Why Superbowl HT shows are suckage the last few years


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a niece who's on Facebook saying if you didn't like it, you're basically a MAGA racist.

I haven't bothered to say anything - because people like that on Facebook ALWAYS have their own crowd that will cheer for them no matter what they say. I don't plan to say, look, I think Tull and Dylan are brilliant too, but I don't want to listen to them.
Still a Gay Pride beer.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Half time is and always was total bullshiit. half hour long often changes the complexion of the game.

But but but the multi-millionaire players need a rest break, dunchano? If one were to think about it though, it's really more of a "bread and circus" event anyway, to appease the masses, and allow them, those at the stadium, a brief moment to purchase more unneeded high priced memorabilia and seriously overpriced foods and beverages. And to hit the head as well so they don't miss any upset play moments, (that they could just see replayed when they get home.) While for those at home, to replenish the chip and salsa trays, grab more Bud Lights, and have arguments over the previous plays.