Why women have so many shoes


Lawful neutral
Splashing out on a new handbag? You're just telling other women to back off your man | Mail Online

Women buy designer handbags and expensive accessories to stop love rivals stealing their men, a study suggests.

Luxury goods signal the owner is spoken for, according to a series of experiments on hundreds of married and unmarried women.

It emerged that the more a woman feels threatened by competition the more she spends on accessories.

A designer handbag or a pair of expensive shoes seemed to work like a shield


Registered User
Guess I am severely self confident in my relationship, because I refuse to spend more than $20.00 or $30.00 on a purse. Shoes...different story. Cheap shoes cause blisters. I buy shoes that look nice, are versatile, and are COMFORTABLE, which usually means they cost $$.


aka Mrs. Giant
I'll use this as an excuse to the giant every time I buy new shoes and purses and make him feel all sexy while I spend money. :whistle:


Soul Probe
I'll use this as an excuse to the giant every time I buy new shoes and purses and make him feel all sexy while I spend money. :whistle:

"Honey, I'm going shoe shopping because I love you and don't want to lose you." How can a man say no to that? :lol:
I have a lot of shoes because I have an obsession with shoes... not because I want men or other women to see my obsession with shoes. :ohwell:


I have a few pairs of flip flops and a pair of sneakers and somewhere I have a pair of Harley boots for the bike. Most of the time I'm barefoot. I've driven halfway to the store and realize I forgot my shoes. I hate shoes and I especially hate shopping for shoes.


Soul Probe
I have a few pairs of flip flops and a pair of sneakers and somewhere I have a pair of Harley boots for the bike. Most of the time I'm barefoot. I've driven halfway to the store and realize I forgot my shoes. I hate shoes and I especially hate shopping for shoes.

I love shoes and have a closet full of them, but I prefer to go barefoot.

My man: "Why the f do you have all these shoes taking up space in the closet when you're barefoot most of the time anyway?!" :cds:

Now I know the answer. "Because I love you and don't want to lose you." :lol:


Well-Known Member
Splashing out on a new handbag? You're just telling other women to back off your man | Mail Online

Women buy designer handbags and expensive accessories to stop love rivals stealing their men, a study suggests.

Luxury goods signal the owner is spoken for, according to a series of experiments on hundreds of married and unmarried women.

It emerged that the more a woman feels threatened by competition the more she spends on accessories.

A designer handbag or a pair of expensive shoes seemed to work like a shield

I thought that was what the big diamond ring was for.


I have a few pairs of flip flops and a pair of sneakers and somewhere I have a pair of Harley boots for the bike. Most of the time I'm barefoot. I've driven halfway to the store and realize I forgot my shoes. I hate shoes and I especially hate shopping for shoes.

You can turn in your woman card now. :coffee:


New Member
Splashing out on a new handbag? You're just telling other women to back off your man | Mail Online

Women buy designer handbags and expensive accessories to stop love rivals stealing their men, a study suggests.

Luxury goods signal the owner is spoken for, according to a series of experiments on hundreds of married and unmarried women.

It emerged that the more a woman feels threatened by competition the more she spends on accessories.

A designer handbag or a pair of expensive shoes seemed to work like a shield

Newsflash! Ladies, if you keep spending your husband's hard-earned money on unnecessary shoes and handbags, you would lose your husbands!

To keep your husbands, just make sure you remain the person he married! If you're going to change, change for the better.