Why does music suck so bad these days???


In My Opinion
...one of the joys of music; you can trace it from the 50's of Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, into the 60's of the Stones, Beatles, Sabbath, the 70's of Grand Funk, Aerosmith, the 80's of AC/DC, the 90's as grunge came along and rap which killed music dead.

When the Bee Gees left Trafalgar and went gay with Disco, I think that had a good deal to do with it.


Harley Rider
I really think it goes along with the mindset of kids these days. A reflection of the hatred (at times) in the minds of so many kids & young adults.
As you know, I get a full dose of some of the WORST music imaginable on Friday nights. I hear the kids screaming out undiscernable lyrics until they can hardly talk, squealing like pigs (and kids like it!), yelling & contorting their faces and just making demonic sounds in general, all the while calling it music!??
I know that many of the kids are very angry, even unloved and it comes out in their music. Even though they know that we think it is AWFUL, they consider it THEIR music and can even understand the words!
I've even heard a few bands do "covers" of some 80's songs that I knew & liked and they destroyed it! This tells me that it's the musicians and not the actual song that makes it sooo bad.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Iyeeeee... lovely tune from my heyday.. a live version with Navarro too sexy for words... This song brings back blurry nights and crazy times long before married days and kids... when hedonism ruled.



The mighty Al-Sonsie!
And a lot of these artists are chosen cause they look like rock/rap/pop stars, and so more talented (in the traditional sense) artists are left by the wayside because they're fat or ugly or non-conformist or whatever. And they get no promotion, and they die in the water.

Can you imagine Janice Joplin trying to get a recording contract these days? "Sorry honey, too fat, ugly, and angry. Go get some surgery and look sexy for the boys".


It might have been touched on already but if not here is my $.02
Todays atrists just don't give a dam about the music anymore, they are just trying to get rich quick.
There is zero feeling and zero emotion.
you can have a talented artist that plays good, but the evidence of lack of emotion can be proven when 2-3 full albums are spewed out in as little as a couple years.
To "conveyor belt" albums one right after another shows that the passion for music is gone


Can you imagine Janice Joplin trying to get a recording contract these days? "Sorry honey, too fat, ugly, and angry. Go get some surgery and look sexy for the boys... and don't forget to shave those pits. That's just awful".

And we can't leave out the great and wonderful Disney machine, pumping out little blonde singers. They create a singer and hype it until everyone is enamored with these barely average pop stars. Disney tells they audience what they want, rather than finding good talent. After a while, kids growing up have no ability to discern good from mediocre.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And we can't leave out the great and wonderful Disney machine, pumping out little blonde singers. They create a singer and hype it until everyone is enamored with these barely average pop stars. Disney tells they audience what they want, rather than finding good talent. After a while, kids growing up have no ability to discern good from mediocre.

...only has the audience they are given. If a kid has never heard classical or classic rock then someone will be their to fill in the cultural gaps.


Well-Known Member

is releasing their new album, "Death Magnetic" on September 12, 2008. Problem solved, the day is saved.


New Member
There's plenty of good bands and albums out there today. You just have to know where to find it.

That said, most of my favorite bands/musicians originated in the 80's & 90's (with the exception of AC/DC), but there's still good music out there. You're not going to find it on MTV...but if you're looking for good music there you're already too far lost.

In fact, it's easier now than maybe ever before...thanks to the internets, satellite radio, and video/concerts on demand through cable.


There's plenty of good bands and albums out there today. You just have to know where to find it.

Well, that's the trick. Finding it.

I love me some FingerEleven, Velvet Revolver, Buckcherry, Seether, White Stripes. All today, all good.

Unfortunately, you don't find much of any of them on the radio.

'Cept on 97.7 - unfortunately they pepper in too much stuff like Rush and Molly Hatchet and crap like that. :ohwell:


New Member
Well, that's the trick. Finding it.

I love me some FingerEleven, Velvet Revolver, Buckcherry, Seether, White Stripes. All today, all good.

Unfortunately, you don't find much of any of them on the radio.

'Cept on 97.7 - unfortunately they pepper in too much stuff like Rush and Molly Hatchet and crap like that. :ohwell:

The problem with regular radio is the same problem it's always had. Record companies push their artists to promote a new album, and when that album is no longer new or selling well enough, they push out the next new album.

I really can't complain too much about 98 or 101. I don't listen to them much anymore (thanks to Sirius, CD's, and iPod), but when I do, I do catch some Foos, Nirvana, AC/DC, etc. from time to time. A whole lot of crap I don't like, as well...but if it's a mix, I'm okay with it.

Honestly, alot of my newer "favorite bands" I've discovered on accident. I've discovered bands like Seether, Airbourne, and others via videogame soundtracks. I discovered Jet during a trip to Australia in 2003 before they broke here in the States.

iTunes is a good way to stumble across music, using the "similar artists" window.

I also recently became aware of Sebastian Bach's new disc while researching Velvet Revolver's search for a new singer. Think the heavier Skid Row (Slave to the Grind & Subhuman Race). :yay:


There's plenty of good bands and albums out there today. You just have to know where to find it.

That said, most of my favorite bands/musicians originated in the 80's & 90's (with the exception of AC/DC), but there's still good music out there. You're not going to find it on MTV...but if you're looking for good music there you're already too far lost.

In fact, it's easier now than maybe ever before...thanks to the internets, satellite radio, and video/concerts on demand through cable.

One of my favorite bands...

Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
Flame up the herb
Woof down the beer
I'm your video DJ
I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes
I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

My job is to help destroy
What's left of your imagination
By feeding you endless doses
Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

So don't create
Be sedate
Be a vegetable at home
And thwack on that dial
If we have our way even you will believe
This is the future of rock and roll

How far will you go
How low will you stoop
To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill

You've turned rock and roll rebellion
Into Pat Boone sedation
Making sure nothing's left to the imagination

M.T.V. Get off the
M.T.V. Get off the
M.T.V. Get off the air
Get off the air

See the latest rejects from the muppet show
Wag their tits and their dicks
As they lip-synch on screen
There's something I don't like
About a band who always smiles
Another tax write-off
For some schmuck who doesn't care

M.T.V. Get off the air
And so it was
Our beloved corporate gods
Claimed they created rock video
Allowing it to sink as low in one year
As commercial TV has in 25
"It's the new frontier," they say
It's wide open, anything can happen
But you've got a lot of nerve
To call yourself a pioneer
When you're too god-damn conservative
To take real chances.

Graph-paper brained accountants
Instead of music fans
Call all the shots at giant record companies now

The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game

But sales are slumping
And no one will say why
Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

M.T.V.-Get off the air!