Why is it okay to attack God, Christians?


2ndAmendment said:
It is sad how little it takes to shake some people's faith. It is true that the Davinci Code is fiction, but have you noticed how many non-believers talk of it as though it were fact? Any? A few? I have seen posts and heard talk as though it were fact.

The fact is as the last day gets closer more will fall away, their faith destroyed by something, the loss of someone they love, an event like Virginia Tech or 9/11, or a person, supposedly Christian, abusing them. It happens every day and the Bible tells us it will happen more frequently as times get more perilous for Christians. Read Matthew 24 to see what Jesus said about it.

God bless all Christians. May we all keep out faith in the face of all tribulations. It is my heart's desire that everyone find salvation through Jesus.

It is equally sad to go into a Christian bookstore and find scores of books refuting movies like "The DaVinci Code", just for a fast sell. Yes, Christians can be greedy, too. Or worse yet, finding books that try to gleen Christianity out of every movie, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I even saw one that tried to cast Jack Bauer in "24" as a Christ-figure. Sheesh!


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
It is true that the Davinci Code is fiction, but have you noticed how many non-believers talk of it as though it were fact? Any? A few? I have seen posts and heard talk as though it were fact.

From what I could tell, the vast majority of readers knew it was fiction. I suspect that among the few who thought it was fact, they didn't know much about history in general.

I don't regard "Da Vinci Code" as anti-Christian in intent or in effect - questioning or contradicting the Bible is not anti-Christian. I think Brown was simply being insensitive to the feelings of Christians. I read the books that Brown's characters cited in "Da Vinci Code." The only author I would recommend from that list is Elaine Pagels - her "Adam, Eve and the Serpent" is excellent. The others are mostly conspiracy theorists.


Harley Rider
Tinkerbell said:
You talk as if the Davinci Code is a factual book that says "here is the truth about Christianity." It's a work of fiction, like anything Stephen King. Dean Koontz, or Danielle Steele has written. Why take fiction so seriously? Maybe if you didn't make such a big deal out of it, it wouldn't be such a big deal? If some work of fiction can shake a person's faith so badly that they give up on God, I have to question just how strong their faith was to begin with.
If I didn't make such a big deal out of it? Tinkerbell, you must not realize how many people now doubt the truth in the Bible because of these books & movies. Doubt is what caused Eve to sin. The Davinci code causes people to look for hidden meanings that aren't in the Bible and it takes away from their understanding of it. Mr. Brown now wants to cast doubt on whether Christ rose from the dead or not even after it has been clearly proven. So, yes, these books & movies are VERY dangerous to the weak minded and even some weak Christians. Some folks can't tell the difference between fiction & reality. :howdy:


So, yes, these books & movies are VERY dangerous to the weak minded and even some weak Christians. Some folks can't tell the difference between fiction & reality. :howdy:[/QUOTE]

These weak should try to find strength through prayer, understanding and comprehension through study and spiritual guideance of their Church and/or other related means. Faith for some (myself included at times) can be very difficult and must be worked on constantly. For others it comes as easy as taking their next step and they never doubt for a moment what they believe to be the truth behind their religion...whatever that may be.


