You forget one thing (and let's be clear that it’s meaningless to point this out to someone that doesn’t believe)… This is HIS creation. According to the bible, the first act of violence was committed by man. Over and over again God gave man opportunities to adhere to some pretty simple rules God set up. But, man doesn’t like rules. The immorality is man’s rejection of God, in spite of all the fact that it is God that gave man life to begin with.
So the universe was created with you in mind, eh? And, the 'god' of the known universe is interested in you personally, and especially interested in what you do while naked?

You’ve chosen to apply a humanistic understand of what this God is; that you know more about what God’s intentions are than God himself.
Nope. Since there is no objective evidence for this god's existence - or any one of the thousands of imagined gods - there simply exists no good reason to 'believe'. Understand that basing one's life on a 'belief', for which there is no evidence, shows ignorance in any facet of your life - including religion. But you think it normal because that's the culture you were born into. It's a culturally induced and self-induced delusion, nothing more. You fail to grasp that you would be practicing Hinduism had you been brought up in India. You fail to grasp that religions are man-made. You are a typical American, unfortunately. Canadians, Australians, and the majority of western Europe are "growing up" much quicker than Muricans in that regard.