You aren't being very helpful...changeling said:

You aren't being very helpful...changeling said:
migtig said:
That's the only dog thread changeling posted in :shrug:
migtig said:
That's the only dog thread changeling posted in :shrug:
changeling said:Read that thread, you may see what I mean. Obviously those weren't the responses she was hoping for, and in fact weren't exactly helpful and were slightly mean at times. I know I joined in like the rest of you, but why do we do this? In the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"![]()
changeling said:I've noticed recently that everytime someone asks for help they are attacked and forced to explain their incompetence. Can't we just accept that sometimes we all may need guidance. I thought the forum was made up of people with a wide range of experience from which we could garner assistance. Can we just stop the attacking and maybe help with the problem at hand.Not trying to be negative but I think this discourages people from asking for help for fear of criticism. Just a thought.
changeling said:Seriously, I was just trying to get a point accross...and point made. I don't know about the rest of you but I have to get to work.
I must disagree with you. All of the responses to her original post were very informative and helpful. The parts you considered to be "mean" were simply where folks were trying to educate her to the fact that she didn't think "dog ownership" through when she decided to get one... what's wrong with that...:shrug:changeling said:Read that thread, you may see what I mean. Obviously those weren't the responses she was hoping for, and in fact weren't exactly helpful and were slightly mean at times. I know I joined in like the rest of you, but why do we do this? In the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"![]()
Dems... go back and read your "I have a question..." threads... you have to admit you rarely thing them through before you post them and we have no choice but to think you do it for the entertainment value...dems4me said:I kind of agree with you and its not just in the animal forum. WhenI ask a question generally I get abut 20 - "you're and effing idiot posts" but out of that I find about 1 or 2 posts that have a good idea or suggestion. And folks on here will probably start looking up posts to say "I DESERVE the way I was treated on here" crap. Its not so bad one on one but then everyone on here tends to try to be liked by the next person thereby agreeing and joining in on the flame fest. I kind of take the crap with a grain of salt, but for other people and newcomers its the gang mentality still. And, if thats not enough people bump my threads several years later just for more ridicule and harrasment. Not only is mean, childish and a 12year old mentality it can also be hurtful at times. It gets old afterawhile and sometimes you want to go to other forums and speak with adults instead of the juviniles that can only find like minded people in this forum and I have gone on to another forum. Take the goat thread for example, of which my friend is now being called a "dummy" (not once but twice) although she NEVER made any name calling of her own - is exactly my case and point and then everyone gets in her corner - how do you think this makes the newcomer feel ? (Certianly NOT welcome). I will never recommend a friend on here ever again quite frankly and have basically stopped coming onto the forums or associating with people on these forums except for a select few. JMO
dems4me said:I kind of agree with you and its not just in the animal forum. WhenI ask a question generally I get abut 20 - "you're and effing idiot posts" but out of that I find about 1 or 2 posts that have a good idea or suggestion. And folks on here will probably start looking up posts to say "I DESERVE the way I was treated on here" crap. Its not so bad one on one but then everyone on here tends to try to be liked by the next person thereby agreeing and joining in on the flame fest. I kind of take the crap with a grain of salt, but for other people and newcomers its the gang mentality still. And, if thats not enough people bump my threads several years later just for more ridicule and harrasment. Not only is mean, childish and a 12year old mentality it can also be hurtful at times. It gets old afterawhile and sometimes you want to go to other forums and speak with adults instead of the juviniles that can only find like minded people in this forum and I have gone on to another forum. Take the goat thread for example, of which my friend is now being called a "dummy" (not once but twice) although she NEVER made any name calling of her own - is exactly my case and point and then everyone gets in her corner - how do you think this makes the newcomer feel ? (Certianly NOT welcome). I will never recommend a friend on here ever again quite frankly and have basically stopped coming onto the forums or associating with people on these forums except for a select few. JMO
Mikeinsmd said:First, I've said this many times and I'll say it again for your benefit since you don't read here often.
