Woman Killed At Traffic Light In Alexandria


chernmax said:
Maryland needs to finally approve concealed weapons permits for private law abiding citizens, most of these thugs will get their a$$ in check when it hits them that other people are packing as well. Private citizens are the first line of defense, not police...

EVERY State that allows private citizens to carry conceals firearms, crime has gone DOWN!!! :coffee:

I agree, but I want to be able to carry UN concealed........that way the maggots can see the iron before hand.


I live on Commonwealth now, down by the King Street Metro. I was sitting in the living room last night when 2 police cars went flying up the road - speed bumps and all - then 2 more, then 2 more, then I lost count. I knew something big had happened. The area where Commonwealth meets Mt. Vernon has improved a lot in the last few years on the Del Ray side, but just N. & E. of there is still iffy in spots. Just south of there is Los Tios, tasty Mexican food.


New Member

Do you even know where Mount Vernon and Commonwealth is located?

MS-13 started in Los Angeles and you can thank the left aka Democrats for handcuffing LAPD and the INS agents back then-and the proliferation of MS-13 to 30 states today.

Do you know what the term MS-13 represents?

rack'm said:
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Police in Alexandria, Va., are investigating an apparent homicide that happened in the Del Ray section of the city.

Police said a woman was shot to death while waiting at a traffic light at the intersection of Mount Vernon and Commonwealth avenues.


New Member
Del Ray

Oraley...I live right outside Old Town, ?Los Tios...Donde?


ohstate said:
I live on Commonwealth now, down by the King Street Metro. I was sitting in the living room last night when 2 police cars went flying up the road - speed bumps and all - then 2 more, then 2 more, then I lost count. I knew something big had happened. The area where Commonwealth meets Mt. Vernon has improved a lot in the last few years on the Del Ray side, but just N. & E. of there is still iffy in spots. Just south of there is Los Tios, tasty Mexican food.
vincenzo4 said:
Do you even know where Mount Vernon and Commonwealth is located?

MS-13 started in Los Angeles and you can thank the left aka Democrats for handcuffing LAPD and the INS agents back then-and the proliferation of MS-13 to 30 states today.

Do you know what the term MS-13 represents?

Name and influences
The word mara means gang in "Caliche", Salvadoran slang, and is taken from "marabunta", the name of a local type of ant known for its fierce behavior and defense of the colony. "Salvatrucha" is a portmanteau of Salvadoran and trucha (literally trout) a local Salvadoran-Spanish word for being alert, vigilant, at the ready (usually entailing preparedness for crime, or abuse from police): "El significado de salvatrucha es ponerse listo, trucha, abusado" <SUP class=reference id=_ref-1>[2]</SUP>. "Mara Salvatrucha" is also commonly translated as "Salvadoran Gang," identifying the gang's roots in guerilla-trained partisans within El Salvador, Nicaragua,Guatemala, and Honduras. Members of this group control rails and roadways in these areas, transporting contraband, weapons, illegals, and other cargo throughout the Americas.

The gang's name is commonly abbreviated as MS-13, Mara, MS, and is composed of mostly Salvadorans. At first the gang was called "MSS" (Mara Salvatrucha Stoners). When the gang first started, they were into heavy metal and punk rock but later adopted the "cholo" way of dress. Though the gang is mostly made up of men and boys, some girls join the gang as well, although this is rare. The gang originated among Salvadoran immigrants living in Los Angeles and Orange County (primarily Santa Ana and Anaheim) but it has since spread to other parts of North America. It has spread to 33 US states. Other locations of "MS-13" activity are Philadelphia, New York City, Long Island, and Tampa Bay. It emerged in El Savador in the 1980s during El Salvador's violent civil war and is estimated as of 2005 to have 50,000 members in Central America and between 8,000 and 10,000 members in the United States.

Although founded among immigrants in the United States, Mara Salvatrucha now has its largest presence in El Salvador. Much of this is due to the United States' policy of deporting convicted members back to their country of origin. Back in El Salvador, these deportees have recruited more members, including new members who emigrate illegally to the United States. <SUP class=reference id=_ref-2>[3]</SUP>

The gangs have moved from beyond their Salvadoran, Mexican and Los Angeles origins and can be found in Belize, western Honduras, Guatemala, Canada, Mexico, and over 30 U.S. states, most significantly in Washington, D.C. in the Maryland and Virginia suburbs, Dallas, Texas, Long Island, New York, the New York City area, and in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Some sets have even been found in Spain, Italy, and Belgium. Not many of the founding members remain, and the original purpose of forming the MS-13 has become lost to the gang's membership. Many original members belonged to left-wing insurgent groups and right-wing death squads that disintegrated following the end of the war.

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