New Member
Probably for the same reason, that it's okay to attack
Aesir Principal race of gods in Norse mythology.
Andhrimnir The cook of the Aesir.
Angrboda Goddess and wife of Loki
Astrild Goddess of love.
Atla Water goddess.
Audhumla The primeval cow, formed from the melting ice.
Balder Fairest of the gods
Beyla The servant of Freyr.
Borghild Goddess of the evening mist or moon, she slays the sun each evening.
Bragi God of poets and the patron of all skaldi (poets) in Norse culture.
Brono The son of Balder. He is the god of daylight.
Bylgia Water goddess.
Dagur The personification of day, he drives the day chariot across the sky.
Disen A group of goddess in old Norse mythology. Called the "Dis of the Vanir".
Eir Goddess of healing and shamanic healers, companion of the goddess Frigg
Elli Goddess of old age.
Fenrir Also known as Fenris. The great wolf, child of Loki and Angrboda
Forseti God of justice who settles court disputes in his gilded hall.
Freya Goddess of love, beauty and sensuality.
Freyr God of fertility, sun and rain.
Frigg Wife of Odin and the goddess of marriage and fertility.
Gefion Goddess of agriculture and the plough.
Gerd The wife of Freyr and a goddess of fertility. She is the personification of the fertile soil.
Heimdall God of light and protection.
Hel The goddess of death and ruler of the realm of the dead.
Hermod The messenger of the gods. Often equated to the Greek god Hermes.
Hod Blind god of darkness and winter.
Holler God of disease and destruction.
Idun Goddess of the spring, eternal youth and the keeper of the golden apples
Jord Goddess of the primitive and unpopulated earth.
Jormungand The Midgard Serpent
Kari Leader of the storm giants.
Kvasir The wisest of the Vanir gods.
Laga Goddess of wells and springs.
Lofn Goddess of forbidden love, who blesses all illicit love affairs.
Loki Trickster god of the Norse, concerned with thievery, magic and fire.
Magni Son of Thor and god of brute strength.
Mani God of the moon and brother of the sun goddess Sol.
Miming Minor forest god.
Mimir Wisest god of the Aesir, sent in a hostage trade to the rival Vanir gods.
Modi God of battle wrath, he was the leader of the berserkers.
Njord God of the sea, wind and fire. He bestows good fortune to those on the sea.
Norns The triple goddesses of fate and destiny.
Nott Goddess of night who mans the night-charion in it's track through the sky.
Odin The chief god of the Aesir and most important of the Norse deities.
Ran Goddess of storms and the drowned dead.
Saga Goddess of poetry and history.
Sif Wife of Thor, and possibly an ancient fertility goddess.
Sjofn Goddess of love, passion and marital harmony.
Skadi A frost giant and goddess of winter.
Sleipnir The eight-legged horse of Odin
Sol Goddess of the sun, who guides the sun-chariot through the sky.
Syn Goddess of watchfulness and truth.
Thor Thunder-god and the protector of men and gods.
Tyr The original god of war in the Germanic culture
Ull God of justice and duelling, archery and skiing.
Vali Son of Odin, and the god born to avenge the death of Balder.
Valkyries The battle-maidens, who choose the best warriors
Vanir A group of fertility and nature gods
Var Goddess of contracts and marriage agreements
Vidar Son of Odin and the god of silence and vengeance.
Angus Og
Babd Catha
Gwynn Ap Nudd
Math Ap Mathowny
Aizen-Myoo God of love, worshipped by prostitutes, landlords, singers and musicians.
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone God of thunder.
Ama-No-Minaka-Nushi 'Divine Lord of the Middle Heavens' and god of the Pole Star.
Amaterasu Shinto goddess of the sun and the leader of the Shinto pantheon.
Amatsu Mikaboshi God of evil, his name means "August Star of Heaven".
Amatsu-Kami Gods of heaven who live 'above' the earthly plain. Heavenly and eternal.
Ama-Tsu-Mara Shinto god of smiths. He is pictured as a Cyclops.
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari Shinto water goddess.
Ame-No-Wakahiko God sent to rule the earth. Killed by the sky god Takami-Musubi.
Amida God of death, to whom the devout turned at the moment of their death.
Hachiman God of war and agriculture, divine protector of the Japanese people.
Haniyasu-hiko God of the earth.
Haniyasu-hime Goddess of the earth.
Haya-Ji God of the whirlwind.
Hiruko God of the morning sun. Guards the health of little children.
