going to games, the season tickets got transfered into my name about 10 years ago now. I grew up and lived in Arlington VA, been in SOMD now for almost 5 years.

HTTR win or lose! I bleed burgundy and gold!