Woodworking club


New Member
I have been kicking around this idea about forming a woodworking club in the hopes of renting out a space for a shop. I live in Waldorf and the area is growing. We have a lot of town homes and high end homes being built in Charles co. My reasoning is if their are woodworking lovers like me with limited space, who do not want to turn their garage in to a shop or who do not have or want to spend the big bucks for expensive equipment and tools, a club may be the way to go. Their are commercial spaces that have been setting empty for years that would be great for a club shop that may be able to get a good deal on.
Some question I have are, How much to charge for membership? Liability insurance?, Minimum amount of space needed, 1000sq, or 10,000sq.?
Any thoughts?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Having no idea...but I would think the cost of liability insurance alone would be crushing!

Great idea though.....


New Member

liability insurance cost may not be high with a good lawyer.
thought about WoodCraft, but a franchise is beyond my means.
Think alot of knowledgeable people in this area can form a first class club.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
There's a woodworking hobby shop on the base. If you can get in there, you should have almost free access to it. :shrug:


New Member

Hoping more people would be interested. I'm in the process making a custom entertainment center that will house my wifes 300+ videos and DVD's. Building projects in the back yard isn't fun. Also a club can fill the need of none woodworkers who just need a piece of wood cut or some thing repaired.