Women Facts and/or Secrets:


Im On 1.
1. I am constantly testing you. I observe, analyze, and judge every action, word, gesture, e-mail, and facial expression. When I ask you if you want to have a threesome, I DON"T MEAN IT. If you want me to speak to you again, let alone sleep with you after this conversation, the answer should always be, "Why would I want to sleep with another woman when I have you?"

2. My body really isn't naturally this hairless and smooth all over. But I will never allow you to see any indication whatsoever of all the shaving, tweezing, waxing, exfoliating, and moisturizing that gets it this way.

3. I fantasized about being with you at least a dozen times before we actually first got naked.

4. I only appear to have it all together. My true organization (or lack thereof) is revealed in my closet, my makeup bag, my desk files.

5. When I say, "I`m ready," I`ll need exactly 7 more minutes to get ready. Don`t try to cheat the system by showing up 7 minutes later; I will still need an extra 7 minutes.

6. When I say, "I`ll meet you in 15 minutes," I mean I will leave in 15 minutes, and thus won`t actually arrive for at least 30 (but probably more like 40).

7. I want you to talk a little dirty.

8. I check out your butt every time you leave the room.

9. I need constant indications that you want me around. That`s why it`s better for example, to say " I want you to come away with me for the weekend. Could you come with me?" than to ask. "What are you up to this weekend?"

10. I love it when you get a little jealous. So if you ever see me flirting in front of you with the waiter, the bus driver, or another guy at a party, know I ` m actually flirting with you-through him.

11. Even if I insist on paying or splitting the bill on our first date, I'll think you're cheap if you let me.

12. When I'm falling in love with you, I completely lose my appetite.

13. I'll never tell you exactly how many men I've slept with. No matter how sincere I appeared when I answered your question, chances are I wasn't. As an unscientific guideline, when a woman says she's slept with four men, the real number is actually closer to seven. Her fib is partly intentional (she doesn't want to appear a floozy), but mostly it's sexual amnesia. When a woman wants to pretend an encounter never occurred, she simply scraps the man from her official score sheet. Common excuses that lead to such an omission: The actual sex lasted only a few thrusts; or she was drunk or on the rebound.

14. I have Googled your exes.

15. At the beginning of our relationship, I save all of your voice mails and listen to them (and make my friends listen, too), repeatedly.

16. I want you to take control in bed. Yes, I have a successful career, I'm financially independent, I live on my own, and I don't need a man to make me happy (in theory). I still want you to pick me up, carry me to the bedroom, and take me without asking.

17. I split the cost of my fashion purchases over two or more credit cards, so you don't notice the gargantuan deficit.

18. I start fights with you because I'm feeling ignored. I'm trying to force emotion out of you. Don't retreat into your cave: just give me what I want: some attention. And never tell me to "calm down" unless you want to guarantee that I absolutely won't.

19. When you go away, even for a day, I sleep in your favorite old T-shirt because it smells like you. Exaggeration but you get the point.

20. You've made me cry more times than you'll ever know.

21. I obsess about when you're going to call me again. The period of time between our first date and your "Thanks for a great night; when can I see you again?" always seems stretched into slow motion. So don't worry about looking too eager. Call. Even if you only wait until noon the day after, it will feel like a lifetime to me. And don't send me an e-mail unless you want me to put you in the figurative trash can along with your message.

22. I might wear granny underwear and purposely not shave my legs to prevent myself from getting naked with you too soon. However, this sometimes backfires when I get a lil tipsy or carried away.

23. My bestfriend knows too much... from the size to God knows what.

I disagree with 2, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, and 23...

DA HELL??? to all of those :lmao:


aka Mrs. Giant
I disagree with:
1 (just on the threesome part),
12 (cause I actually wanna eat more :really:),
13 (cause I'm honest) and
18 (cause I don't like to fight).
But that's me. :shrug: I see some very valid points in all of them. Where'd ya find this?


I know nothing
This is all BS.....

Women like the ones that wrote all of these are the reasons why relationships suck....

why not be honest with your questions, concerns and or feelings, instead of playing all these mind games.......

Men are simple creatures. dont get upset when we dont read between the lines. You dont around your elbow to get to your azzhole.


aka Mrs. Giant
LordStanley said:
This is all BS.....

Women like the ones that wrote all of these are the reasons why relationships suck....

why not be honest with your questions, concerns and or feelings, instead of playing all these mind games.......

Men are simple creatures. dont get upset when we dont read between the lines. You dont around your elbow to get to your azzhole.
I don't see as game playing to check out my man's butt. :shrug:

And also some of that is how women communicate differently than men. I know plenty of women who aren't playing any kind of games but could be perfectly pegged into those descriptions. Remember men are from Mars and women are from Venus!
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I know nothing
migtig said:
I don't see as game playing to check out my man's butt. :shrug:

And also some of that is how women communicate differently than men. I know plenty of women who aren't playing any kind of games but could be perfectly pegged into those descriptions. Remember men are from Mars and women are from Venus!

