Why You Should Wait.....


Well-Known Member
.....to drink your coffee in the a.m......


"Most of us probably try to suck down our first cup of joe as soon after we wake up as possible. But a new video by AsapScience parses the research and reveals that the best time to give your body its first caffeine boost of the day is actually not when you first wake up, but about an hour later."

1) Does anyone think this works?
2) Would anybody try it? (Probably not me)


RBF expert
I do this naturally. I wake up, get dressed, let the dog out, then go. I'm one of those that does everything possible in preparation the night before, including readying the coffee. So when I'm walking out the door, it's usually just been poured from the French press merely seconds before, and for whatever reason I don't sip much of it until I get to work, especially if I'm making hot coffee.

I can't seem to eat or drink much of anything until I've been awake for at least 30 mins.


Salt Life
My routine is get up at 5, shower, get dressed, let monster dog out, and drink my coffee while I'm doing my hair/makeup.


Make the coffee is always the first thing I do in the mornings. I am waiting on them to figure out how to put it in IV form.


Well-Known Member
I get up around 6 but don't drink my coffee until I am at work at 8. I don't like to drink coffee while eating breakfast. Coffee is kinda my breakfast dessert.


Well-Known Member
For a looonnng time now, I must have a cup of coffee after I wake up; before I do anything else. It's the first thing I do. Anyone who has a Keurig knows it's not a difficult process; but it is a process, to make one cup at a time. If you forgot to wash the filters the night before, that just adds to it. After the coffee's made, I stumble along and sip until my eyes focus; then I get ready for work.
God forbid we be out of coffee. If/when that happens, I fumble for something with caffeine so I can get out the door.