WMD Found in Iraq


New Member
Bumped into this online and wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention.

Tikrit, Iraq

Nine miles outside of Tikrit, hidden in a spider hole, the US Forces found the deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction. This WMD was responsible for the deaths of over 1.3 million people.

This new movie supporting the U.S. invasion of Iraq makes the case that a weapon of mass destruction was indeed found during the war - Saddam Hussein. This movie personalizes the 1.3 Million Mass Murders committed at the hand Saddam.

Before you cast your vote November 2nd, you must watch the heartbreaking eyewitness accounts, and unreported footage of some the most brutal murders in the history of mankind.

View Footage at http://www.wmddvd.com


Let's get drunk
None of that seems recent, everyone knew he was an evil man and what he has done. Even if we got rid of him the first war it's hard to speculate that it would affected 9/11... I am not falling for it...


Active Member
Did saddam personaly kill the people?


silly republicans trying to say he was the person that did the killing... that just like saying guns kill, they dont kill the people holding them cause them to kill... but that would be annother double republican standard i guess?


curiouser and curiouser
Spoiled said:
Did saddam personaly kill the people?


silly republicans trying to say he was the person that did the killing... that just like saying guns kill, they dont kill the people holding them cause them to kill... but that would be annother double republican standard i guess?
So Adolf Hitler shouldn't be held responsible for the Holocaust?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Did saddam personaly kill the people?


silly republicans trying to say he was the person that did the killing... that just like saying guns kill, they dont kill the people holding them cause them to kill... but that would be annother double republican standard i guess?
He ordered the killing. Ever heard of murder for hire? If someone ordered your wife, mother, or other person you love killed, you, I dare say, would hold that person as well as the actual killer responsible. Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews. Would the people in the extermination camps have executed the Jews without those orders? Would Saddam's troops have killed masses of people without his orders?


Active Member
Nickel said:
So Adolf Hitler shouldn't be held responsible for the Holocaust?
im saying by republican philosophy no hitler should not be held responsible...

on annother note hitler wasnt the only individual held responsible for the holocost...

saddam was a bad guy but he was getting old and had stopped with his being a WMD, i still feel there were and are people who are more of an "iminent threat" than him. I also feel that the title is very misleading, and to the common folk they would say oh see there is a movie that say we found it!!! without seeing the picture or knowing anything about the movie...

im ready for you all to start #####ing now, but you had your moment in my f911 thread i get my moment here... start crying and giving me the negative karma you pubs


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
im saying by republican philosophy no hitler should not be held responsible...

on annother note hitler wasnt the only individual held responsible for the holocost...

saddam was a bad guy but he was getting old and had stopped with his being a WMD, i still feel there were and are people who are more of an "iminent threat" than him. I also feel that the title is very misleading, and to the common folk they would say oh see there is a movie that say we found it!!! without seeing the picture or knowing anything about the movie...

im ready for you all to start #####ing now, but you had your moment in my f911 thread i get my moment here... start crying and giving me the negative karma you pubs
Have you read the 911 report? It said Saddam did not have WMD, but was trying to reconstitute his WMD programs, or did you miss that because it does not fit your paradigm.

Please clean up your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It is hard enough to read your bogus ideas without having to interpret your post.


curiouser and curiouser
Spoiled said:
im saying by republican philosophy no hitler should not be held responsible...

on annother note hitler wasnt the only individual held responsible for the holocost...

saddam was a bad guy but he was getting old and had stopped with his being a WMD, i still feel there were and are people who are more of an "iminent threat" than him. I also feel that the title is very misleading, and to the common folk they would say oh see there is a movie that say we found it!!! without seeing the picture or knowing anything about the movie...

im ready for you all to start #####ing now, but you had your moment in my f911 thread i get my moment here... start crying and giving me the negative karma you pubs
What top-secret documents are you privy to? Do you honestly think that you know everything that goes on over there. Talk to anyone who has come back from Iraq, you have no clue what it's like. You don't know who the imminent threats are, you only know what the liberal media tells you.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
im ready for you all to start #####ing now, but you had your moment in my f911 thread i get my moment here... start crying and giving me the negative karma you pubs

:duh: At least have the balls to say something to and stick by it, rather than trying your grade school crap of hiding behind invisible words and then erasing them. I took the liberty of coloring them so everyone can see your infantile rantings.