I was refering to these... I forgot to write the numbers down


I didnt read that book. Last time I check men were from Earth and women are from Pluto


aka Mrs. Giant
For Lord Stanley

1. I am constantly testing you. I observe, analyze, and judge every action, word, gesture, e-mail, and facial expression. When I ask you if you want to have a threesome, I DON"T MEAN IT. If you want me to speak to you again, let alone sleep with you after this conversation, the answer should always be, "Why would I want to sleep with another woman when I have you?"
I have an INTJ personailty so I analyze and test everything, regardless of person and relationship. However, i would never tease about a threesome

9. I need constant indications that you want me around. That`s why it`s better for example, to say " I want you to come away with me for the weekend. Could you come with me?" than to ask. "What are you up to this weekend?"
It's a matter of effective communication...you may say one thing but I hear something else and vice versa.

10. I love it when you get a little jealous. So if you ever see me flirting in front of you with the waiter, the bus driver, or another guy at a party, know I ` m actually flirting with you-through him.
Flirting is for attention without intention. This is so men won't be so pissy about it.

11. Even if I insist on paying or splitting the bill on our first date, I'll think you're cheap if you let me.
Yep. Communication. I personally always pay just to see how a man reacts. Not so much as a judge as to whether or not he's cheap, but as to whether or not he's comfortable in his own skin with me.

13. I'll never tell you exactly how many men I've slept with. No matter how sincere I appeared when I answered your question, chances are I wasn't. As an unscientific guideline, when a woman says she's slept with four men, the real number is actually closer to seven. Her fib is partly intentional (she doesn't want to appear a floozy), but mostly it's sexual amnesia. When a woman wants to pretend an encounter never occurred, she simply scraps the man from her official score sheet. Common excuses that lead to such an omission: The actual sex lasted only a few thrusts; or she was drunk or on the rebound.
I didn't agree with this one either

14. I have Googled your exes.
Cause I want to know I have them other biyatches beat by having the bestest man in the world! It's an ego thing.

18. I start fights with you because I'm feeling ignored. I'm trying to force emotion out of you. Don't retreat into your cave: just give me what I want: some attention. And never tell me to "calm down" unless you want to guarantee that I absolutely won't.
I don't like fights, drama, arguements or any of that. However, some men don't communicate with their women so they start fights just so the man is talking to them. I've seen it. So, the point of this is not to ignore the woman in your life, give her a few minutes of your full attention daily.


Asperger's Poster Child
migtig said:
I have an INTJ personailty so I analyze and test everything, regardless of person and relationship.

I'm somewhere between INTJ and ISTJ. But that type of testing you described is not what Question 1 sounds like to me. Question 1 sounds like an attempt to play games with the man's head, so he's never sure whether or not the woman really loves him. It's not about threesomes, goodness knows. It's about knowing where you stand with someone, about knowing what is real and what isn't real.


New Member

Tonio said:
Isn't that a symptom of a toxic controlling personality?

They all are. Here is the list of how the guy interprets all of these comments.

1. I am constantly testing you. I observe, analyze, and judge every action, word, gesture, e-mail, and facial expression. When I ask you if you want to have a threesome, I DON"T MEAN IT. If you want me to speak to you again, let alone sleep with you after this conversation, the answer should always be, "Why would I want to sleep with another woman when I have you?"

I am going to test you by asking you if you want to complete a fantasy you have had since you hit puberty. Then I am going to smah it in your face in a 10 day rage-a-thon

2. My body really isn't naturally this hairless and smooth all over. But I will never allow you to see any indication whatsoever of all the shaving, tweezing, waxing, exfoliating, and moisturizing that gets it this way.

I hide #### from you all the time. Not just the way I keep myself lookin perdy

3. I fantasized about being with you at least a dozen times before we actually first got naked.

And yet I made you wait 6 months

4. I only appear to have it all together. My true organization (or lack thereof) is revealed in my closet, my makeup bag, my desk files.

Yet I can nag you for the rest of your life about the condition of your computer room and your garage.

5. When I say, "I`m ready," I`ll need exactly 7 more minutes to get ready. Don`t try to cheat the system by showing up 7 minutes later; I will still need an extra 7 minutes.

And even when I take these extra 7 minutes, I will complain for the rest of the evening about missing the metro/movie/dinner reservation/play/plane and ruin the entire night

6. When I say, "I`ll meet you in 15 minutes," I mean I will leave in 15 minutes, and thus won`t actually arrive for at least 30 (but probably more like 40).

Read the above PLUS you had better have already been there waiting on me

7. I want you to talk a little dirty.

But by dirty I mean sensual dirty. Not that raunchy #### you hear in the pornos. AND theres a 50% chance it will ruin our night if you DO actually talk dirty

8. I check out your butt every time you leave the room.

and the waiters

9. I need constant indications that you want me around. That`s why it`s better for example, to say " I want you to come away with me for the weekend. Could you come with me?" than to ask. "What are you up to this weekend?"

This rule is subject to change dependign on my mood. If you say "I want you to come with me this weekend" I may take it as controlling and completly flip out.

10. I love it when you get a little jealous. So if you ever see me flirting in front of you with the waiter, the bus driver, or another guy at a party, know I ` m actually flirting with you-through him.

