WoodCraft Store in Rockville



Anyone been there? For woodworking, is it a good place to find deals on hard-to-find stuff or just another over-inflated hobby store?
Anyone been there? For woodworking, is it a good place to find deals on hard-to-find stuff or just another over-inflated hobby store?
NOT a hobby shop. It's a REAL wood workers store. You can get high end stuff there that you cannot get anywhere else in the area. Have you looked at their website? Catalog?


Surely you jest ...
Anyone looking for smaller wooden pieces ready to finish (plaques etc.) and a large variety of other crafting items? My eyes and breathing no longer will let me do the decoupaging, tole painting and many other things I loved to do. PM me if interested. Its a large amount of stuff.


one day the dark will end
Anyone been there? For woodworking, is it a good place to find deals on hard-to-find stuff or just another over-inflated hobby store?

Woodcraft, formerly "Woodcraft Supply", founded in the mid 1960's in Boston on Canal Street, is the finest store for high quality woodworking tools and accessories. From rifflers made in Germany and Italy, to high quality Japanese back saws, to awesome Ulm work benches, English and Swiss carving tools..and sweet chip carving sets....you can not find any better anywhere!!!

Woodcraft never was and never will be an "over-inflated hobby store".


one day the dark will end
Anyone been there? For woodworking, is it a good place to find deals on hard-to-find stuff or just another over-inflated hobby store?

Yes...have been shopping there since the mid 1960's and have a couple of "V" parting tool scars on my hand to prove it!!!:buddies:


one day the dark will end
How do scars prove specific shopping location preference?

Where else would you find custom, hand made Swiss made 1/8" straight v-parting tools?
Woodcraft Supply was the only store to sell these tools and the location was one place: Canal St., Boston, MA.