Woke Coffee Shop Closes Down After Insane Demands From Even-More-Woke Employees


PREMO Member
Doc Marie’s is a lesbian bar that opened on July 1st of this year with the hope of bringing more inclusivity to the city of Portland. But just one week after their grand opening they were forced to shut down because of complaints that the bar was not a “safe space.” Similar to the story I wrote a few weeks ago about the queer-owned cafe in Philadelphia that was shut down by employees for not being woke enough, Doc Marie’s was cannibalized by the woke mob.

The crowd on opening day was huge. One woman said that the line for entry on opening night was “wrapped around the block” with “literally 200 lesbians” waiting to get in.

But the excitement about a new progressive hangout dissipated quickly. Within days, Doc Marie’s found itself on the receiving end of accusations of not being inclusive enough for trans people and people of color. Despite mask mandates being lifted in Portland, patrons accused the bar of not implementing enough COVID safety measures. Patrons also claimed that Doc Marie’s had “culturally appropriative art” on the walls.

Employees of Doc Marie’s created an Instagram page to echo these concerns. They claimed that the owners weren’t proactive enough in creating a safe space and accused the owners of racism. The employees also demanded that the bar host “free opportunities for education” for the community.




Power with Control
"We demand that you give us the property that you paid for"

How about **** NO!!!!

But wait, was Portland needing a lesbian bar? Heres the tale. There used to be a place that was sorta one, but you cant self segregate in the alphabet world. In that world, if you want to enjoy the company of others who like what you like, that means you hate everyone who likes something else, penis's perhaps. Seems they opened in May, so the honeymoon was short.
