Wondering where you ladies stand on this...

Everyone keeps mentioning break rooms, stock rooms etc. Well what about the women who don't work in that environment? Construction workers, flagmen, police officers, delivery drivers, truck drivers etc. They don't have and won't get these rooms.

Another ridiculous obama move.
She can go sit in her car.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm so tired of lactating women I could spit up. I was a waitress at Lenny's when Kyle was an infant, and I managed to pump just fine on my break. I also managed to breastfeed in public without anyone even realizing I was doing it, therefore no huge production or embarrassment that I could get my nursing bra in a twist over.

This ties into welfare sluts in that "your kid is not my problem". Why do these women always assume someone else should have to accommodate their spawning?
Not on my job. Her car is 15 minutes away in a parking lot. I suppose she could use her 30 min. lunch break.
Of course it would have to be within reason, dorkface. The fact is the majority of jobs being held by a woman who is willing to go thru the aggrevation of pumping milk for her kid are most likely a place that can accomodate her choice... within reason. No, they shouldn't have to build her an expressing room... and no they shouldn't have to pay for out of the ordinary amounts of time in order for her to do it.

We could spend years debating the extremes of any subject... this one is no different.

Reality... it's a moot point for most cases. End of story.


Obama destroyed America
Of course it would have to be within reason, dorkface. The fact is the majority of jobs being held by a woman who is willing to go thru the aggrevation of pumping milk for her kid are most likely a place that can accomodate her choice... within reason. No, they shouldn't have to build her an expressing room... and no they shouldn't have to pay for out of the ordinary amounts of time in order for her to do it.

We could spend years debating the extremes of any subject... this one is no different.

Reality... it's a moot point for most cases. End of story.
I lub you too!


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No Longer the Kid
This scenario isn't exactly what I gathered from your post. Basically, she should be allowed 15 minutes breaks (just like smokers), or she can use her lunch period to pump. If she gets an hour lunch a day, I see no problem with that. It's her time and she can choose what she wants to do with it. :shrug:

It was my rebuttal to you and Kwillias' post... Or which post are you referring to :confused:

I see no difference in a mother using a breast pump vice someone posting on a forum or Facebook or Twitter or... It's time wasted at work.


But, are you telling me now that said mother does nothing but her work, and pump, and take a lunch? Or will she not also take forum, facebook and twitter breaks?
But, are you telling me now that said mother does nothing but her work, and pump, and take a lunch? Or will she not also take forum, facebook and twitter breaks?

Are you telling me she does anything but... you don't know. You are a dorkface too...:huggy:


Dream Stealer
I understand that the normal person stops usually when they go back to work, or around about the times they do.

But, on facebook, their are pages and pages and pages dedicated for people who breast feed their kid(s) until they are 2-3 years old, and they have supporters for doing so.

I know a person right now, who is still pumping, and has talked about how long it takes them to pump now because it's been almost 2 years (yes, meaning child is almost 2)

But when you say, a linen closet, or janitors closet is adequate for you... I really don't see how you can mean that. I have worked in 6 different buildings between Webster and Pax that I can honestly say I've seen the closets/janitor rooms... They are about 3x3 or 4x4 with a sink of some sort and a light... Sure, you may be willing to pull the mop bucket out and slap a chair in there and then do your business... you say many others would do the same... I don't think that is the case.

Also, what happens the first time Joey opens the door to you pumping because it wasn't locked and you didn't put a sign up saying 'private, nursing mother' or something of that nature up...

Now I have a law suit on my hands... And I may have just lost my best employee ever because you filed against him..

I just think for every good idea, or it won't impact much, the downfalls of it all out weigh them.

As a matter of fact, I did get walked in on. I doubt the guy really knew what was going on, as I was wearing a cover. I would NEVER, EVER put a "nursing mom" sign on a door, its no one's business what I am doing. I put a do not disturb sign on the door, and witht he one exception it sufficed. I certainly dod not sue anyone, I simply said, excuse me and shut the door in his face. Not a big deal. I don't think I am some kind of strange mother, I think I am pretty damn normal. I didn't want attention or a freakin lounge, just somewhere to pump that wasn't filled with feces. That's not a whole lot to ask. and I bet 99% of women are just like me. There were three of us in my building alone at one time, and no one but us even knew. Most women are not obnoxious harpies..they just need a couple minutes and a clean place. The dumbass screechers get the video time on the news, but I am telling you, women ALLLLLL around you pump on a dily basis and you have no idea because they dont make some kind of huge issue about it.

She can go sit in her car.

I have done this, too. They even make car chargers for pumps. Not a problem.


Yae warsh wif' wutr
If an area is mandated, then, so is the time required to do so. This is marginally doable/sustainable in an office environment. For it to be functional, in the customer service industry, in particular, the employer needs accountable/honest employees with a good work ethic.

To be honest, from the customer side of things, I don't expect see any difference at all. Customer service has been 'the customer will come to us' mentality for a while now. With nursing mothers taking time out of there work day to care for their baby, this will mean I won't see the employee I have a question for, that I wouldn't have seen in the first place.


Well-Known Member
So, for starters, a FB friend posted this. And I honestly think a few of them post comments without even reading the article. But, needless to say, a few of them are gathering their pitchforks, and being up-in-arms about this... I honestly have to agree with the guy... So I am wondering what your thoughts are, and how you look at this... Maybe I'm just a guy, and I can put myself in his shoes and see where he is coming from :shrug:

I'll also add my 1st thoughts on this after I post this....

Staples Co-Founder Complains That Allowing Women To Breastfeed At Work Will Cost Jobs | ThinkProgress

Breastfeeding is an option. Companies should not have to create a room just to appease those that choose that option. I chose that option. I pumped in an empty office and in the bathroom. I did not breastfeed much longer after going back to work though. But, I certainly would not have expected any employer to create a space for me.

I will continue to shop at Staples.


Active Member
Pump before work. Thats just my opinion.

... it doesn't quite work like that. They fill back up. Usually within a couple of hours. In fact, they are set to go off usually about the time your child gets hungry which generally occurs more than once every 8 hours.

Seriously, though. A quiet, private space with a chair and an electrical outlet is all most women want.