Wildcard Weekend! Pickem


Big Wheelin'
I think it will be a Green Bay / San Diego Super Bowl.
Green Bay has all the momentum in the NFC, and will be too strong for any team, including Philly to beat.
San Diego is my guess for the AFC, any one of the favorites (NE, SD, PITT..) is good enough to make it. as said earlier, any given Sunday, just depends on who has a better day.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Green Bay, huh?

Well, it certainly is hard to make a case for any of the other NFC teams.

I heard a rediculous argument about the Eagles last night on ESPN; that they and McNabb are under more pressure now with TO out than with TO playing.

How can that be? They obviously needed another play maker, went and got one of the best and the team flourished with him. Without him they cannot be any better than three straight NFC title game loses and, thus, are under, at most, the same pressure. Nobody expects them to walk into the Superbowl now as was expected before Owens got hurt.

Silly argument. You have to play with the Eagles you have, not the Eagles you'd like to have.


New Member
mainman said:
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2><TD>Saturday, Jan. 8
4:30 p.m. on ABC
St. Louis at Seattle Rams have this one.

8:00 p.m. on ABC
N.Y. Jets at San Diego Chargers have this one.

Sunday, Jan. 9
1:00 p.m. on CBS
Denver at Indianapolis Indy...barring any sudden death of a q/b.

4:30 p.m. on FOX
Minnesota at Green Bay This one's a toss up. Gotta go with Green Bay on home turf though.


Sometimes a gut feeling is better than any stat.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As for the AFC...

I have not seen the Chargers play even one game.

Colts have THE offense. I don't think James was playing anywhere near this level last year in the playoffs.

Steelers can be had, I think, based on the Skins game.

New England are the champs until someone says otherwise by beating them.

Jet's, haven't seen them play.

Broncs, I like there chances of winning two in a row least of all.


Pitty Party
mainman said:
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2><TD>Saturday, Jan. 8
4:30 p.m. on ABC
St. Louis at Seattle

8:00 p.m. on ABC
N.Y. Jets at San Diego

Sunday, Jan. 9
1:00 p.m. on CBS
Denver at Indianapolis

4:30 p.m. on FOX
Minnesota at Green Bay

And the winners will be:

Seattle, N.Y. Jets, Indianapolis and Green Bay


San Diego
Green Bay

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
First round, go with the home teams that 12th man is awesome during the playoffs and never go against Brett and the Pack.


Larry Gude said:
I was 1-3, not exactly Guru status.

Home teams 1-3.

I did terrible too... I'm afraid to check any of my sheets - from what I saw of Saturday's games and highlights... it looks as though Seattle did it to themselves... monday morning quarterbacking says the quarterback should have run it in for a touchdown instead of throwing it but even so, the ball appeared catchable even if he didn't. And then S.D. had two shots in the red zone to get some points and didn't from what I can tell from the highlights. Indy and Minnesota were just blowouts.... I think Indy is the only one I guessed correctly :ohwell:


New Member
I was 1-3 as well. Farve had absolutely NO rhythm going with his recievers. They looked like they had never been on the same field together. Pretty pathetic offensive effort from an experienced play off team at home.

San Diego and St Louis...both had the games locked. But they lost it. It wasn't so much as the opposing teams won, but rather that these two flat out lost it.

The Colts...What can you say. They executed perfectly. I really don't see the Pats beating the Colts next week if the Colts play the same way as they did this week.

The Vikings looked pretty good. Their defensive unit didn't really have to work very hard, especially with Favre throwing in different directions than his recievers were running. The Eagles-Vikings game is going to be a tough physical game. But I ain't betting on it. I might put money on the Vikings if the spread stays at 9.5. I just don't understand that one.

I probably ain't betting on ANY of the games this week. They're all going to be tough to pick, 'cept for the Pittsburgh game. But then, there's really no money to be made on that one anyway.


Ponytail said:
I was 1-3 as well. Farve had absolutely NO rhythm going with his recievers. They looked like they had never been on the same field together. Pretty pathetic offensive effort from an experienced play off team at home.

San Diego and St Louis...both had the games locked. But they lost it. It wasn't so much as the opposing teams won, but rather that these two flat out lost it.

The Colts...What can you say. They executed perfectly. I really don't see the Pats beating the Colts next week if the Colts play the same way as they did this week.

The Vikings looked pretty good. Their defensive unit didn't really have to work very hard, especially with Favre throwing in different directions than his recievers were running. The Eagles-Vikings game is going to be a tough physical game. But I ain't betting on it. I might put money on the Vikings if the spread stays at 9.5. I just don't understand that one.

I probably ain't betting on ANY of the games this week. They're all going to be tough to pick, 'cept for the Pittsburgh game. But then, there's really no money to be made on that one anyway.

Do you mean Seattle instead of St.Louis? Yes I agree the Charges got two bites at the apple and still blew it and Seattle did it to themselves as well... I'm already off to a start of 3 losses too... :frown: who are you picking to go all the way? After seeing Indy explode on the Bronco's I'm thinking Indy will go all the way now... :ohwell:


mainman said:
I batted a .500...

What about next weeks matchups? Ill start a new tread for those...:cheesy:

Which two did you guess correctly :shrug:


New Member
dems4me said:
Do you mean Seattle instead of St.Louis? Yes I agree the Charges got two bites at the apple and still blew it and Seattle did it to themselves as well... I'm already off to a start of 3 losses too... :frown: who are you picking to go all the way? After seeing Indy explode on the Bronco's I'm thinking Indy will go all the way now... :ohwell:

Ok, call me an dumbazz. I had it in my head this morning that Seattle had won. :dance: I'm .500 on my picks! :duh: I do remember the ill-fated dropped pass in the endzone at the end of the game now. I was at the casino while watching this one. :biggrin: