Young Liberals and Dreamy Geezers
I thought Life under Carter was lousy...interest rates, gas prices, humiliation in Iran, Giving away the Panama Canal, Nicaragua went communist, Angola erupting, Russians taking Afghanistan, No 1980 Olympics,
embarassments with Billy, Threats from Libya.
Young skulls full of liberal mush don't remember those Dreary years.
Under Clinton...they want to go back but we were living under horrible illusions...
*Effective response to terror: Not in the Least, thus the fanatical world of Islam mushroomed...sensing our weakness. (Was Flight 800 taken down by a missile and it was covered up? Seems like we will here more about this as intelligence collects overseas data...Clinton Admin.may have covered it up).
*Economic Boom? It was all a balloon. All the Dot coms on the Nasdaq were over inflated and our annuities gave us the impression that we could actially make money in the stock market. The building boom destroyed thousands of acres of Southern Maryland clogging our roads and schools.
*Moral Depravity: everyday at the white house (I don't need to go into the "Scandal of the Month")...I was truly ashamed of being led by such a perverse, adulterous coward.
Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti...all puppet shows that put us at risk and actually cost us some lives...nothing gained.
BlackHawk down.....need I say more?
Military budget cut, morale down, Taxes up, Mayor Barry circus in DC, Hillary throwing lamps, and all the fake emotion he showed at the d-day anniversary (prop of stone cross on the beach and the flags at Anzio graves)
I am heartily sick of that self-centered man, am repulsed by his arrogant wife, and stunned at the overt ignorance of anybody who would want him back...some kind of sick joke.
Can't we send him to be Ambassador to the Maldive Islands or something?