Work Bathroom Etiquette


Baby blues
Ladies...guys go away...we all know that the stalls in our work bathrooms have nifty little trashcans in each one - often hanging right on the wall. We all know what that trash can is for. My question is this -- when you deposit your item into this little specialty trash can do you wrap it in toilet paper first? I do. It isn't that much of an extra step and I'd REALLY appreciate it if the women around here would. :dead:


I am so very blessed
I wrap mine thoroughly in tissue and deposit it in the regular wastecan by the sink, trying to position it so that it isn't right on top. Yuck.

I don't know how regularly the stall trash cans are emptied, and I don't want to risk it lingering in there for more than a few hours.


All Up In Your Grill
Tinkerbell said:
Ladies...guys go away...we all know that the stalls in our work bathrooms have nifty little trashcans in each one - often hanging right on the wall. We all know what that trash can is for. My question is this -- when you deposit your item into this little specialty trash can do you wrap it in toilet paper first? I do. It isn't that much of an extra step and I'd REALLY appreciate it if the women around here would. :dead:

I totally agree with you gurl...

I just wish I had read this AFTER I finished my tuna sub. :dead:


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell said:
Ladies...guys go away...we all know that the stalls in our work bathrooms have nifty little trashcans in each one - often hanging right on the wall. We all know what that trash can is for. My question is this -- when you deposit your item into this little specialty trash can do you wrap it in toilet paper first? I do. It isn't that much of an extra step and I'd REALLY appreciate it if the women around here would. :dead:

i am sorry but that is so foul if they don't, that is so freakin nasty... oh gross :barf:

yeah the men better leave this one..... all the guys i have ever known hate talk of that sorta stuff. My cousin had her baby a few weeks ago and i was over visiting her and after oogling the baby for awhile i said "so how is your bleeding, everything good in that department" i thought her husband was gonna :faint: he jsut shook his head and walked away in disgust :lmao:


Baby blues
SoMDGirl42 said:
awwwww you have the dot and it's a blue :moon: :bawl: :gossip: must have it too. Kinda biatchy.

BTW: I wrap my deposits :killingme
:eyebrow: I'm not sure who :gossip: is... but biatchness is allowed when the dot approacheth. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
I was a lunatic when I was pregnant with #2. Never did I have PMS or ANY indication that my friend was on her way. Now.... I get so #####y the week before everyone can tell. I use to think it immature to blame #####iness on hormones. Now I'm singin' a different tune.


All Up In Your Grill
pixiegirl said:
I was a lunatic when I was pregnant with #2. Never did I have PMS or ANY indication that my friend was on her way. Now.... I get so #####y the week before everyone can tell. I use to think it immature to blame #####iness on hormones. Now I'm singin' a different tune.

Good Lord, Woman! How long have you been pregnant?

I mean...

What's changed?

I mean...

Hey pixie!!! :howdy:


Cleopatra Jones
Tinkerbell said:
Don't worry :huggy: It's not PMS - it's her personality. :biggrin:

:diva: I'm kinda crazy now but it's fun I don't give a crap crazy. I was mad #####y stay very far away lunatic before. :lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB
pixiegirl said:
I was a lunatic when I was pregnant with #2. Never did I have PMS or ANY indication that my friend was on her way. Now.... I get so #####y the week before everyone can tell. I use to think it immature to blame #####iness on hormones. Now I'm singin' a different tune.

Oh honey, hormones are awful. I used to never believe in pms till 6 months before my hysterectomy. Every month a couple days before the dot, I would either cry or wanna fight the old man. Now.....many years later, menopause is taking over my hormones and when the moods get swinging, you better run for cover. I get just enough advance notice for you to pack your bags. Ill let you know when its safe to return. :huggy:


Lobster Land
I know my input wasn't requested but I was involved with a new volunteer organization building some years ago. We got those cans and I had to ask what they were for and where they went and then got to dump them. Tuna fish smells way better. What really irked me was during a rental the plumbing backed up and I had to tell everyone to leave. Next day got a plumber out and he cleaned out the pipe to find it was clogged with those ?things?. Please ladys, do not just drop them in the toilet.


Cleopatra Jones
baileydog said:
Oh honey, hormones are awful. I used to never believe in pms till 6 months before my hysterectomy. Every month a couple days before the dot, I would either cry or wanna fight the old man. Now.....many years later, menopause is taking over my hormones and when the moods get swinging, you better run for cover. I get just enough advance notice for you to pack your bags. Ill let you know when its safe to return. :huggy:

A girlfriend of mine can tell immediately. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I love it when you're PMSing!" I'll look at a calendar and she's always right. I don't even like myself for one week a month. But as soon as she gets here I'm fine.


Cleopatra Jones
oldman said:
I know my input wasn't requested but I was involved with a new volunteer organization building some years ago. We got those cans and I had to ask what they were for and where they went and then got to dump them. Tuna fish smells way better. What really irked me was during a rental the plumbing backed up and I had to tell everyone to leave. Next day got a plumber out and he cleaned out the pipe to find it was clogged with those ?things?. Please ladys, do not just drop them in the toilet.

They're biodegradable. If you're not on a septic system there is no reason in the world not to flush them.


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
They're biodegradable. If you're not on a septic system there is no reason in the world not to flush them.
they do get stuck though... this is terrible :killingme a friend of mine (who is super hot, kinda looks like tom brady) brought his new snoby, super perfect looking girlfriend to a get together and wouldn't you know it she flushed one down the toilet and it backed up the toilet :killingme i know that is evil of me to think her pain is funny... oh well i guess i can be :evil:


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell said:
Ladies...guys go away...we all know that the stalls in our work bathrooms have nifty little trashcans in each one - often hanging right on the wall. We all know what that trash can is for. My question is this -- when you deposit your item into this little specialty trash can do you wrap it in toilet paper first? I do. It isn't that much of an extra step and I'd REALLY appreciate it if the women around here would. :dead:

papertowel that i grab when i first walk in, by habit