
Chairman of the Board
vraiblonde said:
But...what if we make them angry? :shocking:


It's like the advice you might give to your kid, who is being bullied at school by telling him to give the bully a good punch in the nose "do you want to risk getting him mad....or continue to be picked on every day for the rest of your time in school?".

Which is interesting, because so many on the left have EXACTLY your typical kid's mentality in that situation - rather than stand up to the bully, their behavior suggests what a lot of kids who've been sufficiently bullied actually DO - nothing, in the hopes that maybe he'll just leave 'em alone. Nothing, because MAKING THEM MAD might result in a bloody nose. Nothing, because MAYBE if I *hide* on the playground and stop doing whatever bad thing I'm doing to annoy the bully - because it really IS our fault he's like that - maybe he'll pick on someone ELSE.

And I gotta tell such a kid - get him mad? He's already beating the crap out of you! What do you call THAT...... *love*?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Ya'll are not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying to placate them, or to negotiate with them, or to ignore them. I'm saying, rather than start willy nilly bombing eight different countries, we systematically one by one do our business. It's much more efficient. If you were hunting, do you A) go into the forest and blast away at the trees recklessly? or B) Sit in one spot, shoot deer, move to another spot on a different day and shoot some more? Sure, option A) clears the land so they have no where to hide but it's awful loud and a lot of work.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you're taking...

I'm saying, rather than start willy nilly bombing eight different countries, we systematically one by one do our business. It's much more efficient.

...an unrealistic view of the enemy.

Yes, we can be systematic if we say the goal is to defeat;

1. Iraq
2. Syria
3. Iran
4. North Korea

But the threat we faced on 9/11 and the threats Iraq posed by potentially dispersing ABC weapons to similar small groups who are not nation/states dictates that the enemy WILL be scattered and WILL be using any and all means of hiding, deceiving and constant movement to avoid being attacked.

Iraq is a warning to other enemy or potential enemy nation/states that we WILL invade them if necessary. Iraq is their chance, their wakeup call, to modify behavior. We'd rather not, but it's their choice.

In the mean time, dispersed US forces the globe over, running down and killing this guy or that cell has the added effect of letting the nation/states ALSO know that we will deal with their proxies as well.

Osama and Zarqawi and the rest pledged battle until they win or to the death. The latest call, allegedly from Osama, is a scream of 'uncle' totally out of character with any fight to death. Living every single day with the threat of sudden and instant death HAS worn these people down.

Only the continued reality of that pressure will get us to peace. It is up to them when there's been enough death; they started it. That makes it their call.

The thing we should fear is stopping killing them before they've had enough. That would be like weeding a large garden, nearly finishing and then letting it go. In no time the weeds are back.

Because that's what they do.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...an unrealistic view of the enemy.

Yes, we can be systematic if we say the goal is to defeat;

1. Iraq
2. Syria
3. Iran
4. North Korea

But the threat we faced on 9/11 and the threats Iraq posed by potentially dispersing ABC weapons to similar small groups who are not nation/states dictates that the enemy WILL be scattered and WILL be using any and all means of hiding, deceiving and constant movement to avoid being attacked.

Iraq is a warning to other enemy or potential enemy nation/states that we WILL invade them if necessary. Iraq is their chance, their wakeup call, to modify behavior. We'd rather not, but it's their choice.

In the mean time, dispersed US forces the globe over, running down and killing this guy or that cell has the added effect of letting the nation/states ALSO know that we will deal with their proxies as well.

Osama and Zarqawi and the rest pledged battle until they win or to the death. The latest call, allegedly from Osama, is a scream of 'uncle' totally out of character with any fight to death. Living every single day with the threat of sudden and instant death HAS worn these people down.

Only the continued reality of that pressure will get us to peace. It is up to them when there's been enough death; they started it. That makes it their call.

The thing we should fear is stopping killing them before they've had enough. That would be like weeding a large garden, nearly finishing and then letting it go. In no time the weeds are back.

