SamSpade said:
According to a former military advisor to Saddam - they moved them almost a year before we went in there - to Syria.


What are the chances we'll ever be able to prove this guy right?
Sam, I posted an article a year or so back that said they had satellite pics showing it happening... I'll go see if I can find it. To this day I believe he had WMD and I believe we gave him too much advanced notice that we were coming in... he might be whacko but he's not stupid... he had plenty of time to move the shiat and he did.
Check this out... this article is from 2004... this article also has a link to the satellite images.

A senior Syrian journalist reports Iraq WMD located in three Syrian sites

Nayouf writes that the transfer of Iraqi WMD to Syria was organized by the commanders of Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard, including General Shalish, with the help of Assif Shoakat , Bashar Assad's cousin. Shoakat is the CEO of Bhaha, an import/export company owned by the Assad family.

In February 2003, a month before America's invasion in Iraq, very few are aware about the efforts to bring the Weapons of Mass Destruction from Iraq to Syria, and the personal involvement of Bashar Assad and his family in the operation.
Nayouf, who has won prizes for journalistic integrity, says he wrote his letter because he has terminal cancer.


Well-Known Member
1-2 punch...

Israel should launch a heavy strike against Iran in the next 90 days...

The US should run a simultaneous strike on Syria that has Knock-out photos like those we took in Cuba in 1962...so when the world's condemnation whips up...we show them..."Iraq gave WMDs to Syria and they stored them in exhibit A, B and C....they have now been destroyed. The UN failed to detect, supervise, or discipline a rogue state...we did it for them,....you're welcome, here's the bill."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Actually, I think the perfect solution to Iran is to create a Chernobyl-like "accident". It would sway world and Iran national opinion AWAY from pursuing a nuclear agenda.


Well-Known Member
Heck, if their technology is Russian...we just need to translate "K-19 The Widowmaker" or a National Geographic special on Chernobyl into Persian and beam it at them 24 hours straight....they may get the idea.


Chairman of the Board
Another article:

Iraq's WMD secreted in Syria

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.

The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.

"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Hessian said:
Israel should launch a heavy strike against Iran in the next 90 days...

The US should run a simultaneous strike on Syria that has Knock-out photos like those we took in Cuba in 1962...so when the world's condemnation whips up...we show them..."Iraq gave WMDs to Syria and they stored them in exhibit A, B and C....they have now been destroyed. The UN failed to detect, supervise, or discipline a rogue state...we did it for them,....you're welcome, here's the bill."
The only problem is that we really don't have the forces right now for an extended fight on multiple fronts and if we let Isreal into the fight, we would have more than Syria and Iran in the mix.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Frank said:
The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
This is only about the 85th time we've heard this. Any bets on when the MSM will pick it up? :rolleyes:

I was chatting with two Bush-haters (who happen to be my beloved BIL and MIL) and, of course, the topic of "Where are the WMD???" came up. I said, "Only about 6,000 highly placed Iraqis have said they were moved to Syria. :rolleyes: " And they both guffawed at length. Then the BIL said that CNN is a very conservative news network, and I left the conversation - no point in having a conversation with delusional people.

Wes Clark was on Hannity and Colmes last night after the SotU and he made passing reference to US soldiers kicking in doors and brutalizing civilian women, etc. Hannity was like, back up, Hoss - did you just accuse our troops of war crimes? And Clark went, 'er, uh - yes, these are things that other soldiers have told me happened...anyway...moving right along...' Hannity tried to bring him back to it a couple of times and Clark fluffed him off.

So I'm curious if We Clark is sitting in a Pentagon interrogation room this morning, telling them all about these war crimes that that he knows about and just informed the American people of.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
The only problem is that we really don't have the forces right now for an extended fight on multiple fronts and if we let Isreal into the fight, we would have more than Syria and Iran in the mix.
Then it's probably a better idea to just forget about the WMD, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the rest of the gang, and just let them go on about their business.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Then it's probably a better idea to just forget about the WMD, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the rest of the gang, and just let them go on about their business.

No, one at a time Vrai. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Chairman of the Board
vraiblonde said:
Wes Clark was on Hannity and Colmes last night after the SotU and he made passing reference to US soldiers kicking in doors and brutalizing civilian women, etc. Hannity was like, back up, Hoss - did you just accuse our troops of war crimes? And Clark went, 'er, uh - yes, these are things that other soldiers have told me happened...anyway...moving right along...' Hannity tried to bring him back to it a couple of times and Clark fluffed him off.

