Why should I vote for Hoyer again?


New Member
I've supported Hoyer almost all my life, but I don't think he represents us anymore. Can anybody give me reason to support him again.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I've supported Hoyer almost all my life, but I don't think he represents us anymore. Can anybody give me reason to support him again.

I can't think of a single reason to support him. Not one.

I wrote a letter last spring explaining my total opposition to the health care proposals and the bill that he ultimately voted for. I received a nice reply thanking me for my interest in the pending climate legislation and explaining why Hoyer was all for it.

He can't even hire competent staff to put out appropriate canned responses; you think he pays even the slightest attention to his constituency?

But he saved me from writing another letter explaining how vigorously I opposed the proposed cap and trade legislation.:whistle:


New Member
I've supported Hoyer almost all my life, but I don't think he represents us anymore. Can anybody give me reason to support him again.

Because he has brought jobs to this area, and has managed to keep Patuxent River safe while many bases are closing down.

I don't think it's a stretch to realize that Maryland just got all the education money they asked for from the federal government and then to realize that we have the second most powerful and one of the most respected members of congress living in our back yard.


NOT Politically Correct!!
I've supported Hoyer almost all my life, but I don't think he represents us anymore. Can anybody give me reason to support him again.

If you love higher taxes, owning the auto industry, 10% unemployment, a crashing economy, Obamacare, a Pelosi Lap Dog, an SEIU sock puppet, tax and spend liberal elitist, and a rat that won't hold any town hall meetings except by phone, He's your Man!

Hoyer is staying up north promising the urban voter cattle how much of our tax money he'll keep throwing their way if reelected! :coffee:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Because he has brought jobs to this area, and has managed to keep Patuxent River safe while many bases are closing down.

I don't think it's a stretch to realize that Maryland just got all the education money they asked for from the federal government and then to realize that we have the second most powerful and one of the most respected members of congress living in our back yard.

That money came from the taxpayers, and come November, Hoyer will have few friends left in Congress anyway. :coffee:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Because he has brought jobs to this area, and has managed to keep Patuxent River safe while many bases are closing down.


oopsee. He takes credit for the base remaining and expanding. He did not in fact have diddly squat to do with the decisions. Nothing.


aka Mrs. Giant
oopsee. He takes credit for the base remaining and expanding. He did not in fact have diddly squat to do with the decisions. Nothing.


When I first moved to MD, I couldn't believe people were still voting for that dinosaur.

Now that I've been here a while, I still can't believe people are voting for him. It astounds me. How can people vote for a man who said on the national news that the overwhelming majority of his constituents did not want the health care bill to pass, but he knew better than them and was voting for it. Hello? Who does he work for? The man's lost touch with reality.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Thanks. Earmark spending. Another reason to get rid of him. LOL..was that what you were after? You DO realize the huge difference between requested appropriations and earmarks, do you not?

The real bummer for ole Steny is the huge voluntary reduction in earmark spending that he and his colleagues imposed on themselves for 2011. Uh oh..when ya can't just throw taxpayer's cash around willy nilly, you might have to run on something substantive.
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aka Mrs. Giant

He doesn't do anything more or less than any other politician who sits on the defense committiee does. He wouldn't do anymore or less in regards to Pax than any other politician who would hold that office would. And he has no control over BRAC. The only reason Pax stays open is because of it's ability to provide certain things to the warfighter and part of that is due to its unique location and that has nothing to do with any politician in office.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
And he has no control over BRAC. The only reason Pax stays open is because of it's ability to provide certain things to the warfighter and part of that is due to its unique location and that has nothing to do with any politician in office.



Thanks. Earmark spending. Another reason to get rid of him. LOL..was that what you were after? You DO realize the huge difference between requested appropriations and earmarks, do you not?

Oh you want appropriations...

Hoyer: Pax River Aircraft Prototype Facility a “Major Milestone†for Pax Capability

2006 Defense Appropriations Includes $15M+ for Defense Projects at Pax River

Hoyer Delivers Defense Dollars for Projects at Pax River

Do you want me to continue or are you going to take back the absolutely ridiculous lie you said earlier?
Because he has brought jobs to this area, and has managed to keep Patuxent River safe while many bases are closing down.

I don't think it's a stretch to realize that Maryland just got all the education money they asked for from the federal government and then to realize that we have the second most powerful and one of the most respected members of congress living in our back yard.

I too have voted for Hoyer...largly because I THOUGHT the same things: he saved Pax River. Now I know that isn't true. Like Gilligian said, he takes CREDIT for it, but other than some funding for DOD requested items, he really has NOT done anything extra-ordinary for Pax River.

I can tell you the exact time I stopped supporting Hoyer. Last year when he was on the T-Bone & Heather morning show and a caller called asking him if 85% of his constituents wanted him to vote against health care would he. He said "Even if 85% said no, I would still say yes". To me that is NOT being representative of his district.

AND the icing was when he stagged the phoney town hall meeting at North Point HS and front loaded the seating area with 50-60 SEIU people...NONE of which came from our 5th district.

He might be a good represntative for Nancy Pelosi's district, but he certainly does not represent the 5th district of MD anymore.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Steny has never had and never will have any influence on whether or not Pax stays open or expands due to receipt of activities from other facilities that have been shut down.

I would certainly not expect him or, more to the point, anyone in his office, to vote against the defense appropriations that support what Pax requires.

Even more to the point, it is precisley because Steny Hoyer has no influence on the size of or activities undertaken at PAx..that I focus instead on other important issues like the health care debacle, the wasted stimulus money. Only a fool would vote for someone solely for their taking credit for things that would happened just the same whether they were in office or out..



So all government jobs. :bigwhoop: Do you realize umployment in MD has doubled in the past 3 years. If it wasn't for the graces of the tax payers and all the military bases in MD the rate would probably be around 12-15%. Unless you are a socialist sympathizer (which you are obviously are) you know Hoyer and his band of socialist misfits are abject failures and on a path to destroying this economy. And it fits into their plan perfectly as it reigns in more power to them and makes us more dependent on them as they strip more away from us in taxes and rights.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
I too have voted for Hoyer...largly because I THOUGHT the same things: he saved Pax River. Now I know that isn't true. Like Gilligian said, he takes CREDIT for it, but other than some funding for DOD requested items, he really has NOT done anything extra-ordinary for Pax River.

I can tell you the exact time I stopped supporting Hoyer. Last year when he was on the T-Bone & Heather morning show and a caller called asking him if 85% of his constituents wanted him to vote against health care would he. He said "Even if 85% said no, I would still say yes". To me that is NOT being representative of his district.

AND the icing was when he stagged the phoney town hall meeting at North Point HS and front loaded the seating area with 50-60 SEIU people...NONE of which came from our 5th district.

He might be a good represntative for Nancy Pelosi's district, but he certainly does not represent the 5th district of MD anymore.

Yeah and he or his handlers had the SEIU tractor trailers park about 2 miles away!

Oh and lets not forget that SEIU is directly tied to ACORN!!!

Welcome to St. Mary's Today Online Edition!
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Why should I vote for Hoyer again?

If you love higher taxes, owning the auto industry, 10% unemployment, a crashing economy, Obamacare, a Pelosi Lap Dog, an SEIU sock puppet, tax and spend liberal elitist, and a rat that won't hold any town hall meetings except by phone, He's your Man!

Hoyer is staying up north promising the urban voter cattle how much of our tax money he'll keep throwing their way if reelected! :coffee:

Convinced yet?