Woman Writes Article Swearing To Never Cook For A Man,


PREMO Member
Another feminist screed went viral this week. The title tells you everything you need to know: "I'm a Great Cook. Now That I'm Divorced, I'm Never Making Dinner for a Man Again." Written by a woman named Lyz Lenz, it tells the sad tale of a beleaguered, unappreciated wife who magnanimously cooked for her family until she decided that cooking is oppressive and vowed to never do it again. Soon after, her marriage fell apart.

Feminists are hailing the article as an insightful and beautiful ode to female liberation. I think it's silly, self-pitying, and rather embarrassing for the author. But then, I am a member of the Patriarchy, so perhaps my judgment is clouded. Let's look at some excerpts and you can judge for yourself.

WALSH: Woman Writes Article Swearing To Never Cook For A Man, Again Showing Why Feminism Is Bad For Marriage


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm pretty sure no parent likes that feeding thing that comes with having children. If you're all organized like me, you put something in the crockpot before you leave for work, and dinner is ready at 6pm. Weekends are for creative cooking - enjoyment cooking. Week nights are just a feeding thing.

This woman is clearly a "Where's my trophy??" kid.


PREMO Member
This woman is clearly a "Where's my trophy??" kid.


Defiantly an NPC

God Land: A Story of Faith, Loss, and Renewal in Middle America
Indiana University Press, 2019 - 176 pages

In the wake of the 2016 election, Lyz Lenz watched as her country and her marriage were torn apart by the competing forces of faith and politics. A mother of two, a Christian, and a lifelong resident of middle America, Lenz was bewildered by the pain and loss around her--the empty churches and the broken hearts. What was happening to faith in the heartland?

From drugstores in Sydney, Iowa, to skeet shooting in rural Illinois, to the mega churches of Minneapolis, Lenz set out to discover the changing forces of faith and tradition in God's country. Part journalism, part memoir, God Land is a journey into the heart of a deeply divided America. Lenz visits places of worship across the heartland and speaks to the everyday people who often struggle to keep their churches afloat and to cope in a land of instability. Through a thoughtful interrogation of the effects of faith and religion on our lives, our relationships, and our country, God Land investigates whether our divides can ever be bridged and if America can ever come together.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
She did an outstanding job.... of destroying her own life and family.


Raisin cane
Well, I guess that old adage about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach doesn't work for this woman.

I love to cook and used to love cooking together in the kitchen with my partner. Always nice when you have the same tastes and can throw something together.....together.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Well, I guess that old adage about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach doesn't work for this woman.

I love to cook and used to love cooking together in the kitchen with my partner. Always nice when you have the same tastes and can throw something together.....together.


I'm also lucky to have a man that likes to cook. It's nice to come home from work and have dinner waiting for me!


Well-Known Member
Why in the hell would you prepare gourmet meals for a toddler and 4 year old?? During the weeknights, when you have kids, you go easy. Pop something in the crockpot, put a chicken in the oven. Now the weekends are different, especially if its a date night and the kids are at grandma's. That's when you let your inner chef come out. Also, if she wasnt working, why in the hell wouldn't she fix dinner?