Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Toxick
"New Home" or "Family Makeover"
Sounds like the stuff my wife watches on HGTV or TLC.
Originally posted by Toxick
"New Home" or "Family Makeover"
No kidding.Originally posted by Toxick
Coming up with groovy catchy titles, however, is not anything close to my forte.
Originally posted by cariblue
Do you think "Trading Spouses" has a more innocent ring to it?
Originally posted by cariblue
But does it sound more innocent? This is for the sake of argument, remember?
Originally posted by cariblue
I disagree. I think it sounds like a new PC way of saying the same thing. Which leads me to believe it boils down to the viewers style of thinking and perception.
Originally posted by cariblue
Yes. They mean the same thing. Stop communicating.
Originally posted by cariblue
Your missing my point. Changing the sound doesn't change the meaning. It still means STFU, no matter how politely you say it.
Originally posted by cariblue
You're the one who started the thread with a thumbs down. You're immediate perception of the term "wife swap" was a negative one. You appeared to automatically assumed it meant something that it didn't mean at all.
Originally posted by cariblue
Okay, you may have the last word.