Without The Electoral College, The United States Is No Longer A Republic


PREMO Member
All these trends cannot be just coincidence. The fundamental aim is to replace and control the demos, in the name of democracy—add more people who are traditionally Democratic voters, and who are young, naïve, and impressionable, more easily swayed by charismatic charlatans and soaring rhetoric. There’s a reason the rush is always to nominate one who’s charismatic but vacuous. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama followed the pattern, which Hillary Clinton, naturally awkward, couldn’t manage.

The final obstacle is the Electoral College. Even here, with the shockingly low standards of civics education in America, and deliberate partisan misinformation from both printand television media, means much of the American population lives not knowing why the Electoral College was made part of the nation’s system in the first place, and how it is the last bastion against majoritarian tyranny.

The problem is that liberalism as a political philosophy is a universalist concept. Put simply, while paying lip service to diversity liberalism eradicates every difference in favor of homogeneity, certain arbitrary and temporal global values, decided by the elites of the times. This was liberalism’s problem with feudal Europe — which led to the revolutions of the 19th century, which in return led to global peace for more than 70 years under conservative governments that were astute enough to favor order over revolutionary chaos.

This is precisely the same logic that leads to intervention in Libya to promote democracy and LGBT preferences, and the same logic that wants an imperial center to favor abortion across the entire American heartland, even when it is overwhelmingly opposed in many places. Liberalism is a quasi-religious theory with a providential end, with a happy progressive ending of history, and those who refuse to sign up for that journey are sinners who deserve to be eradicated. In short, unchecked liberalism is, by definition, an idea that cannot coexist forever with any other way of life, and sooner or later must come in conflict with conservatism, republicanism, and federalism.
