Words From Tucker


PREMO Member

Following Texas school shooting and Buffalo tragedy, leaders should ask this question

The executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers, Mo Canady, told Fox Business that schools are, "seeing more aggression in terms of fights. Sometimes they're shoving matches and sometimes they're flat-out assaults. It's more misbehavior, thefts and those kinds of things" in schools. It didn't used to happen. It's happening now. Why? It's not guns. It's not a gun lobby.

More American families had guns at home 50 years ago than they do now. According to the Rand Corporation, which studied this, 45% of American homes had a gun in 1980. In 2016, that had dropped to 32%. So the problem is not that we're more armed than we were. The problem is that people have changed. Young men have changed. They are more violent. Why?

That's the bipartisan conversation we need to have now. And that conversation has been drowned out by lunatic attention seekers who are hoping to win the next election, but we don't need them now. Never mind your election. There's something really wrong and we can figure it out if we try.

There are probably a lot of causes. The use of antidepressants in this country is increasing dramatically. Between 1991 and 2018, total SSRI consumption increased in the US by more than 3,000%. 3,000%. Remember, these are supposed to reduce mental illness. Now, that's a real stat. It was published in the medical journal "Science of the Total Environment" and it's not just this country.

In Canada, state-funded antidepressant prescriptions for young people doubled over the last decade. Then during the lockdowns, SSRI prescriptions increased even more. A pharmacy group called "Express Scripts" reported that antidepressant prescriptions went up by more than 20% during COVID. According to latest figures, more than 40 million Americans are now taking psychoactive drugs. That's roughly 1 in 10.

So, again, the point of these drugs is to make you healthier mentally, to reduce suicide and violence, and yet suicide rates and rates of violence are spiking. Now, we don't know that that's causation, but it's worth looking at. Of course, it's immoral to criticize Big Pharma. Could we use an honest conversation about this? Yes, immediately. Clearly, something's going on. Watch.


PREMO Member
“Transgenderists hate Christians above all…The divide [in America] is between people who think they are god, and those who know they are not God.” That’s what Tucker Carlson said when discussing the recent shooting at Covenant School. On Monday, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old biological woman who claimed she was a “he,” shot three staff members and three nine-year-olds at the Christian school in Tennessee where she was formerly a student. And the number of leftists who tried to frame Hale as a victim of Christian hatred has shocked many Americans.

Carlson referred to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s comments on Tuesday. Garland that the FBI, the Nashville police, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are all investigating the shooting—and yet he wouldn’t hazard a guess on motive. “Motive hasn’t been identified, Garland told us,” Carlson said. “Really? You wonder how that could possibly be.” He explained that the shooter herself said she’d left evidence behind to elucidate her horrific actions.

Just before she opened fire, the Nashville shooter wrote these words to her best friend over Instagram. “One day this will make more sense. I’ve left behind more than enough evidence.’”That evidence includes a written manifesto where the killer spells out exactly why she killed children. The FBI, the ATF, the Nashville Police and, for that matter, Merrick Garland all have access to that manifesto. And yet somehow the Attorney General informs us that a motive has not yet been identified.]



the poor dad
Tucker just announced he scored the first interview with Trump since his arraignment. Interview to be aired on his show next Tuesday.


PREMO Member
Lol I looked for that thread to post this in but couldn’t find it

Sappy posted it ....

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Perhaps one day the Historians will be pondering the relationship between the Chinese and the democrats to release the Covid Virus in order to beat Donald Trump. They both knew they had to destroy the Trump economy in order to beat Trump. Not to mention the ties between China-Biden- and Mitch McConnell.


Well-Known Member
Biden's brain has been broken for decades ... old age hasn't helped
Been watching him since '88, when he and the rest of the seven dwarves were fighting for last place in the run for the Democratic nomination.
Claimed to have graduated in the top half of his class, until it was shown to all, it was near the bottom. And then there was all the plagiarism stuff came out. He was quiet, for a while.

Then during Anita Hill. The man has always been stupid.

About the only thing he's ever said that was intelligent - was when he called packing the court by FDR "boneheaded". And for all I know, he said that because someone told him to.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Been watching him since '88, when he and the rest of the seven dwarves were fighting for last place in the run for the Democratic nomination.
Claimed to have graduated in the top half of his class, until it was shown to all, it was near the bottom. And then there was all the plagiarism stuff came out. He was quiet, for a while.

Then during Anita Hill. The man has always been stupid.

About the only thing he's ever said that was intelligent - was when he called packing the court by FDR "boneheaded". And for all I know, he said that because someone told him to.


PREMO Member

Fox's Post-Tucker Numbers Show Actions Have Consequences

As we noted, it didn’t seem to have affected Carlson’s mood, as he seemed to be having a good time with his wife down in Florida. He also put out a video on Twitter. While he didn’t talk specifically about the “parting of the ways,” I think he was making it clear that he wasn’t going to be silenced.

But it is affecting Fox. They’ve taken a huge hit in just one day since the news broke on Monday.

They had Fox host Brian Kilmeade stand in for Carlson on Monday night and for now intend to have rotating hosts. It’s safe to say that did not go well. With some rubberneckers tuning in to see what would go on, he got 2.6 million people. But then the next night on Tuesday, it dropped like a stone to 1.7 million.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Fox's Post-Tucker Numbers Show Actions Have Consequences

As we noted, it didn’t seem to have affected Carlson’s mood, as he seemed to be having a good time with his wife down in Florida. He also put out a video on Twitter. While he didn’t talk specifically about the “parting of the ways,” I think he was making it clear that he wasn’t going to be silenced.

But it is affecting Fox. They’ve taken a huge hit in just one day since the news broke on Monday.

They had Fox host Brian Kilmeade stand in for Carlson on Monday night and for now intend to have rotating hosts. It’s safe to say that did not go well. With some rubberneckers tuning in to see what would go on, he got 2.6 million people. But then the next night on Tuesday, it dropped like a stone to 1.7 million.

Somewhere south of Park Hall, batteries are being drained at a frantic pace. :lol:


Well-Known Member

Fox's Post-Tucker Numbers Show Actions Have Consequences

As we noted, it didn’t seem to have affected Carlson’s mood, as he seemed to be having a good time with his wife down in Florida. He also put out a video on Twitter. While he didn’t talk specifically about the “parting of the ways,” I think he was making it clear that he wasn’t going to be silenced.

But it is affecting Fox. They’ve taken a huge hit in just one day since the news broke on Monday.

They had Fox host Brian Kilmeade stand in for Carlson on Monday night and for now intend to have rotating hosts. It’s safe to say that did not go well. With some rubberneckers tuning in to see what would go on, he got 2.6 million people. But then the next night on Tuesday, it dropped like a stone to 1.7 million.

How to you even justify having a show that only draws 6k viewers? NewsNation might as well just display static or the flag/anthem in the 6am hour and save some money as I am sure it costs more to produce that show then they receive in ad revenue for less views than your average post on this forum.


Well-Known Member
My question is: Where did these viewers go?

Did they go to CNN, MSNBC ,NBC, CBS If they did Murdoch's little game was a success. That's what he wants, more people to go to left shows., until he can get Fox News more to the left.