Why Is It Weirdly Sexy When Men Do The Bare Minimum?


PREMO Member
Sure, some people prefer the guys who go all out to plan elaborate date nights and generally do the absolute most. But so many of us can’t help but feel that twinge of attraction when we see a guy do anything more than stare at us and breathe. And why? What makes the bare minimum so sexy?

Moraya Seeger DeGeare, licensed marriage and family therapist and the co-owner of BFF Therapy in Beacon, NY, tells Refinery29 that at least some of our attraction to the bare minimum lies in our primal instincts. “This is from the genetic level — you’re doing things I want in a partner, so that is super hot compared to say, tight jeans,” she explains. She says the bare minimum causes us to have a hormonal, visceral reaction of desire.

Of course, DeGeare adds, the patriarchy is also at play. Men have been conditioned to do the least since what feels like the dawn of time. “Women are supposed to take care of everything,” DeGeare says. “The woman is supposed to serve the man, and then kids in society [grow up] around that.” We’re conditioned to expect few guys to even do the bare minimum, she says: “People are so exhausted from things not happening and so to see it happen, it’s like yes, let’s throw a parade,” she says. In some ways, thirsting after the men that give the bare minimum is just a way to protect ourselves — if we don’t have high expectations, we can’t be let down as hard as we would have if we accepted the standards that we deserve.



Well-Known Member
I suspect it has something to do with that dating dynamic when you're pursuing someone who's just not as engaged in the relationship as you are.
I can't explain it except that it's kind of like assuming the person is a better "catch" if you have to work hard at keeping them involved, whereas someone who consistently does more than the minimum is perceived as desperate and weak.

I know I've felt that - had a girl friend once who wanted to drive 70 miles to see me to return something I left at her house. I just said I'm coming there Saturday, I'll just get it then. Her eagerness became a bit of a turn-off.


Well-Known Member
I suspect it has something to do with that dating dynamic when you're pursuing someone who's just not as engaged in the relationship as you are.
I can't explain it except that it's kind of like assuming the person is a better "catch" if you have to work hard at keeping them involved, whereas someone who consistently does more than the minimum is perceived as desperate and weak.

I know I've felt that - had a girl friend once who wanted to drive 70 miles to see me to return something I left at her house. I just said I'm coming there Saturday, I'll just get it then. Her eagerness became a bit of a turn-off.
She was trying to "pee" on you and check (snoop) when it was t expected.


Well-Known Member
I think it's because I'd rather a man just be who he is and not try to impress me. Because sometimes the minimum that a man does IS impressive. When my husband and I were dating he worked a full time job then went home and worked on his family farm. We lived an hour away from each other. Sometimes he would come see me after work (at both places) at 9:00 at night and leave at 10. No flowers, no dinner out, just a good relaxing time and a sweet hour together even though he was exhausted. I was impressed by his work ethic, his dedication to family, and his way of showing me in his simple way that he wanted me to be a part of that. I didn't see it as the bare minimum when he supported me during childbirth after he had been working for 15 hours that day and then stayed awake another 24 hours while I delivered our 1st child. He cried happy tears, slept for 2 hours on a cot in the hospital room holding his new daughter, then went back to work. Same when our second child was born. 30 years later I'm still attracted to that man.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I've always tried to be aloof. Never was entirely sure what a loof is, though, so I'm probably not doing it right.


Just sneakin' around....
Do I want too much
Am I going overboard to want that touch
I shout it out to the night
"Give me what I deserve, 'cause it's my right"
Shouldn't I have this
Shouldn't I have this


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I know I've felt that - had a girl friend once who wanted to drive 70 miles to see me to return something I left at her house. I just said I'm coming there Saturday, I'll just get it then. Her eagerness became a bit of a turn-off.

Let me suggest you weren't turned on in the first place, otherwise her liking you back and wanting to see you would have been a plus.

Regarding OP, I had to read it through twice to understand if she's just being sarcastic or not. She starts off the piece with this:

There are a lot of things men can do that are sexy. Wear their hair in a mullet, for example.

Clearly sarcasm, right? I hope?

She later says:

In 2017, Buzzfeed even compiled a list of 15 Times Twitter Fell For Men Doing The Absolute Bare Minimum that exposed our affinity for men giving us the least, including one tweet saying,
“I’m marrying the man who is willing to start my car when it’s cold outside in the mornings.” Yes, give us absolutely nothing!

That's not nothing. That is a thoughtful gesture and definitely something (hell, I would marry the man who'd start my car when it's cold out). She cites several examples of thoughtful gestures as "the bare minimum" and they're not. The "marriage counselor" she cites is likewise dismissive of men in general and their thoughtful gestures. Any time some woman utters the word "patriarchy" I immediately understand that she's a neo-"feminist" psycho and that's the end of my interest in what she has to say.

This merges nicely with another piece I read recently (there's a thread on here somewhere) about why young men are avoiding marriage (TLDR: because women are demanding bitches). The young men in that piece have clearly been interacting with the author of this piece and her pals, which is how they came to the conclusion they did.

Anyway, one guy in the comments called the author a "cat lady" and I think that about sums it up.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Regarding OP, I had to read it through twice to understand if she's just being sarcastic or not. She starts off the piece with this:

There are a lot of things men can do that are sexy. Wear their hair in a mullet, for example.

Clearly sarcasm, right? I hope?

I tried to grow a mullet over the last year .... it was not a successful endeavor.