Wondering where you ladies stand on this...


No Longer the Kid
So, for starters, a FB friend posted this. And I honestly think a few of them post comments without even reading the article. But, needless to say, a few of them are gathering their pitchforks, and being up-in-arms about this... I honestly have to agree with the guy... So I am wondering what your thoughts are, and how you look at this... Maybe I'm just a guy, and I can put myself in his shoes and see where he is coming from :shrug:

I'll also add my 1st thoughts on this after I post this....

Staples Co-Founder Complains That Allowing Women To Breastfeed At Work Will Cost Jobs | ThinkProgress


No Longer the Kid
My thoughts..

1- So I own 500 stores nation wide, and now have to spend around 20k in each other them to provide a 'lacatation center' for my 1-2 employees at each who want to breast feed... And now I have to allow them 'reasonable break time' to do their deeds... So, instead of building a new store in Arkansas, and creating say 300 new jobs, I have to spend that million to renovate my current stores to accomadate a very few..

----- So, if my policies have always been, 5hr shift, 15 minute break at the 2.5 hr mark.... I now have to give Suzy a 30 miunte break so she can go pump in a room, but John and Angie only get 15 minutes because they don't need to... How is this fair? And Now I may lose say 10-15 employees to other companies because they quit.

2- Being forced to do it by bamas 2700 bamacrap laws... I thought as a business owner, I could decide what is best and what isn't for my business... So I guess like everything else now, I don't know whats best and I should let the gov tell me... gotcha...


Power with Control
There's the difference between "allowing" and making accommodations that require severe fiscal outlay. Allowing means just that, that you cannot forbid the practice at the place of business. But this requires the provision of "adequate space and time" and those things have not been defined, and until they are, your kinda hangin in the wind, and its a judgement call. Say it costs 8-10 thousand dollars for a basic room with plumbing, thats how many months profits for a small joint like the Pepperoni Grill?

and we all know how well bureaucrats are at judgment calls:lmao:
I don't think the company should have to cover the time... she should extend the hours at work to accomodate the breaks she has to take during the day. As for providing a location... she should be allowed to pump in a private area.


Football Mom!!!
Maybe it is too darn early for me, but can't the place to nurse be the same as the place to pump? Why does it need to be separate? And why are you breastfeeding at work anyway. I did the whole nursing/pumping thing, but I didn't have my baby delivered to me to nurse at work. As far as time, the mother should have to make it up...it shouldn't be paid longer than any other break.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
How is the baby at the work site to breast feed in the first place? Does it drive itself there?:doh:

The way I read this, in order for an employee to breast feed her baby at work would require the baby to be at work with the mother. That would imply that some kind of nursery/day care service would have to be on site as well.

Does this health care provision require all stores to have a private room for just employees, and/or customers as well?

I tend to agree with the business aspect that this provision would impact the business, especially productivity. Nursing can take some time, and if it falls 2-3 times during a work shift, that is an issue, not just for the mother, but for other employees as well that may feel slighted for not having an equal amount of break time.
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No Longer the Kid
I don't think the company should have to cover the time... she should extend the hours at work to accomodate the breaks she has to take during the day. As for providing a location... she should be allowed to pump in a private area.

I agree w/Kwillia.

So, if kwillia is breast feeding, and she takes 2 breaks on her 5hr shift to go and pump. Let's say after the 15 minute allowance, she owes me an hour... She works 5 days a week... So, that is 5 hours she owes me every week... So instead of getting off at 12, she now works until 1.

Now Chasey, normally you relieve her at 12... but I know now she gives me an extra hour every week, so I cut you back from 5hrs a shift to 4 hours (1-5), because kwillia will be here an extra hour, so now you only work 5- 4hr shifts...

Are you happy/ok with that? Because as an owner, why do I need both of you there for that hour?

As for the business providing an area... what is adequate? A linen closet with a light? Or do you need a nice comfortable couch, a tv/radio, a mini fridge.. (What I'm trying to ask, where does it stop with how nice this private room needs to be... because you may be fine with a linen closet with a light, but Jackie may think it's not adequate enough)


Football Mom!!!
So, if kwillia is breast feeding, and she takes 2 breaks on her 5hr shift to go and pump. Let's say after the 15 minute allowance, she owes me an hour... She works 5 days a week... So, that is 5 hours she owes me every week... So instead of getting off at 12, she now works until 1.

