Let me suggest you weren't turned on in the first place, otherwise her liking you back and wanting to see you would have been a plus.
There's some of that. Part of me was only slightly invested in the relationship, and that's actually part of the point.
I was only partly interested - she was very much so - overly eager gestures struck me as a turnoff.
Women - and men - are very often attracted to what they perceive as unattainable.
A distant person who is phoning it in might come across to some as more attractive.
Most of the time, a person who is phoning it in WAS definitely a turnoff - life is just too damned short.
I didn't OFTEN go all out for a girlfriend - I did for the woman I married. Sometimes. When we first began dating, I did buy for her birthday - and I was unemployed - a birthstone necklace, ring and earrings. Went over REALLY well. I didn't tell her I bought them from my sister, who felt guilty she had overspent for HER daughter's birthday and needed the money.
Mostly I had to be well into a relationship before I did a grand gesture. Married, I do it often. Snowstorm or raining, cold, late at night - and my wife wants something from the store. Just one thing. Same with daughters. Sure. Son? Hate to say it, but tough crap - wait like everyone else. My wife and daughters have me wrapped around their pinky.
I do think that sometimes, in a good marriage, you do things for your spouse that would SEEM really nice to a girlfriend, but you're just kind of used to doing them. Fold their laundry - fix them a lunch (when you're making your own). Pick them up something from the store they like. You're not TRYING, you just do it.