Active Member
Meanwhile we let Iran try to produce nuclear weapons (they have definite direct ties to fundamentalist Muslim groups http://www.infoplease.com/spot/terrorism4.html). We also turned our back to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, and no one knows what is going on there other than they hate the world and claim to have nuclear weapons.

Cool we got rid of a has-been as opposed to the AREs... Let me take a minute to go rejoice…


Active Member
Nickel said:
What top-secret documents are you privy to? Do you honestly think that you know everything that goes on over there. Talk to anyone who has come back from Iraq, you have no clue what it's like. You don't know who the imminent threats are, you only know what the liberal media tells you.

I have no access to top-secret documents (if i did i would not be talking about them either). I have talked to many people who have been to Iraq, and some that are going back. One of these people was a marine and sits a few seats down from me at college democrats. My cousin is going back next month. I have friends that may end up in Iraq once they are done with their training in the marines, I will talk to them as well.

You are right, they don’t know who the threats are when they are doing their job. I have heard mixed reports on the population of Iraq, about half the people I have talked to said the people want us there the other half said they hate us. I am sure it depends on when and where they were.


Spoiled said:
Did saddam personaly kill the people?


silly republicans trying to say he was the person that did the killing... that just like saying guns kill, they dont kill the people holding them cause them to kill... but that would be annother double republican standard i guess?

Now this is indeed an interesting take on things.

Since Hussein only had these people killed - rather than personally murdering them with his own hands - he lacks culpability - 'cause he's not the one who actually did the killing.

I guess that's good news to people who have hired hitmen and sundry mercenaries. They are not responsible for the deaths they caused, because they're not the one's who pulled the trigger. The assassins did it.

The really funny part: Liberals seem to blame George W. Bush personally for each and every death in Iraq - including the beheadings by these rogue killers.

America has always been at war with Iraq. War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.


Football season!
Nickel said:
What top-secret documents are you privy to? Do you honestly think that you know everything that goes on over there. Talk to anyone who has come back from Iraq, you have no clue what it's like. You don't know who the imminent threats are, you only know what the liberal media tells you.

If you did listen to the ones coming back, you would be hearing pretty much the same stories. The locals like having saddam gone, but still want their country back and are beginning to see us as occupiers, not liberators. Kinda like this year's election - we are seen as the lesser of two evils.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Did saddam personaly kill the people?


silly republicans trying to say he was the person that did the killing.
Originally Posted by Nickel
So Adolf Hitler shouldn't be held responsible for the Holocaust?
im saying by republican philosophy no hitler should not be held responsible...

Spoiled said:
which is why everyone here hates me because im not ignorant


Spoiled said:
which is why everyone here hates me because im not ignorant, and they all love eachother and think they are strong...

For the record - I don't hate you.

Secondly, if you think that Saddam Hussein is not responsible for the deaths of the people he had killed, then you are indeed ignorant. In fact, it takes an impressive degree of determination and strong-willed defiant and deliberate ignorance to utter a statement like that.


Football season!
Toxick said:
For the record - I don't hate you.

Secondly, if you think that Saddam Hussein is not responsible for the deaths of the people he had killed, then you are indeed ignorant. In fact, it takes an impressive degree of determination and strong-willed defiant and deliberate ignorance to utter a statement like that.
Maybe he loves his parents very much, and by using this type of logic he can excuse himself from saying his parents raised an idiot?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
which is why everyone here hates me because im not ignorant, and they all love eachother and think they are strong...
I agree with Toxick, I don't hate you, because I don't know you.

You do have a different perspective on things, usually not founded in fact, and you make illogical asinine comments that would make you worthy of working for Baghdad Bob.


curiouser and curiouser
Toxick said:
Now this is indeed an interesting take on things.

Since Hussein only had these people killed - rather than personally murdering them with his own hands - he lacks culpability - 'cause he's not the one who actually did the killing.

I guess that's good news to people who have hired hitmen and sundry mercenaries. They are not responsible for the deaths they caused, because they're not the one's who pulled the trigger. The assassins did it.

The really funny part: Liberals seem to blame George W. Bush personally for each and every death in Iraq - including the beheadings by these rogue killers.

America has always been at war with Iraq. War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.
I've said it once and I'm gonna say it again...Tox for President!