Now Chasey, normally you relieve her at 12... but I know now she gives me an extra hour every week, so I cut you back from 5hrs a shift to 4 hours (1-5), because kwillia will be here an extra hour, so now you only work 5- 4hr shifts...

Are you happy/ok with that? Because as an owner, why do I need both of you there for that hour?

As for the business providing an area... what is adequate? A linen closet with a light? Or do you need a nice comfortable couch, a tv/radio, a mini fridge.. (What I'm trying to ask, where does it stop with how nice this private room needs to be... because you may be fine with a linen closet with a light, but Jackie may think it's not adequate enough)

You wouldn't need the double coverage after the normal shift, you would need the coverage during the extended breaks. The room doesn't have to be frilly, but it should be clean, lit, have electrical outlets, a chair, and a table of some sort. Oh, and a locking door. That meets the minimums and is all you really need.


Lem Putt
I don't think the company should have to cover the time... she should extend the hours at work to accomodate the breaks she has to take during the day. As for providing a location... she should be allowed to pump in a private area.

That's fine for people who do a desk job, but for those in customer contact jobs an extended break means having more people on hand to cover for them.

"Reasonable" accomodations should be made if possible, but mandating facilities and time does not fit my definition of reasonable.


No Longer the Kid
You wouldn't need the double coverage after the normal shift, you would need the coverage during the extended breaks. The room doesn't have to be frilly, but it should be clean, lit, have electrical outlets, a chair, and a table of some sort. Oh, and a locking door. That meets the minimums and is all you really need.

So, are you saying I bring in employee Jack for 1 hour during her breaks? Then send him home when she is done?

Where is the efficency in this? So basically, I now have to hire someone else willing to work 5 hours a week, and be willing to come in at say 8:30 and 10:30 and then leave... And now have pump employee work and extra hour, to make up her lost hour, so tell the employee normally coming in at 12 I now need them 1-5, you lose your hour due to pumper needed to make up time..

Where is the fairness in that? I'm probably going to lose an employee, and never find someone willing to come in twice in 1 day and cover that hour...


Dream Stealer
From a nursing/pumping mother's perspective..

I do not think it is very difficult to come up with an adequate place to pump. A room with an electrical outlet, a chair and a door that locks is all that is necessary. A stock room that is set aside certain periods during the day would be adequate. Just anywhere but a nasty bathroom. I don't see where it dictates that some large expensive suite has to be built..I think this person is overreacting :shrug: it really isn't a big deal. Personally, I used conference rooms and such and no one ever knew what I was doing because I didn't make a big deal out of it, and I know most moms are like that. Sure, some are militant "give me a large suite and a hottub" type women, but I think most are like me. They need somewhere private for a few minutes to get their business done. It would have been nice to have a door that locks from the inside :lmao: but I made do without calling attention to myself. And I don't know about anyone else and their pumping schedule, but I managed to do it WELL within my normal allowable breaks and CERTAINLY way less time than the smokers who hang outside the building for about 48% of the day. Most times, I would take whatever thing I was working on, print it, and read over it, or look up things while I was pumping. 15 min later I was done and out the door and no one was any wiser.

And frankly, I think it can be argued that allowing and making it easier for women to pump during the workday is benefitial to the company. Breastfed babies are sick less, so less time off, women are more likely to return after maternity leave if they have an easy way to give their child what they need, etc. I don't think that providing a stockroom for 20 min or so a few times a day is going to kill jobs. thats a bit of a :cds:


No Longer the Kid
From a nursing/pumping mother's perspective..

