
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...alright, that's a playoff win!!!!

The first two games were pretty good pro ball but, sadly, the 'Zards trio of Jamison, Hughes and Arenas can only do so much and must have good games from their big guys.

Viola! Thomas has played great, Ruffin has contributed as has Jeffries and Haywood has played OK. Kwame hasn't done much at all and that's the season pattern.

So, MAYBE they'll get by the Bulls but they are just SO inconsistent inside.

Anyway, good for the home team to win one!


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Kwame hasn't done much at all and that's the season pattern.
This may sound cruel, but I'm glad that Kwame has turned out to be a bust. Nothing personal against him, since he was trying to help his family. I just want to put to rest forever the NBA's insane idea of recruiting kids right out of high school. Do you think Kwame would had lived up to his potential if he had gone to Florida? Do you think he hasn't done well precisely because he didn't get NCAA seasoning?
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Well-Known Member
College may have helped him. But you look at LeBron James, and I think it's more about an all around level of maturity that he(Kwame) just doesn't possess. It's more about the fact that in high school he was probably never told no, you can't do that, coupled with the fact that the offense was run through(and by) him. Now he's in with the big boys and he got his feelings hurt once he found out that, contrary to what his mama told him, the world does NOT revolve around him.


Asperger's Poster Child
So you think that LeBron is more mature that Kwame? I would have thought that LeBron had the same type of high-school experience.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Picking high school kids is a crap shoot...

...you might get Moses Malone or Kobe Bryant and if he'd been available, anyone would have taken Shaq who only went to college one year anyway.

On the other hand, you might get Kwame or any number of recent kids who CAN play at the pro level but will likely never excel.

Picking college kids is a crap shoot. You might get Sam Bowie with the first pick over Micheal Jordan.

Until the league sees enough Kwames, financial busts, they'll keep picking children.

As far as Kwame in particular college would like have revealed what we see now; a kid with tremendous natural talent for his size. A big man who can run, control his body, has an EXPLOSIVE first step, can dribble and shoot.
The college environment would have made him better in every area because it is a 'soft' environment. He'd have learned against lesser physicaly challenging kids, ergo, no crushing blows to his confidence.

College would have also reavealed what we see now; a soft kid. Unlike Moses and Kobe and a few others, Kwame was not prepared to challenge grown men and worse, he is not growing into it.

He still shows flashes of dominance but for the most part, he's still just a kid among men.

All in all, there's been plenty of 4 year college kids who haven't panned out either.

And today Kwame STILL has enough talent and potential that he'll continue to get paid to play in the NBA. He's free agent at the end of this season. He COULD still become a solid player if not an all star.

If someone comes after him with super star number$, you have to let him go, if not, you gotta keep him.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
LeBron is more 'mature'...

Tonio said:
So you think that LeBron is more mature that Kwame? I would have thought that LeBron had the same type of high-school experience.

...in the sense that playing to win is paramount to him. Kwame would eat cotton candy on the floor if they'd let him. Lose a game? Go get some pizza. Win a game? Go get some pizza. No big deal either way.


Well-Known Member
Tonio said:
So you think that LeBron is more mature that Kwame? I would have thought that LeBron had the same type of high-school experience.

No doubt that he did. But compare the behavior. Who do you think "respects the game" more?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A very good game last night!!!

This team is rounding into shape nicely.

Every night, another guy, a non star, steps up to help the big three. Hughes, Arenas and Jamison play at least solid, every night.

This is getting fun!


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
This team is rounding into shape nicely.

Every night, another guy, a non star, steps up to help the big three. Hughes, Arenas and Jamison play at least solid, every night.

This is getting fun!



New Member
Well it won't matter in the end: oh, washington you've won the first round, you now have the Miami Heat and Shaq...congratulations...see ya next year

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What a pissy little...

rraley said:
Well it won't matter in the end: oh, washington you've won the first round, you now have the Miami Heat and Shaq...congratulations...see ya next year

...negative attitude. First off, they have not beat the Bulls yet.

Second off, shall we just mail it in, call off the games and go about living life based on predictions?

Or may we enjoy the sport of it all?

What kind of odds will you give me if they do play the Heat?




How sure are you, young grasshopper?


My Sweetest Boy
rraley said:
Well it won't matter in the end: oh, washington you've won the first round, you now have the Miami Heat and Shaq...congratulations...see ya next year


New Member
Larry, sure play the games out...but well all know that the Heat are taking this one in 4 or 5...did you see the game today? Nine straight losses to the Heat? Eddie Jordan basically said, we know that we are here to get experience...doesn't sound like confidence.

As for the person who said I was a soccer fan...tsk tsk...