Woe is me


Loyalty, Friendship, Love

You may recall a few months ago, my washing machine crapped out on me. After several months of nursing it along, going back and forth with a repairman and heading to Mom's house with the laundry, I bought a new one.


My dryer broke last night. :ohwell:

I hate doing laundry. :burning:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
kwillia said:

What's wrong with it...what are the 'symptoms'...:shrug:
Well, I went to empty the lint trap and there was an impression in the lint of a small foam letter (a bath toy). This thing is about an inch by an inch and a half and about 1/16 of a inch thick. The letter itself wasn't in the trap any longer, so I assume it fell back down into the lint trap cavity.

After deciding that there was no way to retrieve it, I figured it was no worse than a glob of lint, so I started the machine.

It made the most awful noise, like gears trying to mesh and not making it and it won't start.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Can't you just open the back of the dryer and clean everything out from behind the drum?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
kwillia said:
:yikes: May it R.I.P...:dead:
Well, I've got a call into a repairman (a different one this time). If it is just that toy, they should be able to pull it apart and get it out.

I've got a LOT of laundry to do though. I've been too busy all week to fool with it. I've done clotheslines before, but it's pretty darn in convient in this weather and I don't have a lot of room in the basement.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Sharon said:
Can't you just open the back of the dryer and clean everything out from behind the drum?
I can't see how to open it without messing something up.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Dymphna said:
Well, I've got a call into a repairman (a different one this time). If it is just that toy, they should be able to pull it apart and get it out.

I've got a LOT of laundry to do though. I've been too busy all week to fool with it. I've done clotheslines before, but it's pretty darn in convient in this weather and I don't have a lot of room in the basement.
Dryers have very little to them. It is usually a lot cheaper to fix then buy a new one. I feel for you though. been a long time since I did the clothes line thing myself.
I know it's a major inconvenience with the little ones...........
good luck!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
danceintherain said:
There are several dryers listed in the somd classifieds.
I am reluctant to take on someone else's castoffs. Afterall, if it worked right in the first place, why are they getting rid of it?

When my washer finally gave it up, I DID accept one from a friend as a temporary measure until I could research new ones. It lasted a month.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Chasey_Lane said:
I think Tigger has one in her yard, too! :yay:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Chasey_Lane again.


Dymphna said:
I am reluctant to take on someone else's castoffs. Afterall, if it worked right in the first place, why are they getting rid of it
Alot of people purchase them for when they rent houses or apartments & then when they decided to build or buy a house it comes equipped with one, so instead of leaving it behind they chose to sell them :shrug:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
deino2002 said:
Alot of people purchase them for when they rent houses or apartments & then when they decided to build or buy a house it comes equipped with one, so instead of leaving it behind they chose to sell them :shrug:
That was kind of what happened with the washer I got from my friend... the one that lasted a month. They moved into a house that had a washer/dryer and they had one from the place they rented before that they brought with them. They kept the better of the two sets.


Suz' said:
Dryers have very little to them. It is usually a lot cheaper to fix then buy a new one. I feel for you though. been a long time since I did the clothes line thing myself.
I know it's a major inconvenience with the little ones...........
good luck!
Not much to a dryer. Belt makes it go roundy round and heating element puts out the heat, timer, a few switches (door switch), etc. Alot cheaper to repair unless the motor is burned up. Then, it's like replacing a compressor on the refrigerator. Cheaper to go buy a new one. Had the compressor on my freezer go bad. Lucky the warranty was still good. $600 for that little monster. :yikes: