Why do military retirees collect retirement......


PREMO Member
My father retired O-6 with 31 years of sacrafice and it's far more than he gets.

I will have over 40 yrs government service when I retire, but it will be under the new government retirement system. Which is mainly based on your 401K.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'm civilian retired at 54 and 11 months (took a months leave) to reach 55. Retired under CSRS with 30 years 8 months. Also worked 16 hours a week at the post office when I was in High School which they gave me 2.5 years of full time credit for...so I left at a little over 80% when I retired. Pension's a little more than 100K a year. I was fortunate...been retired 6 years

I'll throw the flag :bs: By law, the maximum one can receive under CSRS is 80%, so you cannot be receiving anything greater. Not to mention that to achieve 80% one would have to have spent 42 years 11 months of service.


Soul Probe
Sorry, but that is one stupid a$$ comment.

Maybe, maybe not. What job do you suppose vince77 did to be entitled to 100 grand/year retirement at taxpayers expense? All I can say is, I hope he worked his ass off and his fingers to the bone.


PREMO Member
Maybe, maybe not. What job do you suppose vince77 did to be entitled to 100 grand/year retirement at taxpayers expense? All I can say is, I hope he worked his ass off and his fingers to the bone.

I think you are just jealous.

Would you feel different if he was receiving his pension from the private sector?


Soul Probe
Do you look at the Government as a business?

Yes and no. Truly, if it were run like a business we wouldn't be in debt to the extent we are, and I wouldn't be fussing about handouts and things like excessive retirement benefits.


PREMO Member
Yes and no. Truly, if it were run like a business we wouldn't be in debt to the extent we are, and I wouldn't be fussing about handouts and things like excessive retirement benefits.

If someone retired from Boeing or any other company, did any of your tax dollars contribute to his/her retirement?


Soul Probe
If someone retired from Boeing or any other company, did any of your tax dollars contribute to his/her retirement?

Unless you know something that I don't know Boeing is a contractor hired by the gov't; however, it's a private company so my taxes do not go directly to pay Boeing employee's retirement, but rather employee funds/investments do.


PREMO Member
Unless you know something that I don't know Boeing is a contractor hired by the gov't; however, it's a private company so my taxes do not go directly to pay Boeing employee's retirement, but rather employee funds/investments do.

If someone retired from Food Lion, your taxes did not help fund his retirement?


PREMO Member
I'm not referring to SS, DoWhat, so no.

Nothing to do with SS.

What about all the people on welfare that get free food?
Didn't your taxes help them get free food and Food Lion profited from your taxes for the people that got the free food?


Soul Probe
Nothing to do with SS.

What about all the people on welfare that get free food?
Didn't your taxes help them get free food and Food Lion profited from your taxes for the people that got the free food?

Yep, and if you've read the whole thread you'd know I'm all for cutting handouts as well.

Are we done here? Because I have some things I need to do. If you actually have a point, I'll read it later. :buddies:


PREMO Member
Yep, and if you've read the whole thread you'd know I'm all for cutting handouts as well.

Are we done here? Because I have some things I need to do. If you actually have a point, I'll read it later. :buddies:

I did all my chores yesterday.:neener:


I didn’t read every post but military receive a retirement pension because that is the agreement they entered into when they joined and decided to retire. It’s an incentive for some to make the military a career. If we have no career military we have no continuity of force. Retirement pensions offer that incentive. Many private companies offer retirement pensions that they collect when they’ve served so many years. This is completely separate for a 401k, IRA, TSA, or SS.


PREMO Member
I didn’t read every post but military receive a retirement pension because that is the agreement they entered into when they joined .

Sad thing is, is that the military is kicking people out at 15 years of service.


Unless you know something that I don't know Boeing is a contractor hired by the gov't; however, it's a private company so my taxes do not go directly to pay Boeing employee's retirement, but rather employee funds/investments do.

Where do you think they get their funding from?


Active Member
I'm not trying to denigrate your hard work, but I find this ridiculous. Are my taxes seriously going towards paying 100 grand/year for your retirement!? Would you be like Monello and consider taking a reduction if there were cuts to entitlements as well?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but it's situations like this that make some people think there is another side to "entitlements" when someone works for the gov't all their life and doesn't necessarily work any harder than someone in the private sector but seems to reap greater benefits from it.

no offense taken..it is a good retirement for a government schelp.. I never killed myself at work....if I live to 80, collecting this for 25 years would equal 2.5 million dollars in retirement income for me -in terms of reductions, I'll reduce when/if the government changes the law, just like everyone else.

CSRS employees are a dying breed, any one hired after 1983 went into the FERS. So eventually the program will end. The government tried to hard sell CSRS employees to switch to FERS in the late 80's. I didn't bite, many did.

I remember the days when federal employees pay and benefits were not as good as the private sectors. Probably the most egregious part of my situation was working part-time as a teenager and getting full time credit for it 35 years later, but that's the law. I consider myself very fortunate when I see defined benefit pensions tossed away today. My kids think it's absurd too..


New Member
no offense taken..it is a good retirement for a government schelp.. I never killed myself at work....if I live to 80, collecting this for 25 years would equal 2.5 million dollars in retirement income for me -in terms of reductions, I'll reduce when/if the government changes the law, just like everyone else.

CSRS employees are a dying breed, any one hired after 1983 went into the FERS. So eventually the program will end. The government tried to hard sell CSRS employees to switch to FERS in the late 80's. I didn't bite, many did.

I remember the days when federal employees pay and benefits were not as good as the private sectors. Probably the most egregious part of my situation was working part-time as a teenager and getting full time credit for it 35 years later, but that's the law. I consider myself very fortunate when I see defined benefit pensions tossed away today. My kids think it's absurd too..

So vince77 how muh of that Gov't. retirement is tax free?:whistle: I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that government and retired military aren't paying taxes on our retirements. One thing I always say when someone says their taxes are paying my retirement. I say, well so are the taxes being taken from my AF retirement check that are going towards my own retirement check.