I think if I double-checked the numbers mentioning the numbers of "civilian deaths" in Iraq, what I'd find is something that matches more closely with "enemy combatants" in Iraq. The common number of "100,000" civilian deaths is usually stated to include or to be a more accurate representation of what Bush meant when he said that about 35,000 were killed. That is, our soldiers are engaging in battle with armed men shooting at them - but - they're "civilians".

So when our troops kick in the doors of people who shoot at them and blow people up, they're "harassing civilians".


Chairman of the Board
vraiblonde said:
Then it's probably a better idea to just forget about the WMD, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the rest of the gang, and just let them go on about their business.


Actually what spooked me a little with THIS particular article is that Sada was concerned that *SYRIA* may now have complete control over them - and might USE them. That by HIDING them in Syria, they opened the door for *everyone* to have them - and it's now even more important to get them, than when it was just Saddam.


This Space for Rent
Actually, I believe you are wrong, Bust'em. We do have enough power to go into a fight. We could mop up all those states. The difference is we couldn't get into a protracted ground support situation after the War. We could probably decimate at least 60-70% of their military power without much effort. As long as we aren't truely invading to hold the countries, then the mapower requirement is not overbearing.

What happened to the days where terrorists attacked an airplane and we bombed the #### out of Tripoli? You ever notice how quiet and compromising Omar got after that? That is what should have continued to happen but it didn't. Thus, they got bolder and bolder and received more and more support from terrorist backing states. So, we have proof that Syria is supporting terrorist actions... next time anything can be remotely linked to them... BOOM! A bombing of their key military installations. When it starts costing them billions of dollars for small terrorist attacks, they will learn.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
FromTexas said:
Actually, I believe you are wrong, Bust'em. We do have enough power to go into a fight. We could mop up all those states. The difference is we couldn't get into a protracted ground support situation after the War. We could probably decimate at least 60-70% of their military power without much effort. As long as we aren't truely invading to hold the countries, then the mapower requirement is not overbearing.
But what would be the point in that. Just blowing the hell outta a country would just fuel the opposition. We need to conquer, control, then move on. If we just bomb and leave, we create safe havens for the enemy that we would just have to go back to.


Super Genius
FromTexas said:
What happened to the days where terrorists attacked an airplane and we bombed the #### out of Tripoli? You ever notice how quiet and compromising Omar got after that? That is what should have continued to happen but it didn't. Thus, they got bolder and bolder and received more and more support from terrorist backing states. So, we have proof that Syria is supporting terrorist actions... next time anything can be remotely linked to them... BOOM! A bombing of their key military installations. When it starts costing them billions of dollars for small terrorist attacks, they will learn.
Kinda like my sig...


This Space for Rent
Bustem' Down said:
But what would be the point in that. Just blowing the hell outta a country would just fuel the opposition. We need to conquer, control, then move on. If we just bomb and leave, we create safe havens for the enemy that we would just have to go back to.

No, everytime you bomb the crap out of them for the tiniest infraction, their will gets broken. Not the rank and file small terrorist... but the ones who supply the funds and the bang. They have something to lose unlike the sheep they send to slaughter. They want to stay in power and kept their hoardes of cash they have squandered from their poor masses. When they start losing billions in military and have to worry who is going to even protect them from themselves, they start to concede. If they keep pushing, then we invade and replace or assassinate. They will see the writing on the wall... stop what you are doing or lose your control. These people are different than the OBLs. They are ones who want control of their states! They do not want to seek refuge in caves.


Chairman of the Board
FromTexas said:
What happened to the days where terrorists attacked an airplane and we bombed the #### out of Tripoli? You ever notice how quiet and compromising Omar got after that? That is what should have continued to happen but it didn't. Thus, they got bolder and bolder and received more and more support from terrorist backing states.

That's what I was thinking when I heard the other day that some *Germans* were now kidnapped, and threatened with death unless Germany blah-blah-blah....seems like this pattern is getting worse.

Once you capitulate to their demands ONCE, it's open season on everyone. That's why you can NEVER negotiate with terrorists - it's the one certain way to make *everyone* LESS safe.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Just blowing the hell outta a country would just fuel the opposition.
You're right - if we take on terrorists it will make them mad. I can't believe I didn't think of that before. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Frank said:
Once you capitulate to their demands ONCE, it's open season on everyone. That's why you can NEVER negotiate with terrorists - it's the one certain way to make *everyone* LESS safe.
But...what if we make them angry? :shocking: