Words From Tucker


Well-Known Member
To ne honest i never watched Fox News anyway, I just picked out the 5 and Tucker and Gutfeld on Utube
No commercials.


PREMO Member
To be honest i never watched Fox News anyway, I

Years ago I watched Bill O'Reilly ... and Glen Beck, Hanity and Comes was always annoying we never bothered with the news

now we only catch The Five and I watch Gutfield on Youtube


Power with Control
The Five and Business stuff is all I listen to when I'm on the sat radio. I like Gutfeld on the Five, but cant take him on his show.


PREMO Member
Fox’s firing of the most-watched host on cable news, Tucker Carlson, is still roiling Leftists and patriots alike, but now Carlson himself has said that it didn’t actually happen at all. In a text message to the news analysis site 19FortyFive, Carlson said flatly: “I’m still employed by Fox.” This doesn’t mean, however, that all is forgiven and that his show will be back on the air Monday. On the contrary, it could hinder Carlson’s plans to take his truth-telling elsewhere.

In his message to 19FortyFive, Carlson was actually confirming what another former Fox host, Megyn Kelly, revealed on Thursday: “I want to, I think, break some news for you. Tucker Carlson hasn’t actually been fired. He’s still an employee of the Fox News Channel. What happened was, Suzanne Scott called him, she’s the CEO, on Monday, morning, and said, um, he was not going to be allowed to do any more shows, and that he had been kicked out of his company email, and now they’re going to have to negotiate an exit. Um, some reporting to me, uh, suggests that she said it’s going to be an amicable parting. Right? Isn’t it?” That would be nice, but Scott’s own behavior, if Kelly’s report is accurate, makes it more unlikely.



PREMO Member

Fox News Is Officially Dying Without Tucker Carlson

Fox News Underwent a Tucker-ectomy But Didn’t Survive the Procedure​


“Young people have abandoned Fox News in primetime,” according to the latest numbers surmised by A Newsman on Twitter.

How bad is it, really?

Tucker Carlson had 270,000 viewers in the 25-to-54-year-old demo on his last night at Fox News and the top-rated cable news show. One week later, his (temporary?) replacement, Fox News Tonight, had just 110,000 demo viewers and had dropped to 16th place. The numbers got worse as the week dragged on for the once-mighty 8 p.m. Fox time slot.

But wait, as the TV pitchman used to say, there’s more!

Sean Hannity has apparently been relying bigly on Carlson’s lead-in audience for his 9 p.m. show. “Hannity now below 100k in the demo,” warned A Newsman, “and Tucker’s old time slot losing more than 70% of its young audience. Catastrophic.”

Ratings rebounded somewhat on Monday and Tuesday after Friday night’s NFL draft pulled eyeballs away from their (formerly?) favorite cable news shows. But they didn’t rebound high enough to avoid this embarrassing headline: Cable News Ratings Monday May 1: MSNBC Tops Fox News in Prime Time.


happy to be living
If Tucker goes to Newsmax, Fox is done. I really like Harris Faulkner and try to listen to her show at 11 and Lawrence Jones is ok. But he has some pretty big shoes to fill if they keep him in the 8:00 slot.
I also think Hannity is annoying and needs his teeth tightened. His whistling when he speaks adds to my dislike of him :lol:


PREMO Member

Tucker Carlson Accuses Fox News of Fraud, Contract Breach

Axios reported Tuesday that Carlson is considering litigation against Fox News, which reportedly is trying to prevent him from ending his contract – that runs through January 2025 – and starting a new show.

According to Axios, “The aggressive letter from his lawyers to Fox positions Carlson to argue that the noncompete provision in his contract is no longer valid — freeing him to launch his own competing show or media enterprise.”

The letter came just before Carlson announced on Twitter that he would be bringing his show to the social media platform, signaling that his legal team believes it can argue that Fox News violated its contract with Carlson first, freeing him from it.


PREMO Member
🔥 The big media news yesterday was that Tucker Carlson is re-starting his colossally popular show on … wait for it … Twitter. Corporate media promptly reacted to the news by freaking out. In the clip below, you’ll see the first example of corporate media’s take: it’s right-wing extremist.

GUEST: “Will anybody be able to police what Carlson says? Or is this the point? It’s just a free for all?”

HUMAN POTATO: “I think this is the point, this IS a free for all… this move by Tucker may cement the idea that Twitter is a right-wing website.”

Brian Stelter was reacting to yesterday’s video clip announcing Tucker’s new show, which will be broadcast on Twitter’s brand-new subscription service. Over at CNN Business, they weren’t even trying to appear unbiased, labeling Tucker a “right wing extremist” in the lead graf of a straight news piece:

Well, I guess it’s fair, in a sense, since Tucker started the name-calling. In his video, Tucker said that traditional news outlets — corporate media — are liars, more defined by what they intentionally and deceivingly DON’T tell us:

You often hear people say the news is full of lies … At the most basic level, the news you consume is a lie. A lie of the stealthiest and most insidious kind. Facts have been withheld on purpose. Along with proportion and perspective. You are being manipulated.

How does that work? … If [I say a man has been unjustly arrested] and I don’t mention the same man has been arrested for the same crime six times before, am I really informing you? No, I’m misleading you.

… The rule of what you CAN’T say defines everything.

Elon Musk was paying close attention to Tucker’s announcement and was one of the first to respond. Elon confirmed that, first, Tucker has no special deal with Twitter, no contract or agreement. Second, Elon suggested that Tucker will be using Twitter’s subscriptions feature, which allows content creators to earn a living either from user-supported or advertising-based models:

The takes range from white-hot outrage from the Left, who’d hoped that Tucker would languish forever in contractual Hades, to marveling at Musk’s unbelievable coup, somehow stealing the highest-watched regular news programming in history from Fox onto the Twitter platform.

This potentially signals a seismic shift in the media landscape. If Tucker’s new show is successful, which seems likely, who or what else could move to Twitter, to enjoy the independence and have control of one’s own destiny?

There’s a fancy word for this phenomenon: disintermediation. Getting rid of the middleman. Since corporate media outlets no longer do original investigative reporting, they all get their news from press releases and local outlets, and Tucker can do the exact same thing.

Twitter isn’t slowing down. Musk also announced some pretty significant new Twitter features yesterday, including fully-encrypted (allegedly) direct messages and voice/video calls to other twitter users without needing a phone number.

What do you suppose a completely-unlimited Tucker is going to look like? Things are happening fast.



Well-Known Member
The problem with Tucker going to Newsmax or OAN or any of the others is - I'm probably not firing up the app just to watch him. It was just easier to flip the channel to Tucker when it was primetime - but I've never turned to an app for news unless it was LIVE news.

I am probably not going to watch or interact with his new Musk supported venue.

Newsmax, OAN and the others suffer from the fact that cable companies either don't carry them - or in the case of Newsmax - WON'T carry them.