Why do my ribs hurt


New Member
I'm 27 weeks pregnant and my right ribs hurt. I think it is to early for baby parts to be poking. Could it be something else? Any ideas? Or is it baby?


Hot Flash
I'm 27 weeks pregnant and my right ribs hurt. I think it is to early for baby parts to be poking. Could it be something else? Any ideas? Or is it baby?

Is this your first?

Your ribs do expand to accommodate the baby.

Mention it to your doctor on the next visit. If you are really concerned call your doctor in the morning.

My ribs and my hips had to expand for both of mine. The pain was moderate.

The heartburn was something else. :barf:


Active Member
I'm 27 weeks pregnant and my right ribs hurt. I think it is to early for baby parts to be poking. Could it be something else? Any ideas? Or is it baby?
I went through the same thing with my first pregnancy, and a small portion is still numb after 40 years. But everybody is different, and as Wenchy said above, check with your Doctor. Congratulations by the way!!


New Member
Thanks! And it is my first. It's not a serious pain, just kind of uncomfortable. It mostly occurs when I am sitting. I've been joking that it is the weight of the "girls" getting bigger that's crushing my ribs. Or maybe its the way I've been sitting. I've got a doctor's appointment next week so I'll ask. I just didn't see anything online when I looked and wanted to see if anyone else had rib pains.


Well-Known Member
Definitely Baby!! My first daughters favorite place was right underneath my ribcage. Especially when sitting at a desk. If I sat in a recliner, it was a little more comfortable, of course I couldnt get out of the recliner without help. My 2nd daughter liked to press on a nerve in my back that would shoot a pain thru my rearend all the way down to my foot. And she seemed to like to do this when I was driving. And Wenchy's right. I could put up with all that, but the heartburn was a killer.


Active Member
Congrats on the baby! Yeah, just one of the many aches and pains that pregnancy causes.. Just to prepare you for the really tough stuff that they bring when they are here! It toughens you up for the road ahead. I had twins for my first pregnancy, and I remember the pains alarmed me. It's just your body's reaction to the fast growing you are going through right now. Mention it to your doctor but more than likely you are fine. Again.... congratulations!!! I have a new granddaughter now, from one of my twins. Time flies by! How did I go from having my own, "just a few years ago" to being a grandmother?


Hot Flash

Make sure you have a big bottle of TUMS.

As the precious one pushes up you will probably get acid reflux.

TUMS might become your best friend.

If the baby is already at your rib cage...just saying.

I miss the kicks and hiccups. Enjoy them. :huggy:



Active Member
When you said "the girls" I was thinking the ones up top, not twins but that could definitely do it. For me when my ribs start hurting it means I am snoring at night and hubby is poking me to get me to roll over.


New Member
When you said "the girls" I was thinking the ones up top, not twins but that could definitely do it. For me when my ribs start hurting it means I am snoring at night and hubby is poking me to get me to roll over.

I did mean those girls... no twin girls, just one boy. No matter how much my husband's cousin's daughter was praying otherwise. My husband must have a much better connection with God than I realized if he got the boy over me, his aunt, and his cousin who were all praying for a girl.

Had an ultrasound yesterday... still a boy. My ribs hurt b/c that is where the boy's big fat head is (I say that bc I assume it is a big fat head if he takes after his father and I). So uncomfortable sitting in a desk chair all day.