Make ME jealous and the dates over. And the next one. AND you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next month

11. Even if I insist on paying or splitting the bill on our first date, I'll think you're cheap if you let me.

...no comment...

12. When I'm falling in love with you, I completely lose my appetite.

until YOU fall in love with me. Then I don't stop eating, gain 40 pounds and if you EVER fall out of love with me I will use the "you don't love me anymore because I'm fat" pity card and you'll be stuck with me for the rest of my life!

13. I'll never tell you exactly how many men I've slept with. No matter how sincere I appeared when I answered your question, chances are I wasn't. As an unscientific guideline, when a woman says she's slept with four men, the real number is actually closer to seven. Her fib is partly intentional (she doesn't want to appear a floozy), but mostly it's sexual amnesia. When a woman wants to pretend an encounter never occurred, she simply scraps the man from her official score sheet. Common excuses that lead to such an omission: The actual sex lasted only a few thrusts; or she was drunk or on the rebound.

And I've already contacted your college roomate, your best friends, your older brothers, and your doctor to see how many girls you slept with. If that number is 0 you better be a natural pro or we are over. If it is 1, who the hell was she and how in love with her were you. This is a double edged sword. On one side if you say my high school sweetheart and you dated for 5 years I am going to be paranoid for the rest of our life. If she was a fling then your a dog and need to get tested for everything right now. If it's more than one your a slut, which means we may not work out, but atleast the sex will be halfway decent.

14. I have Googled your exes.

And have set up cameras and hitmen around their houses. If you go ON the same street as them your ass is grass

15. At the beginning of our relationship, I save all of your voice mails and listen to them (and make my friends listen, too), repeatedly.

I also saved that piece of gum you threw out your car window and the dandruff that fell on the napkin. But its normal, not psychotic!

16. I want you to take control in bed. Yes, I have a successful career, I'm financially independent, I live on my own, and I don't need a man to make me happy (in theory). I still want you to pick me up, carry me to the bedroom, and take me without asking.

and if you break up with me within 3 years of this event occuring I'm slapping your ass with a rape charge

17. I split the cost of my fashion purchases over two or more credit cards, so you don't notice the gargantuan deficit.

and all those cards are from your account

18. I start fights with you because I'm feeling ignored. I'm trying to force emotion out of you. Don't retreat into your cave: just give me what I want: some attention. And never tell me to "calm down" unless you want to guarantee that I absolutely won't.

learn to say "You are 100% correct, god blessed this world with your birth, you are hotter than angelina jolie, you are nicer than mother teresa, and your smile radiates sunlight.....ma'am"

19. When you go away, even for a day, I sleep in your favorite old T-shirt because it smells like you. Exaggeration but you get the point.

and by you I mean the cologne that reminds me of my ex-boyfriend....man he really was something! He had those muscles and HE really new how to treat a woman....oh....wait...this is about you

20. You've made me cry more times than you'll ever know.

Like that time when you didn't want to play the "No, I'm going to hang up now" game while you were in the meeting with your boss! You bastard!

21. I obsess about when you're going to call me again. The period of time between our first date and your "Thanks for a great night; when can I see you again?" always seems stretched into slow motion. So don't worry about looking too eager. Call. Even if you only wait until noon the day after, it will feel like a lifetime to me. And don't send me an e-mail unless you want me to put you in the figurative trash can along with your message.

I actually don't eat or sleep during this key period of the relationship time. I like to sit and watch the phone all day and all night until that phone DOES ring. and if you don't call within 3 days I am going to cry for the next 2 then hire a sniper to visit your house.

22. I might wear granny underwear and purposely not shave my legs to prevent myself from getting naked with you too soon. However, this sometimes backfires when I get a lil tipsy or carried away.

This will also resume after we get to know eachother. SO get used to it

23. My bestfriend knows too much... from the size to God knows what.

Which means I am ruining your chance with them if we don't work out


New Member
I have to say, I am fully convinced at this point that guys are VERY MUCH as capable, if not more capable than girls, of playing games.


Asperger's Poster Child
Gwydion said:
They all are. Here is the list of how the guy interprets all of these comments.


My point was this - the theme behind the comments was that women should never trust their mates, even when they've been married 30 years. I'm thinking specifically of 1, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 23. And dammit, I want to be trusted. What does a man have to do to earn a woman's trust? And if women inherently distrust men, then what's the point of men and women being together in the first place?
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All Up In Your Grill
Azzy said:
I have to say, I am fully convinced at this point that guys are VERY MUCH as capable, if not more capable than girls, of playing games.

Tru dat. I can't stand relationship games. Period. I don't care if you're male or female. :nono:


New Member
Tonio said:

My point was this - the theme behind the comments was that women should never trust their mates, even when they've been married 30 years. I'm thinking specifically of 1, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 23. And dammit, I want to be trusted. What does a man have to do to earn a woman's trust? And if women inherently distrust men, then what's the point of men and women being together in the first place?

Yea I know what your talking about. I just got pretty damn bored. The key is to find the girl that does trust ya. And into the first half of number one