I do not think it is very difficult to come up with an adequate place to pump. A room with an electrical outlet, a chair and a door that locks is all that is necessary. A stock room that is set aside certain periods during the day would be adequate. Just anywhere but a nasty bathroom. I don't see where it dictates that some large expensive suite has to be built..I think this person is overreacting :shrug: it really isn't a big deal. Personally, I used conference rooms and such and no one ever knew what I was doing because I didn't make a big deal out of it, and I know most moms are like that. Sure, some are militant "give me a large suite and a hottub" type women, but I think most are like me. They need somewhere private for a few minutes to get their business done. It would have been nice to have a door that locks from the inside :lmao: but I made do without calling attention to myself. And I don't know about anyone else and their pumping schedule, but I managed to do it WELL within my normal allowable breaks and CERTAINLY way less time than the smokers who hang outside the building for about 48% of the day. Most times, I would take whatever thing I was working on, print it, and read over it, or look up things while I was pumping. 15 min later I was done and out the door and no one was any wiser.

And frankly, I think it can be argued that allowing and making it easier for women to pump during the workday is benefitial to the company. Breastfed babies are sick less, so less time off, women are more likely to return after maternity leave if they have an easy way to give their child what they need, etc. I don't think that providing a stockroom for 20 min or so a few times a day is going to kill jobs. thats a bit of a :cds:

What material do they need to read over at Staples? Home Depot, McDonalds, etc ??? And where do they have a private room already there that would adequately allow for such a thing?

They are all going to have to renovate a room. Maybe their corporate offices already have them. But I never seen a conference room in any of the mcdonalds I've been in, or home depots, or staples, etc... They have a break room, but not a conference room to go lock yourself away in..

Most of them do not even have a linen closet with a light you could hide in for a bit...

And yes, when you first come off maternity leave, your boobs are full, they spew milk like it's going out of style... But what about the mothers who pump until their child is 1,2-3yers old, to get an adequate amount of milk, it may take a 30-45 minute pump segment...

Speaking of that, if you decide to breast feed your child til he/she is 3/4 years old, I have to now accomadate 1 single employee adequate time for that many years?

As a business owner, I'm not seeing where this betters my business...

*****Note, I do not own a business, yes I am for breast feeding, but no, I don't think a business should have to remodel its policies/renovate its store to allow for 1, maybe 2 employees to breast feed a year...


Football Mom!!!
What material do they need to read over at Staples? Home Depot, McDonalds, etc ??? And where do they have a private room already there that would adequately allow for such a thing?

Most restaurants have at least an managers office. While it may not be the best solution, it is usable. It would take work on the managers part to clear the desk of information the employee didn't need to see, but it is a solution. Most retail stores have training rooms or something of the like.


Dream Stealer
What material do they need to read over at Staples? Home Depot, McDonalds, etc ??? And where do they have a private room already there that would adequately allow for such a thing?

They are all going to have to renovate a room. Maybe their corporate offices already have them. But I never seen a conference room in any of the mcdonalds I've been in, or home depots, or staples, etc... They have a break room, but not a conference room to go lock yourself away in..

Most of them do not even have a linen closet with a light you could hide in for a bit...

And yes, when you first come off maternity leave, your boobs are full, they spew milk like it's going out of style... But what about the mothers who pump until their child is 1,2-3yers old, to get an adequate amount of milk, it may take a 30-45 minute pump segment...

Speaking of that, if you decide to breast feed your child til he/she is 3/4 years old, I have to now accomadate 1 single employee adequate time for that many years?

As a business owner, I'm not seeing where this betters my business...

*****Note, I do not own a business, yes I am for breast feeding, but no, I don't think a business should have to remodel its policies/renovate its store to allow for 1, maybe 2 employees to breast feed a year...

No offense, but I am not sure you are really sure of how bf works :lmao: in the us, its only the tiniest of teeniest percentage of women who go past three months, much less 3 or 4 years. that would be an extreme rarity and even MORE rare in a mom who works outside the home. When A child is older, you don't have to pump longer, it doesnt really work like that. In fact, when a child is older they drink a LOT less often and the actual need for pumping would be nil, as they eat real food. after 6 months they eat a LOT less often, reducing the need for pumping for most moms. your fears are kind of unfounded.

A breakroom or stockroom or janitor's closet all can be found in any regular store. ANY store except maybe checkers..that place is tiny. :lmao: I am not seeing where there is going to be any renovation. A breakroom with a sign on the door is just fine. My conference rooms don't lock from the inside either :shrug: I made do and most moms do just fine.