Anybody stupid enough to bring their personal problems to an internet bulletin board gets exactly what they deserve.![]()
Here, read the definition of "personal":
* Of or relating to a particular person; private: “Like their personal lives".
* Concerning a particular person and his or her private business, interests, or activities; intimate: I have something personal to tell you.
* concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality.
See a pattern here???
If someone has serious personal problems, they need to seek PROFESSIONAL help. Not a bunch of maniacal strangers on the internet.
Now, lay on Mikeys couch and tell me all about it.![]()
dems4me said:Mike, the person in question, posted a quesiton asking for a farriers number and was concerned about one of her goats. No baby momma drama that others post nor did she post anything about her life story. People on here just look for blood sometimes.
Did you just say...'Blood'? Where?!?!?!dems4me said:People on here just look for blood sometimes.
changeling said:Read that thread, you may see what I mean. Obviously those weren't the responses she was hoping for,READ PREVIOUS POSTS ABOUT: "Advice is what you ask for when you don't want to accept what you know you should do" and in fact weren't exactly helpful and were slightly mean at times. I know I joined in like the rest of you, but why do we do this? In the words of Rodney King NOW THERE'S AN IDOL WE CAN ALL LOOK UP TO!! "Can't we all just get along?"![]()
Demsy, How do you know changeling was referring to Goat person??dems4me said:Mike, the person in question, posted a quesiton asking for a farriers number and was concerned about one of her goats. No baby momma drama that others post nor did she post anything about her life story. People on here just look for blood sometimes. Its an animal forum... if people can't share their experiences with one anotehr what good is it to even have a forum on animals. I just wish people that post nasty responses back can have a higher IQ than the animal in question.
Mikeinsmd said:First, I've said this many times and I'll say it again for your benefit since you don't read here often.
Anybody stupid enough to bring their personal problems to an internet bulletin board gets exactly what they deserve.![]()
Here, read the definition of "personal":
* Of or relating to a particular person; private: “Like their personal lives".
* Concerning a particular person and his or her private business, interests, or activities; intimate: I have something personal to tell you.
* concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality.
See a pattern here???
If someone has serious personal problems, they need to seek PROFESSIONAL help. Not a bunch of maniacal strangers on the internet.
Now, lay on Mikeys couch and tell me all about it.![]()
dems... the "nasty responses" you are referring to were when folks were very upset because the goat was in obvious distress and the goat lady wasn't even considering picking up the phone book and finding a vet for it. To make matters worse, she has had these goats for 7 years and had absolutely no plan in place as to what to do should one of her animals need immediate medical attention.dems4me said:Mike, the person in question, posted a quesiton asking for a farriers number and was concerned about one of her goats. No baby momma drama that others post nor did she post anything about her life story. People on here just look for blood sometimes. Its an animal forum... if people can't share their experiences with one anotehr what good is it to even have a forum on animals. I just wish people that post nasty responses back can have a higher IQ than the animal in question.
nomoney said:The majority of people that come on here asking for help, receive help. And from more then one person. Besides that dummy in the goat thread - I'd like for you to point out one thread where people with legitimate needs weren't helped. And even that dummy in the goat thread got the help she needed![]()
changeling said:mike are you insane, seeking help for an animal is not a personal problem. However, lets be honest here. You (meaning many of you forumites) seem to enjoy attacking people. "Thin skinned" yeah uh huh, don't think so. I think you're all nuts.
Let me give you a hypothetical. I have a cow, I tell you that I put my cow out on a new (never cut) alfalfa field in the a.m. That afternoon I find her laying on her side in the field in pain. Now I ask the forum what should I do. In theory the forum should say to drench her with mineral oil and call the vet. However, I can almost guarantee you that the forum would say "Why did you put her in the alfalfa field, what are you a moron?". Then maybe an hour or two later someone may suggest how to help. Does it really help to attack first? I think not. Bye
dems4me said:This is what I was referring to.... WTF does a dog have to do with this?