Hoso-no-Kami God of smallpox.
Hotei God of happiness, laughter and the wisdom of being content.
Ida-Ten Buddhist god of the law and of monasteries. A handsome young man.
Ika-Zuchi-no-Kami Group of even Shinto demons who reside in the Underworld.
Iki-Ryo The spirit of anger and envy which harms.
Inari Both a male and female deity, god/goddess of rice and agriculture.
Isora God of the seashore.
Izanagi Primordial god of the sky and the creator of everything good and right.
Izanami Primordial goddess of the earth and darkness.
Jinushigami Minor deity who watches over a town or plot of land.
Jizo Japanese Buddha of great compassion.
Juichimen Buddhist god of mercy.
Jurojin Shinto god of longevity and a happy old age. One of the Shichi Fukujin
Kagutsuchi Japanese god of fire.
Kamado-gami Gods of the hearth.
Kami-kaze God of wind, storms and viscous cold weather.
Kaminari Goddess of thunder, the Thunder Queen and the Heavenly Noise.
Kanayama-hiko God of metals.
Kanayama-hime Goddess of metals.
Kawa-no-Kami God of rivers. Although rivers had their own god, ruler of all rivers.
Kenro-Ji-Jin God of earth.
Kishi-Bojin Goddess of children and childbirth
Kishijoten Goddess of luck and beauty
Kishimo-jin Buddhist goddess of compassion and protectress of children.
Kojin Ancient tree deity and goddess of the kitchen. She lives in an enoki tree.
Ko-no-Hana The Blossom Princess, she is the goddess of spring
Koshin God of the roads.
Koya-no-Myoin God of the sacred Mount Koya
Kukunochi-no-Kami Shinto god of the trees.
Kuni-Toko-tachi Earth deity who lives in Mt. Fuji.
Kura-Okami God of rain and snow.
Marisha-Ten Queen of heaven, goddess of the light, sun and moon.
Mawaya-no-kami Kami, or deity of the toilet
Miro Japanese name for Maitreya.
Miyazu-Hime Goddess of royalty.
Monju-Bosatsu Japanese Buddhist bosatsu of wisdom and knowledge.
Musubi-no-Kami God of love and marriage. Appears as a handsome young lover.
Nai-no-Kami God of earthquakes.
Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi God of mountain slopes.
Nikko-Bosatsu Buddhist god of sunshine and good health.
Ninigi-no-mikoto Rice god and ancestral god of the Japanese imperial family.
Nominosukune God of wrestling.
Nyorai Japanese name for all of the Buddha's appearances.
Oanomochi God of the crater of Mt. Fuji.
Ohonamochi A god of the earth.
Oho-Yama The great mountain god.
Okuni-Nushi God of magic and medicine, ruler of the unseen things and the spirit world.
Owatatsumi God of the sea.
Oyamatsumi A god of the mountains
Raiden God of thunder and lightning
Ryo-Wo God of the sea. known as the Dragon King
Sae-no-Kami A group of kami, or deities, who guard the roads of Japan.
Sambo-kojin God of the kitchen. Pictured with three faces and two pairs of hands.
Sarutahiko Ohkami God of crossroads, paths and overcoming obstacles.
Sengen See Ko-no-Hana.
Shaka The silent sage, the wisest and first appearance of Buddha on earth.
Shichi Fujukin Gods of Luck: Benten, Bishamon, Daikoku, Ebisu, Fukurokuju, Hotei
Shinda Ainu fertility god of the island of Hokkaido.
Shine-Tsu-Hiko God of the wind, he fills the space between heaven and earth.
Shoden See Ganesha.
Shoki God of the afterlife and exorcism.
Suijin Deity of the water.
Suitengu Child god of the sea.
Sukuna-Biko Dwarf god of healing, agriculture and hot springs.
Susanowa God of the winds, storms, ocean and snakes in Shinto mythology.
Takami-Musubi Primordial sky god and creator of living things in Shinto belief.
Takemikadzuchi A thunder god.
Taki-Tsu-Hiko God of rain.
Tatsuta-hime Goddess of autumn.
Tenjin God of learning, language and calligraphy. He taught humans to write.
Toyo-Uke-Bime Goddess of earth, food and agriculture.
Toyouke-Omikami Goddess of grain.
Tsuki-Yumi God of the moon and brother of the sun goddess Ameratsu.
Uba Spirit of the pine tree. Means 'old woman' or 'wet nurse'.
Uga-Jin Serpent god of the waters and fertility of the earth.
Uga-no-Mitama Goddess of agriculture.
Ukemochi Goddess of fertility and food.
Uzume Shinto goddess of joy and happiness.
Wakahiru-me Goddess of the rising sun.
Wata-tsu-mi God of the sea.
Yabune Japanese house god.
Yama-no-kami Goddess of the hunt, forest, agriculture and vegetation.
Yamato The soul or spirit of Japan.
Yuki-Onna The Snow Queen or goddess of winter.

On top of those, it's okay to attack agnostics and atheists.

I can go on if you like.