Wow, thank you for that post Texas, and appreciate your willingness to help. And rack'm, as always- its appreciated
I am just "shaken" for lack of better words right now. I know that God is there, and I know he always will be there for me, but right now my human flesh side is taking over and is basically over-ruling me- and not wanting to listen to that small voice of the holy spirit. Basically I am sitting in the area of, "Where is God when it hurts", somewhat pertaining to the book of Job. There was actually a sermon on this this past week at church- but for other issues, I wasnt able to attend. I have so many questions I guess going on with my life- and I know if I were able to just get over that "hump" I would get out of my rock in a hard place- it is just, yeah.
For the last month- I have felt something moving in me, my spirit- for me to follow in a direction that is awesome. That I want to become profound in so many areas of my spiritual growth- but I am so jumbled that I almost dont know where to begin. The fire was extreme to the point that when I was leaving from a weekend vacation- that is all I thought about on the trip home. Literally. And it rocked me to the core. BUT- as of the last couple days, it is dying, and that breaks my heart. More or less, because the fire was so strong- and I was able to be shaken so bad- that it had water tossed on it, and now the embers are just there- and I want that fire lit again.
My big thing is, I dont want to only be giving 80 % when I should be giving 100%. That basically, if I am only able to give 80% what is the point. And I know I can give 100%, but, what does it take for a person to become completely broken to do this? And can you have help in the direction, or does it fully have to be on you? What I mean by help is, the fact that can you have another person of your same faith- basically help you as the "jumper cables" to kick start things? I mean, is it enough to have the embers burning- and for them to add something to the pit to help fuel it, and once it is there- let God do the rest?
Does that make sense?