Why should I vote for Hoyer again?


Resident PIA
I gave an answer, but I am sure you are already preparing your argument.
it's the reason every incumbent gets re-elected - he throws a few million so we shouldn't care about the failed policies he supports.
He's a tax and spend, liberal, i.e. socialist, politician, but because he throws a few dollars our way we'll elect him - but the "people" (that would be everybody but us) need to defeat the incumbents who support those policies.

It's a demonstration of how stupid and near sighted the voters are.


Well-Known Member
ANYONE who represents this area will fight to keep Pax here. Period.

It's idiotic to claim Steny keeps Pax here.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It's idiotic to claim Steny keeps Pax here.

Gee. No mention of Steny..anywhere. Zippy. Plenty of related procedural verbiage that describe why it would have been impossible - even unlawfull in some cases - for Steny to have tried to intervene in the process.:popcorn:


The DoN Analysis Group had eleven members consisting of senior Department of the Navy career
civilians and Navy flag and Marine Corps general officers who were responsible for conducting
analyses and developing specific recommendations regarding closure and realignment of DoN
military installations or activities for consideration by the Infrastructure Evaluation Group. The
DoN Analysis Group was responsible for ensuring: that the process utilized and the conduct of the
deliberations were in compliance with the Base Closure Act and appropriate guidance from higher
levels; that the procedures used could be appropriately reviewed and analyzed by the Comptroller
General; and that factors of concern to the Navy and Marine Corps Operational Commanders were
The Infrastructure Analysis Team, composed of military and civilian analysts and supporting staff
from throughout the DoN and from the Center for Naval Analysis, was responsible for providing
intensive staff support to the Infrastructure Evaluation Group and the DoN Analysis Group.
Additionally, the Naval Audit Service and the Office of General Counsel were integrally involved
in the process. The Naval Audit Service reviewed the activities of the Infrastructure Evaluation
Group, DoN Analysis Group, and Infrastructure Analysis Team to ensure compliance with the
approved Internal Control Plan and audited the accuracy and reliability of data provided by Navy
and Marine Corps activities. The Office of the General Counsel provided senior-level legal advice
and counsel.


Nothing to see here
I've supported Hoyer almost all my life, but I don't think he represents us anymore. Can anybody give me reason to support him again.

Could you be more transparent in your attempt to pick a fight? :rolleyes:

FWIW, I despise Hoyer and wholeheartedly support Lollar.


24/7 Single Dad
You guys aren't being fair.
Stenny does a great job of representing the progressive/socialist views of the congressional democratic party TO the people of Maryland.

... but I'm pretty sure he supposed to represent us in congress. He sucks at that.


In My Opinion
If you agree with steny and think he is doing a good job, then you should vote for steny.
thats why you should vote for him again.


Brown-Eyed Girl
A lapdog socialist for Nancy Pelosi and Crew...

I have not forgotten, and hope you haven't either.


  • We Will Never Forget!!!.jpg
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NOT Politically Correct!!
Is that you Steny?
Not many people believeing that old song and dance anymore.
Admit it.
The real reason we should vote For Steny Hoyer is because
King Steny, and Queen Nacy have proclaimed we should.:bs:

P.S. Constellation Electric announced some weeks ago that they were quickly losing interest in the construction of a third reactor at Calvert Cliffs NPP which would bring hundreds of jobs to So. MD. Because the loan quarantee's promised by the Government hadn't come through yet.
Hoyer responded that he would see that the loan guarantee would be quickly forthcoming. No word since!

Hoyer falls flat on rail money for Southern Maryland


Out of $8 billion in rail money, Hoyer, Mikulski, O'Malley and Cardin get zip for region's commuters and fail to put any commuter trains on existing CSX tracks in Southern Maryland

Democrats fail to bring home any bacon, all the money goes to Baltimore region...in spite of being House Majority Leader, and tossing earmarks around like candy, Hoyer fails to deliver for his home district...but he took time last summer to go to New York to push for high speed rail.

Welcome to St. Mary's Today Online Edition!
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Resident PIA

Adding capacity is NOT in the energy plan of this administration - that's why the loan guaruntees haven't come through. This administrations policy is do with less, it is not to increase capacity and invest in infastructure.

There is no "rail money" for Southern Maryland because the environmental lobyy does not want rails, they want trails.

He's delivered for his supporters, unfortunately there is a difference between his supporters and constituents.


New Member
Hoyer did not save Pax River! The BRAC was a non-partisan, committee, not connected to the Congress because otherwise nothing would have been done, to much politiking.
Every Congressman I have observed since I came here: Baumann, Dyson, Gilcrist, and now Hoyer have worked to save the Government facilities in District 1 and now District 5 after the Gerrymander.

Actually, if Hoyer HAD been responsible, that may be considered a drawback, I mean bring NAVAIR, NADC, NAEC here. Look at the overcrowding, destruction of the rural character of the County. We are as bad, if not worse, than Waldorf now.


New Member
Hoyer did not save Pax River! The BRAC was a non-partisan, committee, not connected to the Congress because otherwise nothing would have been done, to much politiking.
Every Congressman I have observed since I came here: Baumann, Dyson, Gilcrist, and now Hoyer have worked to save the Government facilities in District 1 and now District 5 after the Gerrymander.

Actually, if Hoyer HAD been responsible, that may be considered a drawback, I mean bring NAVAIR, NADC, NAEC here. Look at the overcrowding, destruction of the rural character of the County. We are as bad, if not worse, than Waldorf now.

You are right. When the peole from Indian Head asked Steny to help them save Indian Head base, he told them that BRAC was non-partisan and he could do nothing. When Indian Head wasn't closed he told them he saved it.