Originally posted by Tonio
Maybe the judge didn't want Kelly and Jackson to trade tips on cruising playgrounds for dates.
My, my, my. What a nice round of festivities is in store for us at the Grammies.
Child pornographers, and alleged child molesters. People who run in and out of rehab clinics and overdose weekly. People who change spouses as often as I change my shorts. And every single one of them with more money than all of us rubes and simpletons will ever see in a lifetime.
As an added bonus, we all get to listen to the radio and watch TV and for the next few weeks hear repeatedly what color Brittney Spears' underpants were (and what color the beav underneath was), whose hands rested comfortably upon whoms' genitals, and more than likely the country will again be horrified and shocked at exposed breasts because so-and-so yanked her bra off and ran around the stage with her teats akimbo in a fit of support for Janet Jackson.
Speaking of which - I wonder how many references to Janet Jackson's breast are going to be made at the Grammies.
I'll bet it's in the triple digits.
Yeah - Keeping R. Kelly at a court ordered 50 yards from Michael Jackson will ensure that nothing untoward happens at the grammies
Wow - everything that contributes to and represents the decline of western civilization all gathered together in one room. And I'll bet that not one fuel air bomb will be dropped on them.