I think people kind of freak out when Bf is mentioned, like it is some kind of freakish covert act that requires hours of time and dedication and is done by militant nazi women who want you to have to STARE AT THEIR NIPPLES while they do it. truth is, women do it alllll the time, everyday in businesses already. To make sure they are protected a little and cant be fired for wanting a clean place to pump isn't a big deal. For god's sake we protect trans folks and their right to use whatever bathroom they want, but ask for a room that isnt a bathroom to pump in to feed your kid and everyone goes ape####.


No Longer the Kid
No offense, but I am not sure you are really sure of how bf works :lmao: in the us, its only the tiniest of teeniest percentage of women who go past three months, much less 3 or 4 years. that would be an extreme rarity and even MORE rare in a mom who works outside the home. When A child is older, you don't have to pump longer, it doesnt really work like that. In fact, when a child is older they drink a LOT less often and the actual need for pumping would be nil, as they eat real food. after 6 months they eat a LOT less often, reducing the need for pumping for most moms. your fears are kind of unfounded.

A breakroom or stockroom or janitor's closet all can be found in any regular store. ANY store except maybe checkers..that place is tiny. :lmao: I am not seeing where there is going to be any renovation. A breakroom with a sign on the door is just fine. My conference rooms don't lock from the inside either :shrug: I made do and most moms do just fine.

I think people kind of freak out when Bf is mentioned, like it is some kind of freakish covert act that requires hours of time and dedication and is done by militant nazi women who want you to have to STARE AT THEIR NIPPLES while they do it. truth is, women do it alllll the time, everyday in businesses already. To make sure they are protected a little and cant be fired for wanting a clean place to pump isn't a big deal. For god's sake we protect trans folks and their right to use whatever bathroom they want, but ask for a room that isnt a bathroom to pump in to feed your kid and everyone goes ape####.

I understand that the normal person stops usually when they go back to work, or around about the times they do.

But, on facebook, their are pages and pages and pages dedicated for people who breast feed their kid(s) until they are 2-3 years old, and they have supporters for doing so.

I know a person right now, who is still pumping, and has talked about how long it takes them to pump now because it's been almost 2 years (yes, meaning child is almost 2)

But when you say, a linen closet, or janitors closet is adequate for you... I really don't see how you can mean that. I have worked in 6 different buildings between Webster and Pax that I can honestly say I've seen the closets/janitor rooms... They are about 3x3 or 4x4 with a sink of some sort and a light... Sure, you may be willing to pull the mop bucket out and slap a chair in there and then do your business... you say many others would do the same... I don't think that is the case.

Also, what happens the first time Joey opens the door to you pumping because it wasn't locked and you didn't put a sign up saying 'private, nursing mother' or something of that nature up...

Now I have a law suit on my hands... And I may have just lost my best employee ever because you filed against him..

I just think for every good idea, or it won't impact much, the downfalls of it all out weigh them.


Salt Life
So, if kwillia is breast feeding, and she takes 2 breaks on her 5hr shift to go and pump. Let's say after the 15 minute allowance, she owes me an hour... She works 5 days a week... So, that is 5 hours she owes me every week... So instead of getting off at 12, she now works until 1.

Now Chasey, normally you relieve her at 12... but I know now she gives me an extra hour every week, so I cut you back from 5hrs a shift to 4 hours (1-5), because kwillia will be here an extra hour, so now you only work 5- 4hr shifts...

Are you happy/ok with that? Because as an owner, why do I need both of you there for that hour?

As for the business providing an area... what is adequate? A linen closet with a light? Or do you need a nice comfortable couch, a tv/radio, a mini fridge.. (What I'm trying to ask, where does it stop with how nice this private room needs to be... because you may be fine with a linen closet with a light, but Jackie may think it's not adequate enough)
This scenario isn't exactly what I gathered from your post. Basically, she should be allowed 15 minutes breaks (just like smokers), or she can use her lunch period to pump. If she gets an hour lunch a day, I see no problem with that. It's her time and she can choose what she wants to do with it. :shrug:


Obama destroyed America
Everyone keeps mentioning break rooms, stock rooms etc. Well what about the women who don't work in that environment? Construction workers, flagmen, police officers, delivery drivers, truck drivers etc. They don't have and won't get these rooms.

Another ridiculous obama move.