Because that's what they do.
That's what I was talking about. Other countries. It's a completely different approch to stomp out just terrorism, but we were talking about the WMD's and if your going after a country, that's the way to do it. Just repeatedly bombing them over and over doesn't accomplish anything but making big holes for them to hide in. Unlike a country, terrorist do not need a large industrial infrastructure to survive, we have to go in there with men on the ground to pluck them as you said like weeds.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Frank said:
Which is interesting, because so many on the left have EXACTLY your typical kid's mentality in that situation - rather than stand up to the bully, their behavior suggests what a lot of kids who've been sufficiently bullied actually DO - nothing, in the hopes that maybe he'll just leave 'em alone. Nothing, because MAKING THEM MAD might result in a bloody nose. Nothing, because MAYBE if I *hide* on the playground and stop doing whatever bad thing I'm doing to annoy the bully - because it really IS our fault he's like that - maybe he'll pick on someone ELSE.
I get an extreme education in human behavior just by watching these forums. Another choice is:

"Nothing. I should lavish them with praise and suck up to them, in hopes they'll like me back and not put me on the victim's list."

There are a lot of cowardly people in this world. I hope and pray that George Bush isn't one of them.


Well-Known Member
Predictable (and foolish) pattern.

If the Moslem were to critique the Modis Operendi (?) of the US...when confronting a threat like WMDs in Syria:
First we whine to the UN,...then we gather allies,...then we issue an ultimatum, then we make concessions,..and then they finally tick us off enough to mass forces, followed by a brief lull while we count gas masks...then we HIT!

Um...what do you think Syria will do with those WMD when we begin our typical pattern or confrontation?

They will be trucked along in Red Crescent trucks into Jordan or Lebannon or try to get them down to the radical factions in Egypt.

And we'll mull over the Dept of Def SAT photos 18 months later and go "Yup...there they went, wonder where they are now Gomer?"

We simply can't afford to act like Britain in the 1700's. Playing drawn out diplomatic games and them making ponderously slow moves while the enemy plays a shell game.

Yeah we boast we have a rapid resonse force...but nothing we do ever seems to be sudden/rapid. Why have a weapon we refuse to use?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Hessian said:
If the Moslem were to critique the Modis Operendi (?) of the US...when confronting a threat like WMDs in Syria:
First we whine to the UN,...then we gather allies,...then we issue an ultimatum, then we make concessions,..and then they finally tick us off enough to mass forces, followed by a brief lull while we count gas masks...then we HIT!

Um...what do you think Syria will do with those WMD when we begin our typical pattern or confrontation?

They will be trucked along in Red Crescent trucks into Jordan or Lebannon or try to get them down to the radical factions in Egypt.

And we'll mull over the Dept of Def SAT photos 18 months later and go "Yup...there they went, wonder where they are now Gomer?"

We simply can't afford to act like Britain in the 1700's. Playing drawn out diplomatic games and them making ponderously slow moves while the enemy plays a shell game.

Yeah we boast we have a rapid resonse force...but nothing we do ever seems to be sudden/rapid. Why have a weapon we refuse to use?
But eventually they run outta people to give them to.


As we saw with Quadafi and Mr. Yassir "I Will Fight Them At The Gates" Arafat, who was hiding under his desk calling Colin to save his ass when the Israelis looked like they were serious about killing him, these leaders are all bold and gusto until their end looms near... then they're just pussies.

I've noticed that Syria has been keeping a very low profile since the Iraq invasion. Some think that's because they're worried about being invaded, but I think it's something else. Power and strength is everything to these people, and with Iraq out of the way Iran is now, wrongfully, trying to step into Saddams' shoes. Once Iran gets taken out Syria will have a golden opportunity landed on its doorstep. Once Iran falls, Syria will be the next big dog on the block, and all al-Assad has to do is turn the Iraqi WMDs over to the US and proclaim that he just wants to bring peace finally to the region. He'll have every ticket punched by the West, and he's big enough to exert influence over the Palestinians and get them to go along with him. He'll be able to accomplish what Al Qaeda, Hussein, and the Iranians all failed so miserably at - uniting the Arab world.. with him as it's grand leader. He gets all the cash and the power, and becomes a greater leader than his father, which is, I would guess his biggest, ambition.