Why women don't like you "nice guys"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because you don't know how to freaking act. None of you.

You asked me for a drink. I accepted and we set a day and time. Then you proceeded to blow up my phone with minute long VMs and rapidfire texting, including pics of your pets doing cute things. We haven't even had our first date yet and I already know I don't want to see you again.

We met casually and you asked me for my number. I gave it to you and you waited a couple days to call and ask me to dinner. So far, so good. We went to dinner and had a nice time. The next day you asked me if I wanted to do something that evening, and I told you no because I already had plans. You got pissy and asked, "Oh, what, you have some other guy on the line?" like you have a right to be jealous of anything I do. After one date.

We were friends, casually dated a few times, then one night you decided to lay a liplock on me out of the blue, although I didn't not indicate that you should do so or encourage it in any way. I ducked out of it, laughed, played it off, and sent you out the door. The next day you sent me an embarrassingly sexual text specifying the effect that non-kiss had on you and how you would like to follow it up.

You may be "nice" but you have no social skills to speak of. You come across as needy and pathetic, expecting too much WAY too soon. This is why women don't want to date you and prefer the "aholes" who go out regularly, are self-confident, and know how this stuff is supposed to go down.

PS, I don't blow you off because I'm playing hard to get. I blow you off because I'm not interested. That you decided to assert yourself and "take charge" when I told you I wasn't interested just made me out and out not like you.

So now you "nice guys" know why aholes get laid and you don't.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I don't know what's more entertaining.
WR's daily drama or your dating scenarios.

You both should both keep up the good work


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know what's more entertaining.
WR's daily drama or your dating scenarios.

You both should both keep up the good work

I vote for WR's daily drama because it happens to her, not me. Crap that happens to other people is always more fun for me.


New Member
I sympothize with your plight vrai and I hope it gets better for you BUT....

We can only get YOUR side of the story and YOUR details regarding your various dating "nightmares" which, as of late, seem to be quite a few.

Do you ever sit back and say "Maybe I have something to do with this?"

Not saying that to be a douche... on the contrary, I am wondering if you have ever looked at what it is that you do during the dates that might be taken wrong?

Its either that OR you are on a massive unlucky streak! :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The dating world sucks.

I'm seeing a couple of guys that I like pretty well. Obviously none of them are THE GUY or I wouldn't be seeing anyone else. One's a flake with commitment issues; another has a crazy ex-wife stalking him; another is a collector and I'm part of his collection; another has more than a bit of a drinking problem. But we have fun when we get together, no responsibility, no commitment, no harm, no foul.

It's the "nice guys" that I'm getting sick of, not the aholes.


I have a friend that you could be describing, he gets tons of first dates, the girl apparently likes him and then starts to avoid him. I don't know too many more details but he has been going through this same cycle for years now.


I'm seeing a couple of guys that I like pretty well. Obviously none of them are THE GUY or I wouldn't be seeing anyone else. One's a flake with commitment issues; another has a crazy ex-wife stalking him; another is a collector and I'm part of his collection; another has more than a bit of a drinking problem. But we have fun when we get together, no responsibility, no commitment, no harm, no foul.

It's the "nice guys" that I'm getting sick of, not the aholes.

A collector? Isn't that a type of serial killer?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have a friend that you could be describing, he gets tons of first dates, the girl apparently likes him and then starts to avoid him. I don't know too many more details but he has been going through this same cycle for years now.
He's probably coming on too strong and pushing too soon. Advise him to chill out.

Ever hear a happily married woman say "I love my total azzhole?"
Slot's wife says that about him all the time.

A collector? Isn't that a type of serial killer?
Someone who dates a lot of different women with no intention of choosing one for keeps.


In My Opinion
Too many men take things the wrong way.
If a female talks to them and it does not include the phrase F off Troll, they take it to mean that the woman wants sexxing up right there on the spot


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If I had to go back on the dating scene, I would fail miserably. #sociallyawkward :dork:


A Salute to all on Watch
I'm seeing a couple of guys that I like pretty well. Obviously none of them are THE GUY or I wouldn't be seeing anyone else. One's a flake with commitment issues; another has a crazy ex-wife stalking him; another is a collector and I'm part of his collection; another has more than a bit of a drinking problem. But we have fun when we get together, no responsibility, no commitment, no harm, no foul.

It's the "nice guys" that I'm getting sick of, not the aholes.

I've never met you and I'm not judging but you don't seem like nice guy material, we would bore you; Have you ever sought a rich mute with no backbone?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've never met you and I'm not judging but you don't seem like nice guy material, we would bore you; Have you ever sought a rich mute with no backbone?

I am absolutely not nice guy material and you all bore me to the point of opening a vein.


Do you ever sit back and say "Maybe I have something to do with this?"

This is an interesting question, and one that everyone should ask themselves on a regular basis when they end up in some sort of a slump or streak of bad luck.

However with that being said:

Its either that OR you are on a massive unlucky streak! :whistle:

You're forgetting option 3: The numbers are stacked WAY against people who are dating around here.

Have you ever tried dating in Southern Maryland? Do you have any idea how ####ing weird it is out there? And I'm talking from the perspective of a guy who only dated around here in his teens and twenties and got married at 30. I can only imagine how bad it is for someone 30+, let alone 40+.

By the time you reach 30 years of age, all of the sane attractive smart people have already paired up. So right out of the chute you're left with slim pickin's. For the most part single people around here are single for a reason. They're all either ugly, stupid, overly shy, persnickety, out of their mind, or some combination thereof.

Every once in a while you'll find a diamond in the rough - someone who has been focused on their career until their 40's (rare, but they exist), or is divorced (or widowed) through no fault of their own... and those people have an exceptionally small window of opportunity - the time between the grieving process and the time someone else snaps them up can usually be measured in nanoseconds.

I wouldn't be so quick to blame someone for not immediately hitting the dating jackpot around here.